Wait, the cosmetics of the new premium squads were a scam?

Hello comrades!

That was the bundle which was advertised:

As you can see, the moscow variant got very nice commander field caps, which are unique.

And that is the bundle ingame?

Where are the caps and coats with red neck?



i’m surprised you only found out now about it.

same goes for the “thumbanail” / picture store:

we just kinda allowed them to sell premiums with bare minimum and not even a camouflage or uniforms.

can’t really blain devs for trying as it worked and barely anyone noticed ( literally one thread was made about it ) .

to be fair, they never said that they had unique cosmetics.


The free one also should have the same unique outfits, but ingame it just has the regular moscow uniform



have fun customizing 6 soldiers for 6 campaigns ( germany’s case ) having to rebuy the same clothing because isn’t share despite being literally the same option clothing.

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Man kinda wanna buy that squad for the SDKFZ, yet I don’t play Soviets, so half of that pack would be a waste.


it’s actually great.

even better than the german one because of the m2 heavymachinegun. as it can pen most of br II tanks.

less overheat, and has an actual working heavymachine gun. it’s not fake.

but, i heard there’s an event, so you will be able to get the 251 there and m3 for muricans. without the bonuses. or the ability to run 2 of them.

you will be disappointed though.

the 251 has an insane overheat, literally a reskinned mg 34 that works and sounds like an mg 34 but looks like an mg42 ( no, i’m not making that up ). no gun depression or elevation, less ammo ( 150 compared to 200 in the mag ) and it’s slower.

slighlty more covered compared to the allies as the front it’s closed though.

but the call is yours

it’s sad that they don’t come with any premium uniform.
so… perhaps you’re not missing much.

i got it, because i couldn’t wait. and i will be running motorized infantry non stop.
i wouldn’t recommend my similar approaches though.


Premium buyer shocked that they got scammed after Pacific and Stalingrad Bundle

OMGhow could this happened?

Seriously man what did you expected? A pat in the back? Lmao


Wait a few months, these double packs usually get split up down the line
(examples being Rocket halftrack + Sherman calliope, M8 greyhound + Chi-Ha?, panzer 4J + Firefly, etc.)

Basically if you only want one it’s just matter of patience.

Edit: Nevermind these are both separate right away, so if only want the German can buy only the German