This one is Short Sharp and Shiny. I think the Merits are pretty straight forward!

Move The Gerät to BR 4
*Major Point: There are NO other “Riflemen Semi Autos” in the game at BR 5. “Select Fire” takes over as the mainstay in BR 5
Possible “Semi Auto” Comparisons (BR 4):
- Gewer 43
- ZH-29
- Mondragon M1908
- SVT-40
- SVT-40 with Bubonv Drum
- Farquhar Hill M1918 (B10)
AS you can see from the stats card, It is very much inline with existing “Semi Auto Weapons” weapons in BR 4.
To Recap the more important characteristics on the Gerät (according to Paper and in Practice):
- 7th (last) in Damage
- 4th in Magazine Capacity
- 3rd (Tied with SVT-40 Bubnov) in Lowest Vertical Recoil
- 1st in Lowest Horizontal Recoil
- 5th (Tied With Mondragon) in Dispersion
It is also to be Noted that at 14.4 Damage, The Gerät is the “Only BR 4+ Semi Auto” severely affected by Soviet Body Armor + Vitaliy perk. (2 shots at all ranges)
Premium Squad
As this is a Premium Squad (and Limited), There should be emphasis on “appropriate” placement for the Enjoyment of the Patrons for their support.
NOTE: This squad has NO Engineer! We all know how big of a Downside that is! And has NO vitality perk or sprint perk, which is equally as big a deal
Potential Buffs: (not alternative - It belongs at BR 4)
- Damage is Much lower than All other BR 4 Semi Autos (Its actually BR 3 Damage). It could be increased a good margin and still be the lowest damage Semi Auto. (Again refering to Body armor + Vitality effect on this gun)
- Performance in practice is…wierd, and seemingly not presented in the stats. Dont know what to say about this.
- Engineer
- Potentially Better Attribute allocation
In Conclusion. Please Consider moving The Gerät to BR 4. Thanks!
Agree, Gerat definitely shouldn’t be BR5 imo. Especially when SF weapon (AKT 40) is BR4.
5 round difference isn’t good enough reason to put semi at higher BR than SF rifle with similar performance (when in semi mode).
for whatever reason, that made me remember the 14.4 damage interaction with Soviet Body armor + Vitality Perk. Have updated accordingly
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Lol, that’s funny. I get it. But I’m still happy to be of service.
You forgot to mention that the squad can’t even get vitality.
And seriously it “almost” starts to look like BR 3 squad when all downsides taken into account…
They can’t get sprint speed either.
Thank you, sir. Your contributions have been added
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the stg45 should be BR4 too because it has a ROF thats even SLOWER than the mkb42, so it has the least amount of firepower out of any STG
Im going one by one 
More to come. (Or until i feel its a pointless exercise)
And they also can’t get vitality.
If at least it had decent dispersion…
But poor accuracy COMBINED with lowest damage…
It wouldn’t even be offended if it were br3. Only thing preventing me for suggesting 3 instead of 4, is it would maybe be a tad much vs br2.
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I would be offended.
They better give it some buff rather than put it to BR3.
Boost damage, reduce atrocious dispersion and at br4 it would be swell.
Let’s do the most unethical thing and ask for add the full auto mode on it, maybe even with a monstrous recoil for balance, even because it was technically possible do it on it and as for every semi auto is true to
I don’t want another sf rifle… I just want my semi to be usable… 
I feel like these premiums don’t have many patrons haha
I stole your idea and format 
Fine be me! theres a few to do!