Testing the "Guerrilla Warfare" update


Picture of Lithuanian partisans they could model after for German outfits

(This is what good feedback looks like)

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I really don’t like this update at all.

But one thing I really appreciate. Instead of lazy copy paste, they actually created different models for Obrez. A unique model for the Soviet mp40 and a unique name for the German pps.

One :+1: big for that. It would be great if they could retrospectively adjust soviet lend lease items (namely Stalingrad Thompson and m1 bazooka) and captured pfausts in similar manner.


@ErikaKalkbrenner you shouldn’t really be surprised about this cloning stuff after what they did to the oakleaf camo in-game. They have a knack for making duplicates of stuff and messing things around. Lol. :joy:

You can easily camp and spawnkill enemy team. Giving them large ammo bags and unlockable secondary weapon+pistol was a mistake, what’s the point of scavenging weapon if you will start with more ammo than an assaulter??? It’s the same mistake you did with Paratroopers and their AT gunner loadout that gives them more Rockets than actual AT gunner.


Was that a mistake or intentional? I mean, AT gunners would be limited to how much could be reasonably carried into battle, but paratroopers could have a lot more panzerfausts or whatever dropped with them if they are gonna use them as soon as they drop, right?

Still dumb from a balance standpoint but I could see some logic for why that could be done.

That would be a great addition. I also agree that the German obrez should be renamed, it is pretty silly. I mean, they probably should’ve gotten a stockless MP40 or something, but still.


Ammo boxes don’t give ammunition above sandard ammount so I don’t see why paratrooper boxes should.

Personally, as it happened the 2nd time, I chose to believe this may be an intentional “bug” to make premium stuff sell better at premiere. Later it will be fixed.


Same way the PPSH41 box dispersion is a “bug”?


That’s a great point, I never thought about that

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Fun fact.

Newly added event NKVD squad has only winter outfit options for Berlin campaign.


I don’t fault them for that, the outfit they come with is cool as fuck and I would use it everywvere

for your interest

They defualt spawns are encircled by spawn protection. But you can operate within the whole enemy’s battle zone otherwise.


Sure but they shouldn’t be able to pick up ALL ROCKETS AT ONCE they should pick only a few while in game paratroopers can carry like 12 of them at once. This is just pure comedy. Make them pick up only like 3-4 of them each time they touch para box instead taking all and making actual AT gunners completely obsolete.


I think this is partly because tanks usually spawn further away and often camp around their spawn areas (like in Normandy).
But yeah, still not noice.

Please pay more attention with the customization.

People are endeared to their nations and the idea of historical units…

It really takes away from it when they don’t look like (or cant look like) what they are meant to be…

Aussies without slouch’s and American uniform options

Winter gear in the desert

Italian paras in German gear

Details matter! And you have the right cosmetics available…its not hard.

At this point you might Aswell unlock all cosmetics to all theatres and “let us make them for you”

Get someone in the cosmetics department to do a little research (one look on google search) or at least common sense.

People would be soo much happier, and to your benefit for barely any work…

Details matter


3 days to test?
That’s 50% more than usual… might even be worthwhile spending (wasting) my time on it.

It’s complete copypaste
Plue the auto 5 doesn’t look like ones Japan used

More disappointing they gave Japan no more equipment then just another copypaste weapon.

I tried. The download was going to take until Monday so I eventually gave up and deleted the files. 159 KB/s.

Did you… BUY the commandos premiums?

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some (or lack of) decisions are just beyond me. They even have the assets already.

like …

… why not?