Testing the "Guerrilla Warfare" update

I was really excited to hear that there was a Australian unit in the tech tree and even more when i read it was a very cool commando unit, when i got it and looked around i was sad to see 99% us customization options, no British or aussie faces or even options for proper Australian or British uniforms besides the shirts which are glitched in the apperance menu as seen

I really hope they can switch the customization, I know a lot of people wont care but a lot of people would also appreciate proper uniforms and faces


Really Excited about the Duck. (HS-129)

I Know I already posted above Feedback on the Gunsight For the HS-129, I want to expand a little

I just want to add this applies to SOC-1 Seagull, SBD-3 Dauntless, A5M4, D3A1, D4Y1

So its not that there isn’t enough Zoom, its that there is a 2 stage optics sight absent from Enlisted.

Please add these, It will be a boon for the aircraft in question. Give them something unique. If it cant be added please increase the Magnification.

  • Also there is a gunsight missing in the cockpit view of the HS-129


Bombsights too for planes like the Su2, 2, SB-2, JU 188 , AP-1 Etc

HS 129 B-3


SOC-1 Seagull


SBD-3 Dauntless








Thanks (I probably missed some planes)


First those.

Then, actual bomb sights for things like A20… Ju… the Soviets planes with 6x bombs… you know, bombers!


Exactly. I was excited too, and would be so over the moon if it had the right cosmetics or the ones that made the most sense. But as they are…Im left feeling “bumbed” when I should be “ecstatic”


Marder Feedback

I feel they are BR 2 vehicles opposite SU 76M, Turreted versions outdo them and are less vulnerable.

None of these Vehicles Have the ability for the Commander to pop out and use SMG even though its open top and would be so easy…

  • Marder III
  • Marder III H
  • Dicker Max
  • Su 76M



The Marder IIIs even have Handrailing!


These tanks can pop out but cant use personal weapons.

  • Achillies
  • M10
  • Hellcat
  • I dont have the Japanese ones to confirm

I know its not Hard to Add because a Modder made it available for the Dicker Max in his mission with limited tools.



Sure I got one:

The developers screwed up the pump animation for the Ithaca 37. It must return to its previous pump animation (play FACE_TAC WILD WEST Gun Game to see the original animation). I would’ve never suggested it be in the game if they were going to screw it up that badly.

are the uniform suppose to have camo patterns? they dont seem to be while is shows on preset image


Given that they stated one of the main selling points for the premium guerillas is the outfits you’d think they would pay attention to uniforms more :sob:


They should give it that magnification, which would make it much more usable, but at the same time it should NOT be BR1 lol. That will just get used to bully people in low tier matches like crazy, it should be BR3 or 4 even, where it would still be a viable meme plane.

All the other planes with effective anti tank weapons are way higher than BR1.

Im not particularily fussed. The Duck is an absolute Boat and an easy target for “ANYTHING” in the sky, just like war thunder…the slightest bit of engine damage and it goes down. (BR 3 is too high for its performance and it only has 13 rounds, which are really bad vs other planes)

Also there are BR 1cannon Birds for USA/UK and Soviets that can do far more, including defending themselves (granted they are premium): Hurricane 40mm, Lagg 3-34

That’s fair, but I don’t think a plane should be able to get a gun 2 BRs below the ground version. That’s just ridiculous. If the long 75 is too powerful for a Marder to be put in tier 2, it should definitely not be on a tier 1 vehicle


well yeah Im adamant the Marder belongs in BR 2 aswell :laughing: opposite Su 76m

but sure, what you say is fair also

All the tank destroyers should be downtiered or reworked tbh. I think the Stug III should stay in tier 3 but get a rooftop machine gun, and the Marder should be downtiered.


1. Marder III and Marder III H - decrease the BR


So true bestie


Oh did you see that the BR 3 Yak 9k now has 45MM APHE rounds? that is going to be faaaaar stronger all round than the duck :laughing:

I mean, even if it’s bad against other planes, it has 135mm of pen which can take out just about anything if you just backshot it. And 13 rounds is a lot compared to anti tank rockets or bombs. I feel like making it be a high skill ceiling mid-high BR for people to take out IS2s with would be better than it being available to bully new players with at low BRs.

Hell, you could even front pen a lot of tanks if you get the angle right.

Give the commander of the “Marder III” and the “Marder III (H)” the opportunity to look over the platform. At least when driving you can keep a better overview over the battlefield


Idk I’m just really opposed to the idea of a plane that can one shot anything in its BR with ease. With APHE you wouldn’t even need to aim and could probably take out any tank in that BR, and a lot of people at lower BRs will be bad pilots in also shitty planes.

I get where you are coming from. I just see it slightly differently

It will be a 1 trick pony. Its niche is blowing up tanks. It will be at the Mercy of Every plane and AA starting at BR 1. Even the starter biplanes can bully Ducks.

Thats just the way I see it. It has One job, and its very good at that 1 job, and terrible at everything else.

The pen is Huge but also over kill when shooting from above. 37mm NAS and 40mm Hurricane have more than enough pen already.

Any way. I think we can agree to disagree. Id go no higher than BR 2 with the Duck.