(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

I think it’s the most sensible thing to do.
If you want to have some new stuff available immediately the moment it is released, you should pay. Or invest the time and grind the new things like everyone else. That makes perfect sense. Either you pay with your time or with your money.

And if you don’t feel like paying, you can still at least convert your spare exp to silvers. Which means that even once you’ve managed to research all tech trees, you still get some benefits from playing.

how about they put a 30 day lock on it? so people with million of reserve cant unlock it using rp immediately? is that a good medium for you? (could bump it up to 60 or 90 day even)

cause 30 day is enough time to grind whatever new thing anyway (even on a losing team and if you play everyday)

actually i have another idea how about we bring back legacy squad and it cost 1m rp so that way if you really want it you can grind it? eh? sound like a good compromise?

Which is where all that xp surplus comes from in the first place.


From their perspective, it isn’t about player experience at all. Simply, a single nation main won’t spend anything in others nations content…

Are you two competing in some sort of unpopularity tournament, or what?


Doesn’t matter. Time exclusivity is good source of income. I am pretty sure lot of people would pay.

i am not you clearly havent seen my suggestion about not capping it

beside you think i want this? seriously?

Ofc, you’re only proposing to lock up new content for 1 to 3 months after each update, so that nobody can unlock it…

Seriously, that sounds like you just fell off a chair and smashed your head.

I’m truly starting a bet to see if you say all those ridiculous things…

Because you want to join DF/Snail for free gold or something.

There’s seriously no other explanation we could think of…


oh you are accusing me now ok how about you actually see my suggestion about not capping first before making judgement (hint it not on this topic)

and again i dont want it to be force or cap in the first place

and to be clear since you clearly dont understand this and just straight up accuse me i made that comment to see what ADAM think not SUGGESTING IT. unbelievable

I just want this game to have healthy source of income. Rather than necessity to release premium squads with similar power level of newly added japanese paras.

I think this would be very reasonable solution. Players currently are primarily lacking silvers anyway, not exps. Getting exps is nothing extremely tedious or slow.

I think both sides would benefit from this change.

I don’t want capped xp either, but to put it in polite terms, you don’t seem to have thought through that suggestion very much.

Imagine the news:

*Patch 1.XX “WET DREAMS” released! Germany gets Me-262, Maus and MG42 with 500 RDS; IS-3, Yak-3R and AK47 prototype for Russia; O-I for Japan; and premium B-29 “Enola Gay” for US!"

“…All of which will become available for unlock or purchase in 30 days, no earlier.”

It not my suggestion god damn it
My suggestion
Here is my god damn suggestion

next time i will never try to find middle ground ever again since it lead to misjudgment and make me look bad.

I think you are missing this point:


It doesn’t matter. Free spare exps is an extremely weird feature I’ve never seen in any f2p game.
And I think it’s more unhealthy for the game than you actually think.
I don’t see any problem if it was monetized. After all, those exps don’t magically cease to exist. You’ll just have to pay if you want to use them for getting newly added content immediately once it’s released. Or you will have to grind normally like everyone else. That seems very reasonable to me.

And you are definitely wrong about not buying levels for golds. Time exclusivity is for some people more important that it seems. Some would definitely pay.

I hadn’t even seen your separate suggestion earlier. I was talking exclusively about the post here about forced timegating.

again like i said it was to see what Adam think not suggesting it to be a thing

end of story (of course i know it bad who tf wouldnt)

Except that’s exactly the current plan.

Your idea (paywalling them) would de facto make them unaccessible as well, unless paying a vastly disproportionate amount of gold to get back XP I already earned.


I wouldn’t be so fast saying players don’t need xp. Again. THREE YEARS ON PREMIUM for players with a life, but playing regularly.

You also contradict yourself heavily.

On one part, you say veterans should pay more gold to unlock things faster. To be a veteran you need to have finished the grind.

Yet you also say:

So, it would mean less veterans who reached the point surplus xp gets accumulated.

Adam. Stop simping DF/Snail. It doesn’t help anyone (it doesn’t even help df/snail, alienating it’s players)



76 Million “fee xp” I grinded I will never use

bascially have to pay them for my time lol