Testing the "Guerrilla Warfare" update

A Single Soldier in the hands of a tryhard outweights 70% of enemy Team all day.
Now they can run around freely inside the enemy zone without having to conserve or worry about ammo…
If you don’t see the problem there! :rofl:

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Is anyone else having trouble finding a lobby on the test server?

are they green at least? as in event artillery squad green not normal jap green

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SOme Immersion breaking with Volksturm wtf ‘‘Guerillas’’ in Normandy, Stalingrad, Tunisia for sure

Which squads can use the Marders?

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my feedbacks;

the good:

new uniforms, new map areas, new weapons, and the new vehicles ( as well as the markings and suspensions ). and above all, we get to keep our research points as well as the new squads having a reasonable price.

i love all of them.

and i truly mean it. new assets are just great and perfect.
above all, more volkssturm squads. my weakness.

the bad

well… i guess on the bright side, we get to keep those. so… kinda good. bot not great.

  • HS anti tank plane
    this thing should not be br I but br III

    i mean. sure. it flies like a brick, not a whole lot of ammo and it’s not that great when it comes to dog fight. but it’s still a tank hunter.

  • marders being br III
    marders should be br II because:

  1. germany lacks early BR TDs ( literally, they only have the italian tank destroyer as low br TD )
  2. both are open top
  3. glass cannons
  4. panzer IVs & Stug IIIs are at BR III. which not many people would use any of the marders over the listed TDS & actual Tanks with turrets.
  5. equal as a kv1? kv1 is “fine” at br III, but the marders are considered as equal?

the ugly

  • the new premium paratrooper br I squad
    this one, i’ll admit. i may be speaking from my own :peach: ( as those cannot be tried in the callisto server )
    what i dont like about this squad is that they are italians, yet they are wearing german equipment ( so the community manager claimed ).
    which if that is the case… why.
    just… why.

but if they are actually german, than why are they using an italian weapon?

wasn’t the g40k rifle in the editor a better pick?

  • guerrillas / partisan themselves
    as much i like the new class as playable units for their look and idea,

the implementation is really bad.
they can just… spawn camp.

idk how fun that can really be.

granted. it’s only a squad.

but still.

also, i do not really like how they come with rifle pouches or other type of weapons, yet the only weapon they can use, are smgs.
not even bolt action rifles. i do not like it of one bit.
i should be able to use SA rifles or at least bolt action rifles.

even customization is somewhat ridiculous.

why in the hell the british commandos / partisans can wear americans clothing?

no one actually stepped back and realized " wait, something is wrong "

like in the photo. british having sten and bren magazines pouches with us camos? that’s ugly and horrible to see.

volkssturm in moscow, tunisia, normandy & stalingrad?

i don’t claim the game was historical as much as you guys do.

but like. it’s infuriating because the customization for squads is lacklaster because of you guys claiminubg that it was for historical reasons. ( yet the customization is still lacklaster. and those few options aren’t historical either )

and last thing but not the last about partisans,

they break modded missions and ruin the experience of how they were designed.
not to mention, it considerably adds up time and counter measures that modders have now to implement in their missions.

but most of the time, there are no counter measures other than placing tall walls that makes everything ugly. but in certain instances, not even tall walls can save you because such class can just spawn camp from behind the other team side.

and even after 4 days the class were announced, not a single developer came forward to present a code on how their feature can be deactivated.

  • premium partisans cannot change their appearance to non volkssturm units
    unlike the TT version.

no reasons, no exscuses.

  • plane tree summer camouflage still being broken after A YEAR. ONE, EFFING. YEAR.

the top should look like the bottom.

despite being " acknowledged " it’s still not fixed.


same goes for patches over the shoulder on US tunics.
which the tanker was buyable, but it’s still not fixed either:

or the " switch team " issue for customs.
or the server issues with customs.
or the mods not loading properly.


just… wow.

sometimes i wonder what’s the reason for a bug report site if nothing of what gets reported gets fixed.

  • new ““animations””
    i’m sorry, but the new animations are still effed up and weird/gittery.

like, if you move from the side, the character looks stiff.

when crouching and moving, the feet becomes an actual ARC.
the soldier dislocates his back feet just to move lmao.

the " climbing and fire one shoot while the hands are still lowered " it’s still there.

essentially, to keep it short, you can just climb and fire one " hipfire " shot at the enemy.
but for the enemy, the animations is still playing with the lowered weapon being on the surface.

in conclusion

i could talk for hours about what isn’t in this update. such as lack of customization, lack of roundels , iconic insignias, custom content for modded missions, and the list could go on.
but that’s not a fair assessment. so i’ll just limit my self to what is presented in this " major " update.

overall, my score for this update it’s a 6
not that aweful, but bad enough to have some severe repercussions both for the base game, and custom matches. it doesn’t help that… it doesn’t really feel major compared to previous actual major updates.

but maybe i’m wrong.


As always Germans getting nerfed when compared to the Soviets. Dmg should be the same, recoil could be a bit worse but such low dmg is just unacceptable.


only one squad can use these tds.

and i doubt you, ( or anyone ) is going to use them in that squad when you have panzers IIIs, panzer IVs etc in said squad. which… you know. they actually have armor and a turret.

not to mention, you are forced to at least unlock the first marder:


okay but im still waiting on that lootbox thing they mentioned like 2 months ago because i want the g43 8mm kurz

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Looks like the rifleman squad green if you ask me. :smiling_face_with_tear:

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they are.
however they do at least come with some pouches.

so, they may have not new uniforms.
but it kinda make sense since they are considered a scout/recon battalion.
opposed as being just civis.

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dam anyway now adam can have his lovely grind since conversion rate is not that good (i bet he like it)

A 7-man squad with 4 assaulters vs 4-man with assaulters+ that can go into grey zone and forever stay there with just their main guns (and secondary)… Sure… Not having an engineer is probably a ‘trade off’ but being able to pick up any guns with full ammo pretty much negate that, leaving making rally and structures as valid arguements. But then again… you have at least 2 other squad slots to bring as many engineers as you want… and if you’re gonna build something you have to stay outta grey zone anyway. And about radio operators… you can call in an arty like once every 4 minutes, any time outside that they’re just another infantry. And again, you have 2 other squads to do that even if you’re F2P

But yeah, if you’re gonna use guerillas as a regular assaulter squad, staying in regular battle area, then they’re probably a bit less versatile… but I don’t think the issue belongs to guerillas at that point.

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I only have the premium guerillas but they are showing up fine for me


Aww man.

It is just that is the sole squad where I can use my SG Panzer IV G because the original use already uses the StuG F. Fuck my life.

so i cant switch the premium weapon down to 2nd slot? dam

Can you show me the cosmetics of the 2 premium squads in all campaigns? I really want to see…

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Yep. True. But if are they are scouts why don’t they get this outfit? No harm in spicing things up a little bit. However, I do have a tiny bit of hope for the event squad.


USSR Guerrillas


Germany Guerrillas



when german 100 rounds mg?

at this point i hope end GE soon to finally rest from this hell