(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

Sadly that doesn’t appear to be the anymore. The BP now only gives back its cost, 900 gold.

@James_Grove It would be cool if we could get maybe double XP/Silver gains on weekends or something
Or just have double xp/silver weekends/periods at all
I miss the daily 2x on your first match in War Thunder for each nation
I think earlier on it was as high as 5x, but its been so long I can’t remember

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what you mean this bp or which bp cause i definitely got my free 100 gold

Ridiculous 2 ways

  1. Auto conversion. No player input! You are destroy our RP reserve.

  2. 1%? Really ? ? 3 million rp = 30k ? ?? That all ?

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Why do you all complain and demand more silver from Developers ?

One good match = 6000 silver and proposed changes will give +50 % more silver.

Too much currency will make the game cheap and too easy :-1:

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Say that to the half of the enemy team, who deserted.

We know, you do not have a job and life and need to compensate this with a game, but rest plays a video game for leisure, not for work.


Bro spent the whole game in a vehicle, premium account, premium squads, 50% booster, x1.5 for victory, x1.5 for the medals, how many players percentual do you think have all those luxuries?


Does this indicate
Are low-ranked players so low-skilled that they can’t even get a few of these medals?
Therefore, a high-level multi-skilled player can easily obtain the vast majority of major medals even if they only use a small amount of each type.

in addition
You should take a look at what is mentioned below
Medal with low competition rate
If they can’t even fight aggressively to get a medal with a lower competitive rate
Then they really don’t qualify for more

Random camp means that newcomers cannot accumulate resources in the same camp for a long time.
This is bad for new players
Because they need more time to develop each camp
And even if players with low rankings have a 50% bonus, it is only insignificant.
I don’t think newcomers will be willing to use random factions in an environment where they are being tortured by veterans.

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Most players are F2P players and therefore have far less classes available, especially vehicles. Therefore they cannot qualify for multiple class-related medals or suicide-cycle like a Rocket Man.
Newbies also do not have all classes instantly available.
Current matches suffer from faction overpopulation, where good players stack on one side most of the time, so they have it far easier to farm medals because their enemies are a few mains, newbies, plebs and bots.

Also, yes. It is like expecting a first-grade soccer class beating a first-league soccer club, except that the children have only half of their team available and their shoes are broken.

Yeah But I also recall that you call mortars and snipers monkeys because that is not as aggressive as being a Rocket Man.


The essence of the medal is the best player in the project among friendly forces.
If this newbie is not good enough
Why does he deserve a medal?

I don’t think paying will affect players’ skills
It’s definitely not difficult for good players to get medals
Using vehicles against infantry and vehicles should be very simple
Even if it is not a suicide tactic, they can easily destroy the target and score a lot of points.
If their reactions are quick enough and full of tactical thinking
Then even infantry can effectively suppress and destroy infantry and vehicles.

And for the camp with too small a population
Doesn’t this mean there are fewer highly skilled competitors?
Then getting medals should be easier for casual and active new players

If they weren’t always passive and hiding behind
Rather, they will only use their professional strengths when necessary.
Then I will respect them

spending gold to earn gold is not free, brother


Not really.
Most of the time it is just quantity over quality, especially for vehicles because that ensures the usage of the same pilot to increases its chance to become the “Best Suicide Bomber” of the match.
Or spawning tanks and weapons that are cleary superior to stuff newbies unlock.
Not to mention the BR gap.

Yeah It is because of spam.

So is not constantly hitting the ground but moving up but reality is often different.
Also, a Panzer IV H hits differently compared to a Panther or Tiger I.

You know you do also compete against the enemy team for rewards?

Yeah Sadly you cannot suicide-bomb with snipers or mortars yet you said that people should also consider competing for less popular awards.

at least enlisted bp paid for itself unlike other game so that a good thing at least

If they cared about the player’s experience and wanted to reduce “maining”, they could just make it so that extra XP can be shared or equally split before the 4 factions.


This might be a stupid idea, But what if research points getting stored in a factions reserve wasn’t forcefully converted. 50 to 100k and then it would auto convert. With a toggle allowing you to choose automatic conversion or sitting on your research points? This way it’s almost enough for a tier V item. Around 54-57% in fact.

Doesn’t that seem like a better solution? That pleases both player types here.

Not really… 25k or 50k… at this point it’s potatoes potato. Same thing.

Having excess experience THAT THE PLAYER GRINDED FOR, is not even a real problem. It:

  • doesn’t hurt the game in any way
  • doesn’t really remove income for the snail (because the only ppl who reach the point of accumulation, play a damn lot. They wouldn’t buy levels with gold)
  • isn’t an issue for other players (balance is)
  • is just something nice veterans got. It takes an average of THREE YEARS for a normal player ON PREMIUM to unlock everything, from what I heard from others and personal experience.

At this point it’s a sense of achievement: “look, I’ve got 1000k xp!” “Lol I beat you I’ve got 1001!” “Lol rofl”

In fact, being able to accumulate guarantees a steady attendance from veterans. Caping it, REMOVES incentives…


how about just making it optional in the first place. after all if it optional it up to the player to do whatever they want with it

also did suggest it already

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That’s why it shouldn’t be capped. But spare exps should be usable only in combination with premium currency.

But optional conversation from spare exps to silvers should be free.

Just… no.

There’s absolutely no reason for saying this. Unless you truly seek a way to work directly for the snail…

You are so ANTI players sometimes, it’s baffling, man…