Temporarily available: Engineer squads

Overpriced premiums as always

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I highly doubt we will see Major update this quick. Last one was in 19 June 2024 which is 77 days ago. Usually they tease a new preorder premiums and TT unlocks about 2-3 weeks before next update and it’s nowhere to be seen so it’s at least month away :frowning_face:

Content drops definitely getting way too scarce especially if you don’t want to buy anything with real $$$, then as Germany you get absolutely nothing for the entire year except few gold order weapon reskins and boring Tiger 1 which was already in the files for long ass time (and was a WT port anyway). Yeah amazing.


Re-run of old prems, lol nope

Will the veteran box be released in the next update?

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Hi, welcome to the community!

As far as I know, nothing about the Veteran’s Box has been confirmed for the next update.

However, according to the (fairly) recent roadmap, it is almost ready. So as the saying goes: Soon™. :slight_smile:


could we get some more info on the upcoming Big update?
Like what will be some of the new vehicles and weapons?


No news today? Looks like it will be another disappointment with something like ‘falling raindrops on your tank’.


that good for me tbh but i do feel like it will be very Soon™

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Why ppl are so impatient?
Now you complain “why we have to wait” and later you will complain about a half baked update.
More patience and less sugar is my advice.


I don’t care about update. But I am impatient about events. They could have done another 6 day event easily. For example giving away twitch drop kar sniper this time. Literally nothing new needed.

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or more of those juicy engrave pistol i need 2 more for ussr and allies (cause i buy the german one and i already have jap one)

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It’s good to put all these graphical improvements in one nice devblog. I really appreciate the time and effort that has been put make the game look good. But the fact is that we have had no monthly event ever since the ones with the radio operators. And those squads are really not that good to be honest. And content drops have also become scarce in the past month or so. The BP is also a bit of a disappointment for me personally. That is why I really want to see some new cool stuff.

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This. Begining of WW2/VJ Day/Australia Day.


yea that understandable but if it mean they can get a major update out instead of 1 gimmick or 2 new premium i think it worth the wait personally (if it doesnt have bug)

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There will most likely be more than one major update this year only. This was highlighted by Major in one his recent streams. I get your point of quality over quantity. But even these old engineer squads are way overpriced.


Yeah, whatever xD I am primarily interested in appearance orders. Currently in middle of giving para outfits to my assault guys from 101th for every campaign.

click here


i know for a fact next update is a whole new frontline and new maps
But for chirst’s sake i wanna know more about it
I can wait years if i had to, i just wanna know what im waiting for

imagine flagging you for pointing out that they decided to sell a totally broken premium squad with an old G41 reload bug.

Imagine flagging posts anyway.

First and foremost:
1: Fix the squad itself and honor all of us who once bought it.
2: Don’t put it out on sale again before you fix it.

I think it’s a very bad business model to sell obviously broken stuff. You can do better.


yea they sure like to make me regret not buying them before they are gone but this time i’ll make sure to buy whatever premium they are vaulting so i dont regret it (only unique one that are decent tho)

anyway they are probably busy making manchuria map for that russian vs jap event i guess

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The problem with the paratrooper uniform is that: 1. We have incomplete sets. The sand coloured vest is not there in-game. We only have the pants. I am talking about the uniform of the founder’s pack Reising squad. 2. They look really barebones. They are paratroopers at the end of the day. Giving them a backpack by default in the back will make them look way better.