Testing the "Guerrilla Warfare" update

The test server is available from September 27th 12:00 (UTC) to September 30th 12:00 (UTC)

Download the test server client | Preliminary patch notes | Report a bug!

What is a Test Server

This is a separate game server to which your account is copied. The next update is already available on this server, and every Enlisted player on PC can participate in testing it before the official release. To get on the server, you need to download a special client and install it separately from the main game client.

The actions performed on the test server and the earned progression will not be transferred to the main game server.

Your feedback is important

This is the main purpose of testing — to find and fix bugs in the upcoming update before its release, and to discuss with you ideas on how to make the update even better.

Feel free to leave your feedback on the update in this topic, and any bugs you find can be submitted via the link in the header of this announcement.

Thank you for helping us make Enlisted better!


Continuing the discussion from Preliminary patch notes for the "Guerrilla Warfare" update:

This is really good news! Can you now make smoke artillery cooldown separate from normal arty cooldown?


More test server rewards when?

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My feedback on collecting feedback:
Maybe on the test server give everybody some gold so they can unlock and test stuff that is being added? Or at least unlock it if you are affraid ppl will play around with other things instead of testing.


what’s the conversion rate?

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Anyone got stats for the obrez guns?



Russian one

German one

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I see USSR 17pdr and Japan Pak40 in the editor.
Are they place holder or dev are too lazy to make new one for those faction.


dam the research to silver is already here huh that quite quick (too bad im doing event rn)

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Probably want more cheaper premium squads for low income


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so 1 million research will give just 20k silver, enough to buy 4 tier III soldiers

I guess that’s better than the original rate of 10k silver/million research, still doesn’t seem worth it imo


Note about Marders:

  • they might be uptiered at br3. They use a br1 chassis, no lmgs, open top… etc. Imo should be br2.

Reason: they are essentially engineers built AT canons. But on threads.


Would anyone be so kind as to show the stats of the FN Browning Auto 5 ?


For more improvement as well as bringing back older squads like the “coach Shaw but also more rework for players who are not playing well as aircraft” I want to say that I want something like war thunder type of air situation.

Actual spit in my face


Can we get this separate game client available on console?

If no

Then this is the largest sack of bull that the developers have ever said


I think guerillas are just way better assaulters…


  • have a build-in large ammo pouch AND a secondary
  • 5 TNTs or 1 of other regular mines
  • could pick up full ammo guns from ground; also able to traverse greyzone
  • 5.3% sprint speed as a base skill
  • while also have solid stats to easily pick all 16 point skills with no problem

Basically they’re better assaulters… like stupidly better with no drawback or limitation whatsoever (unless you’re 'nade spammer type).


Sucks don’t it? Having to rely on the charity of the pc master race. Should join me in my campaign of trying to get the developers to put the test server on console too


This is the news I’ve been waiting for

I would like to ask you one question
Are you preparing a plan to allow the weapons used in premium squads and event squads to be used in regular squads as well?
This is all I want :slight_smile: