Testing the "Guerrilla Warfare" update

Why this toxic nonsesical squad can have primary weapon with big ammo bag and slot for secondary simultaneously???


Yeah this is just ridiculous lmao they should NOT be able to go all the way behind enemy spawns

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normal tt version also have it tho (but you have to grind it first of course)

Well, it’s BS. Then I have no clue why radioman has to suffer with 2 weapons. Not having option to take big ammo bag instead.


Now think about medics, no ammo bags no secondary weapon. Power creep is a bitch in this game. Soon we will have class with large ammo bag, large backpack, large nade pouches and secondary weapon slot.

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No comment. VS armbands by default in Stanligrand. Is this a joke?

Who the hell is working on customization? The consistent incompetence is unbelievable.
Someone else should take care of customization. This is not a first time. This continuous issue for several months (if not the years).
Just put someone competent there.

I am extremely disappointed and irritated.

I’m really starting to regret downloading the test server at all lol. Friday is ruined.


Yep. Spotted this as well. Looks really odd.

No Spersh or anything to deal with KT Hs for the yanks

Just bomb it))

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Yeah, it’s truly a fascinating they still haven’t added Super Pershing. It has been one year since its announcement.


The only thing it would change is a bigger target for the KTH but at least I’d feel better knowing we’re at the very least pretending to balance armor instead of handing free Ws to the krauts

The Pershing part was easy, but making it super is really hard for DF. That’s why they haven’t added the super bazooka either

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Fr wouldn’t take them long at all to ai generate it

WTF! yeah that’s bad. REALLY bad

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DF tends to ignore feedback so I assume he just gave up on it.

While i don’t care about it personally the game not having HA uniforms is a pretty reasonable thing to complain about.

German Paras used M38!

Yep, they actually did, surprisingly


that is much true.

but one of the following, isn’t:

  • italians using m38s dressed up as germans

  • germans using m38s dressed up as germans yet speaks italians.

you just can’t make this up.

speaking of these paras.

was there really the necessity to make two identical items just named differently?

they wear the same helmet of the premium Rider squad:


and these new para squads, has the same exact helmet, except it’s a new one. like, they cloned an already existing piece ( despite being identical to the other one. which… it already existed prior to this one )




Lmao, maybe they are cosplaying

dumbest shit ever. Partisans supposed to be Scarecly armed with whatever they could.
Shit trained and go for hit and run away and hide tactics.
THese guys will be Special Forces Rambo


I mean, that wouldn’t be very fun to play as, would it? Giving them a drum PPSH-41 or two guns at once is kinda goofy, but at the same time I don’t blame the devs for making them play aggressively.