Submission thread for a cosmetics uniform's change of the premium APC units ( and possibly, options for future APC squads )


greetings, i’ll cut right through the point.

( i made a long and curated suggestion before, but for some reason, the draft was lost in the ether of the forum and now i’m slighlty pissed. also, without wasting anyone else time, let’s briefly cover the issues: )

so, i’ll start by saying that, as a huge halftrack proponent and among the first advocate for these from such a long time, i can say i’m happy halftracks are finally here. matter of fact, i did preordered the new premium squad:

but, just like anyone pointed out:


uniforms ARE terrible.

you’d think that for 40 bucks you’d at least get a cool vehicle with either a camouflage, or some sort of unique uniforms.

yet in the APC cases, nothing.

somewhat frustrating if we think about the tunisian bikes which are somewhat similar yet those did come with unique uniforms:


even worse, in my opinion, this is the new premium squad after merge, and they don’t come with more than one cosmetic set for at least two enivorments to at least cover more than one front based on their br.

and as people know me, i’m the type that doesn’t complain unless has a solution.

so… here i am.
with a solution!.

speaking of:


welcome to my cosmetic submission of cosmetic for these particular new premium squads and possibly, future premium squads too.

today’s main suggestion will aim to provide authentic uniforms for these type of units ( or close enough ).

and the way i wanted to go about this, was to provide various historical units with both winter and summer presets.

more precisely, 3 styles.
complete of both stylistic choice close enough to the real life counter part, and complete of pouches, bags, backpacks etc
( in order to avoid looking like some recruits illequipped rushed to the front… )
even 95% clipping free! ( i couldn’t… avoid certain specific instances, but hopefully you won’t notice them too much )

on top of showing my submission ,i will leave down below a link to the mod to get a better view of these uniforms from upclose.
all you will need to do, is copy the link, hop in the game, select germany or ussr, open a custom, paste the link, and you will be free to view the various uniforms. ( sorry, but the halftracks won’t be usable )

and since it’s christmas, i’ll be leaving down below for free the uniforms and sets for modders if they want to use them in their mod etc.

without further empty chatter, let’s begin:

Style 1:

style 1 aims to provide 2 sets based on the promotional picture trying to be mostly faitful, but to provide higher quality:


Feld Gray & Ameba Sets:

Feld grau Summer

Feld Grau Winter

Ameba Summer

Ameba Winter

Style 2

style 2 offers unique yet historical accurate uniforms from different periods.

for the sake of time and wanting to give planty of room for devs to implement them, i only came up with 2 sets for each side.

( i’ll start apologizing if soviet might not be 100% accurate. i tried my best but we are lacking majority of the real life uniforms )

Nkvd 8th motorized division

125th Panzergrenadier

38th Guard Motorized Infantry

19th Panzergrenadier

Style 3

and lastly, 2 additional sets, but these sets are special. in the sense, they are made with mods. and aren’t available in the game ( can be though. ) in certain areas, ( mostly for the soviets ) are a bit rough around the edges. more precisely, the collar tabs. as i can only change the textures based on present exiting textures and not upload my owns unfortunately.
with that being said, these sets tries to be more asset friendly within in the game.

which, i must admit, the germans ones are by far better and look close enough to existing pieces.

but, you can expect either unique pieces, or pieces that aren’t available in the base game
( such as long hats with balaclavas, custom made collar/rank tabs, custom ammunition belts, different colors of uniforms etc )

Cavalry Motorized Infantry Modded Sets

Sumpftarn Modded Set

Modded motorized set

Splint Modded Set


so yeah, those are my finest ( well, not all of them ) additions that i would like to see for this APC premium squad, or to see in the future for other squads too.

as far it goes for the community, let me, and the devs know which one you like more to see as an addition. ping it, highlight let everyone know!.

but that is all for me.

if you want to take a closer look, you can copy and paste this link when you are in a custom [DOES NOT WORK. THE NEW UPDATE BROKE IT].
and here is a small legend to orient your self since… we can’t place 3d texts unfortunately.

anyway, here are the raw scenes with various already made presets for modders and developers.
includes some camouflages too. but due to not having many historical ones, you might find cold war / modern ones.

scene.blk.txt (369.1 KB)
entities.blk.txt (9.9 KB)


p.s. i wanted to include a small trailer made by my own editor.
but due to the strict time lines, i’ll have to compromise.
also, sorry for not showing more upclose but it was somewhat simpler to simply show or make a mod about it and let people see them better.



If we cannot have a decent game mode for a time being can we please focus on the cosmetics so they’re not such a disaster

i hate doing rushed thing…

but it was either now, or quite possibly, never.

( even though i’m already having second thoughts about the chances of this ever happening )

but one must try. right?


It’s better than nothing so it’s best to go all in



anyway, what’s everyone’s favorite?

4 style for me





Because urban warfare to have interesting costumization possibilities

that’s … not the point of this thread.

customization should be totally different from what it is now.

as far as it goes, the styles were more of choices.

as, the first style, uses assets that are already in the game.

second style, uses assets within the editor,

and third style, uses new type of assets

so, it was more what would people would like to apply on this new squad instead.

i was planning to desert sets too.

but… don’t have much time.

and i figured, if were to be implemented, the ones above would do the job nicely for at least 3/4 campaigns alone


hold on, did you even read the suggestion?


The selections you have here are more interesting than what we have in the game by default



yeah… these are the modded sets.

( outside the winter cavalry units : )

i wanted to use the ussr helmets with slings down as present AND balaclavas.

but for some reason, the balaclavas clips too much unlike the german sets…

such a pity.

as for the others, a mix inspired to the silenced mp40s squad and mg 45 :slight_smile:

except, customs as we don’t have those in the editor either.

more of a reskin so to speak

Your suggestion with more work can be posted as rework for the whole costumization system, not just for the halftrack squad

Imo you should coperate with some other people this is a good base who can be expanded to something much more better in greater scale

Also for stay in topic

Urban style for berlin and stalingrad and normandy city would be greath even if just on the halftrack squad

since i’m at a it,

my own preferences would be:


as it goes for the modded ones:


The cosmetics department really needs a lot more help With how it’s looking most of the stuff is half baked


From what we have in game this would honestly just be an improvement

except i already did?

this one is primarily about the halftrack squad.

since… it’s of lower quality compared to almost any other ones.

i mean…

even james liked the base one:

there isn’t much else that can be done.

i mean, i can provide like i did here with already made presets, but even thogh i payed already a software designer to create a program just for enlisted that allows me to run cosmetics in a faster way, that’s a tall work of it’s own.

and i’d be sunking alot of time there.

do we really need more than few presets?

desert - summer and winter?

that’s all

as far as it goes for the topic, it’s about the selection.

nothing more / less


:bowing_man: I forget it, anyway you should be proud no one get 132 like

i mean…

as much i like attentions,

132 likes doesn’t really do me much good…

1 Like

The solution is much more simple…….just let us be able to customize them however we want

no. ( rather yes, but that’s by default )

premium always come with at least default unique uniforms.

these ones instead, not even that.

didn’t also they said that were trying to figure out a solution for cosmetics onto others enivorements and therefore allowed their unique camoufalged to be used in other enivorements too?

i don’t see how these ones should be any different.

Na, da habe ich wohl jemand von den Toten erweckt :stuck_out_tongue:
Hoffentlich hast du diesmal mehr Erfolg damit, es würde einfach jeder davon profitieren! :slight_smile: