Premium halftrack

the sdkfz 251/9 halftrack aka stummel with short 75mm cannon

Hmmmm. I thought only the MG armed halftracks would be APCs and anything armed with anything else would fill a regular Vehicle slot.

I guess that means eventually we’ll get flamethrower, auto cannon, AT, or even mortar half tracks

it is considered as halftrack. The japs will get ho ha with one working mg while the brits get universal carrier armed with bren and boys atr

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Yeah why

There’s something wrong with your premium squad?

I mean, besides the fact that you’re crying because you want more pay-to-win stuff? lol.

first of all, it’s not free.
it’s locked behind event.

second of all,
even if that would be the case.

we wouldn’t have a game because everyone " feels " robbed.

which, little history but literally flame planes tank ( flames ) airplanes was precisely just that. .

they got the premium flame tanks on the plane to then get the same a few weeks later.

but no matter.

it is already an upgrade as you have premium bonuses.

it’s not as the same as the premium one.

you gain more.

and, if you get your hands on the other variant, you can actually run more than one if you like them.

which it’s the reason why i bought it, because i knew there were more variants coming. and i want more halftracks.

so no. I don’t feel " robbed ".

however, i do believe the premium one SHOULD receive cool uniforms opposed to the free to play one.

so… i suppose an “upgrade” on the cosmetic side wouldn’t hurt:


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Wait what’s he talking about? What event? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

was hinted b4 the christmas event.

Oh, I didn’t know. I shouldn’t post it then. Nevermind, it’s too late. I am going to get suspended yet again. Yikes…

Edit: that was fast…

no one knows.

just another df inconsistency.

but then again, tankers of the ac1 have us uniforms too.

and few others.

I missed it then.

I just hope it will be less grindy. At (or howitzer?) Halftrack looks neat. Especially if it works as a spawn as usual.

it is an apc

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Eh, did you delete the pictures yourself? :no_mouth:

No xD I did not.


They ARE fast… Thankfully I got time to admire :laughing:

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dunno what’s there to delete given that all of this was known and told by the community manager as well as several helpers… but oh well.

I swear the BRITISH Universal Carrier better not have an AMERICAN squad.

It’s incessant how much they make America steal the limelight.

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We already have tech British tank crew using American tanks. What’s the difference now?

I believe it is tank crew II.

you will be able to swap soldiers though.

even though not their uniform.

you sure can be funny at times mr adam.