Do not allow Guerrillas inside the greyzone

Hello Bajtársak and fellow forumdwellers!
First of all, I have pre-ordered the premium squads

I do not support grey zone camping and the guerrilla squads with their current mechanics will not solve it.

Others have already pointed out the two most important flaws of this class:

There is literally nothing stopping players from hiding behind the enemies spawn and shooting them from behind. This was literally the number one problem of train escort and now the problem is migrated to the entire game.
While the idea itself was not bad, it is too expolitable in its current form because Darkflow is too lazy to draw unique battle area for the guerilla class.

The second problem:
They have a lot of fire power especially in BR1-2.

These guys are not lightly or untrained partisans with rusty firearms, they are elite commando.

Honestly just scrap the idea of a greyzone entering class, players will only use it to mine rallies/roads and camp the spawn point.
This class will stay OP even without the ability to grey zone camp. Instead of that guerrillas should have bigger play area to the sides of the map so they can flank.

thank you for your time and attention.


Quit complaining. We will need these guys to deal with campers and greyzoning tanks. The boundaries in this game are awful especially the ones with an urban environment


this new class will become greyzone campers too…


imo there was zero need for this class when planes and AT guns exist, especially since we’re getting better AT guns Soon[TM]


well just have a match today where no one go tank and this would have been semi useful (i went tank but as always german tank just sit in gray zone while i cant get a line of sight without it killing me

in this situation this class could have been quite useful from the look of it (but i wont judge for now since i havent try it yet

Not everyone has planes

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Huh? Literally everyone starts with at least 1 plane squad?


Well, F2Ps have to choose between a plane or a tank so it’s unfair to assume that everyone automatically gets that shit


There is an opportunity cost. If these players stay forever in the greyzone then they are not stacking bodies on the control point and they can’t build rallies to help support team pushes and this is only amplified by them not having class specialists.


I love how well aware you are about the toxic nature of this class but choose to ignore it for some selfish reason.

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but… they all do automatically get 1 plane for each nation, yes they can choose not to use it, but that’s a user problem, not a game problem.

Not even taking into account AT guns, other players who can and do take out planes, tanks, mortar squads, call artillery, all can deal with tanks in greyzone! So no, I still don’t see a need for guerillas, especially since they can easily spawn camp the enemy, and vice versa

imo the vast majority of the time a greyzoning tank is only alive because a team fails to communicate (mark tank for bombs/mortar/AT gunner/friendly tanks). If a team is communicating, marking targets, a tank will not be able to camp in the greyzone, as there are plenty of ways to destroy him


F2P can now take Plane + free spawnable Tank so? Besides it’s a self inflicted wound by the greedy devs we should be able to unlock two more slots for free by using silver.


In Devs mind this squad will be used as Anti tank squad 95% of the time, while in reality people will ignore tanks since they don’t have at launcher and will just camp enemy infantry behind cover 99% of the time.


Well I agree they wont solve it sadly

Well I really doubt a class with SMGs can spawn camp effectively I don’t know can they equip assault rifles maybe then they can but first you need to get this 4 guys to the spawn point undetected then you if you kill one squad then the guy know you are spawn camping and will be ready for you. So I don’t see how squad of 4 smg guys can spawn camp maybe against new players will work but at BR III + really don’t see how they can spawn camp if they have only SMGs the second problem is is it worth it to spawn camp since if you have taken you so much time to go to the spawn point and you get killed you have just wasted a lot of time to be honest to me this class is worse medic class and recon all this 3 classes will see very limited play specially in High BRs 4 guys vs Squad of 9 guys with M2 carabine good luck xD

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Agree, it’s complete debacle. It’s way worse than I imagined it could ever be.

I believe there’s no need for such feature. And ammo for enemy weapons by itself is enough to make this class unique.

They should seriously rethink implementation of this ultra toxic greyzone feature.


Well I also don’t see much need of it i have created an option for similar class

OSS Premium Squad - Suggestions - Enlisted

Where they function a bit like paratroopers but they can call the crate for changing weapons like radio operators instead of being jumped so this gives them flexibility

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but you already have all tools to deal with greyzone tanks. you just choose not to use them.

that is why you have few other counters. AT guns, AT rocket launchers, other tanks and AT mortar. currently only US and japan suffer from not being able to penetrate high BR tanks with those weapons, but they just need to buff them.

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Well that’s like 50% of the factions … AT mortar only if we had our buildable rocket mortar :


and Type 90 75 mm field gun:

And also make rocket artillery available to all radio operators and be usable in the gray zone and the problem with gray zone tank camping will be fixed specially for heavy tanks however this doesn’t change the fact that some doom turtles need their speed nerfed and other tanks from BR IV speed buffed so there is some balance between tanks


At this is point it is rather obvious that the whole talking about the “grey-zone tanks” was just a convenient excuse for a desire of spawn-camping :sleeping:

Shame that Gaijin decided to trust dumb-liars than regular players.


As much as I hate the greyzone tank campers, this “guerrilla” class is a terrible idea. These “freedom fighters/guerrilla’s” who made up a fraction of a percent in the actual war are going to end up accounting for half of the squads on maps like D Day. This game is going to be CoD before we know it.