Temporarily available: Engineer squads

Type 38 costs 3750 gold
Kbsp costs 3550
The US/Japan engineers cost 2415 gold with the discount

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Thats a lot for a 4 man squad



Can you guys put the Jagdpanther back on the store?

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I love how the devs are just trolling the no lifers by just teasing them next update will be focused on the fall of leaf’s in game and the wind after this the rain drops in the water :rofl: :joy: :rofl:


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I love broken weapons sold at maximum price, such a nice marketing policy :hugs:

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September 2025 Soon™ I guess. :sweat_smile:


Speaking of Engineers

Make MG Nest a default building. It’s silly that it’s restricted while AT and AA guns are easily unlocked

Give the Soviets a proper AT gun

Heavy Mortars can be the Mortar squad’s unique building

Infantry Support Guns can be a new default building for well infantry support

Flak Cannons can be the AT squad’s unique building


Was so excited when seeing engeneer with american and japanese so have think it was the event for assault engeneer but nope just shop item.

Shame the Fallschirmjager Gewehr 41 Engineer squad wasn’t returned….

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Any chance you can bring back the Australian/Japanese snipers back for sale? Or the Panzer 4 J armoured?

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It is a very nostalgic premium squad. I bought it when Japan did not exist.

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since we can buy it is it planned to fix this "awesome reload " ?

meanwhile the minor update


To me this seems pretty expensive for those Squads. Is there anything special that would justifie that pricetag?

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I think that since the dev team announced the upcoming release of extra specialists for premium squads it would be better to start adding them as per the limited event release.

Example we know from the recent Winchester G30R squad that 4 man enginner squads could be getting an extra radio operator.

Would it not be good value to release this Type 38 + Kbsp squads with the additional radiomen for a limited time?

Would likely drive up the hype, not be OP and simply add value to players.



If the minor update comes in this month, are we gonna see the big update at the end of this same month or the minor update will move the major update further down the road?

I hope the Gerat 03 is Getting The Value BR 5 changed to BR 4 :crossed_fingers: :slight_smile: (winchester G30 M is 4 and thats a better squad, engineers)

It got looked at so why not finish the job (Changed mag size, might aswell fix the br number aswell)

Cant help but noticed they were super quick to Patch in Full Auto for AVS from vocal demand (and rightfully so)…Should be even quicker to change a “5” to a “4”


That would probably be way too soon.
I’m not sure how much these are connected since “different devs work on different things” but I would guess that DF spreads these updates as much apart as possible to always have some updates and events.
Based on the experience of previous major updates it will be released around half way through the battle pass.