Premium soviet paratrooper is terrible!

I bought this squad and I have never seen this uniform on them. They do have the same uniform that’s depicted on art work, just slightly differently colored for each campaign.

look here


that would clear some things up.

otherwise i was worrying that df just didn’t gave a shit anymore and just made more squad similar to the apc one.

bare bone of what you would get.

still. maybe i am bitter about the apc squad, but that shouldn’t become the norm.

( because in that case, you see ameba and gray uniforms in the art work, yet the ambeba is only in berlin. and the gray uniforms in normandy. which you won’t get if you play any other campaign )

That’s kinda weird. Especially if you take in consideration label squad does have its unique camo in every campaign, completely ignoring any historical immersion. But I guess that’s classic DF’s inconsistency.

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that’s why i made a thread about it

but almost no one gave a damn so…
( mostly because people do not give a shit of things that they aren’t affected by. type of ape mentality if you ask me )

so i suppose we just allowed them to make the standard of just giving you a vehicle with no uniforms and not even a camouflage for it…

maybe i’m overreacting ( and i don’t want to exaggerate ) and maybe they will add an uniform later on.
but something tells me that’s unlikely.

Tbh, It was so overcomplicated and long, I didn’t even catch what’s your main point.

Nevertheless, DF has stated they will be working on customization of old premium squad. They will add new camo variants to the campaign where the original old camo doesn’t fit.
(At least that’s what they have said if I remember correctly.)
So don’t be impatient yet. Let’s see if they will keep their promises.

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i suppose reading is overrated around this forum uh…

literally two scrolls down.

reworking =/= working on the ones that got none.

maybe it’s just me.

Idk, but APC squad definitely isn’t the first premium squad that’s not getting unique camo outfit. Especially if you look on premium vehicle crews, there’s quite number of non unique outfits.

in one way or another, they do get access to at least bought cosmetics for free.

mostly of the germans crew if not all have the pea dot camouflage.

soviets gets different color variations and usa gets the bought gray uniform ( outside one or two )

which, those gets often mixed with at least a default camouflage for the vehicle ( in case does not have an unique uniform ) .

so far, apc do not check any of the two boxes :skull:

so… not quite.

Pretty much only premium crews from Normandy got peadot camo.

I dont understand what do you mean by that

gray uniform for tankers is premium as you cannot obtain it otherwise.

same as the green one.

is that they get other type of cosmetics that you would have to pay with orders normally.

but are “free” instead.

for example, the allies with the gray uniform.

or, as you shown, the tanker hats. which you can buy in non premium units. but non premium units of tanker squads do not come by default with that hat either…

what i mean is, you can buy it, but some premium units already have it for free as standard cosmetic.

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I haven’t even taken that in consideration before you mentioned, but you’re right. It is at least something.

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with apcs, not even that.

they went like:

" yep. that’s about it. just slap two halftracks, include the xp bonus, and call it a day "

as much @James_Grove confirmed that the acp will get customization in the future, no one has addressed the uniforms.

therefore, most likely they won’t get anything :skull:

… unless it was a trade off for the icon and avatar picture.

but others in the past didn’t.

so… not sure if it’s a double standard or just… lazyness? or what.

It is but its also quite diabolic since its easier to smuggle stuff with crates.

Tbh, I do have the feeling APCs were extremely rushed. How long it has been since we put suggestions here on forum? Just few months at best.

I have literally no clue what they implemented them so fast. The customization issue could be related to it.

Some year actually of us requesting apc @ErikaKalkbrenner in primis

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you’re joking right?

halftracks were suggested -< 2 years at best. worse? possibly even more.

they kinda took their sweat time before actually introducing them.

the first we ever had, was the 251/10 ( which it’s the halftrack with a 37mm )
which was pulled, and these new models were just recently introduced.

it’s not clear how much they have been in the making.

but they sure look like are rushed.

with that being said.

it’s… hard to say anything really.

don’t really see the correlation.

stuff might take weeks… as years.

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Could be easily intended for tank class, same for m13 with actual cannon.

I think it really isn’t relevant for my point. They implemented them suspiciously fast after recent suggestions. And they feel very rushed.
My point still stands.

except it is?

halftracks were suggested way b4 than mere late suggestions.

i highly doubt new ones really made that much of a difference.

especially when halftracks “existed” during the closed beta.

that’s… probably just your cospiracy.

and well… df is kinda known for rushing things somewhat unpolished.

i’m surprised you don’t know that already

Edit. to be exact, the only suggestion that was somewhat highly regarded by the community was mine:

between 6 of august of 22’, to now, i’d say there has been quite some time in between

I don’t think any of this is somewhat relevant.

it is