(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

In the recently published news about our plans, we announced numerous important changes. Among them were those aimed at improving the in-game economy. Today, we’ll tell you more about the upcoming changes!


We won’t overlook the rewards for commanders who have particularly distinguished themselves in battle either! The best engineers, tankers, pilots, and specialists are recognized with a special badge on the battle results screen. Currently, these awards already provide an experience bonus, 1.2x for one and up to 1.5x for multiple awards, for that battle. But now, they will also give Silver as well!

For each such badge, a distinguished commander will receive a bonus of 100 silver, up to 500 silver for five Battle Hero awards. This should significantly increase the earnings of the most active and experienced players.


After evaluating your feedback about the economic improvements, we have adjusted our priorities: we are ready to introduce the bonus for using the “Join any team” system in the near future.

What is this bonus? It’s simple: by checking the “Join any team” checkbox and entering the battle with a random country, you will receive 20% more Silver and experience at the end of the battle. You will not receive this bonus if you leave the battle before it ends, as well as in the next battle after desertion.

In the future, we may increase this bonus as a temporary event if the game needs more random players.


Even after reaching the top and unlocking all possible weapons, vehicles and squads, you continue to earn Research points in battles that you can’t spend anywhere. To ensure that your efforts don’t become a “dead weight” on your account, we’ve decided on ways to make them useful and reward dedicated commanders: we’ll convert excess Research points into Silver.

Freely allocatable Research points won’t disappear. You’ll still be able to accumulate up to 25,000 points on your account per country, and only the excess experience will be converted into Silver at a rate of 1 Silver per 100 Research points. This can increase your Silver earnings in battles by 10%!

If you are actively researching something, new and previously accumulated experience will be invested in it first, and only after that will the remaining Research points exceeding the 25,000 limit be converted to Silver.

  1. Just to provide a little data on the silver issue.

To fully equip/upgrade the starting Rifleman squad with basic stuff you have

  • 9 Rifles - 600 silver each to fully upgrade = 5,400
    9 Pistols - 500 each = 4,500
    9 axes/shovels - 500 each = 4,500
    9 backpacks - 200 each = 1,800
    9 Mines/TNT - 500 each = 4,500
    9 Flasks - 400 each = 3,600
    9 Binos - 200 each = 1,800
    9 grenades - 500 each = 4,500
    9 medpacks - 200 each = 1,800

Which means for ONE squad a new player is looking at 32,400 silver. For the average (not top player) performance in a match as F2P, thats about 30-35 games just to equip one squad.

With the average match time being around 20 minutes, that is 10 hours of game time to fully equip ONE squad. That is why people are complaining about the silver grind.

These changes take about 2 hours off that grind for a player that consistently gets battle hero awards. This does NOT fix the economy for the average player, especially a F2P one. It is a bandaid at best.


what about for players that currently have more than this accumulated?


At that point just let me keep my research points


idk how this would motivate anyone. for playing stacked faction you will always get 50% xp/silver bonus. for playing join any (most probably underdog) you get 20% bonus. if you wanted to make any meaningful change with this, bonus for join any should have been minimum 50% xp/silver.


i would want this limit to be at least 200k cause that is research price of any t5 weapon/vehicle. that excess could always be used to get new weapon without having to grind for another couple of hours.


If i have 100,000 research point.am i understand correct.i could get 1,000,000 sliver coin?


If you intend to take away the research we already have above this limit, the silver should be 10x higher.


if only… it is other way around. if you have 100k research points you will get 1k silver.


Or maybe no limit?
I grinded out like more than 1mil research points in my free time so I can unlock stuff as it gets released and now it gets converted to like 10k silver bruh.




1 Silver per 100 Research points and not more than 25000 Research points?
If you steal my Research points and give me almost nothing for it i won’t play the game anymore.


This a downgrade branded as upgrade.

Gaijin update in a nuthesll, if this is help, i don’t want it.

Right now we can at least be ready for new update and get new toys, with 25k limits it’s artificially forces us back in to grind.

All for measly 10%, yeah pump those !!!, gotta make it look good.


Back to mixed steam reviews speedrun


Maybe worse

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giphy (6)


best way is to have free conversion without limit. but realistically they probably wont release more than 1 or 2 weapons at same time (unless they release new faction), so it is kinda pointless to have more than 400k extra research points.


Not gonna lie I also may have started grinding upon hearing that in the future we would be able to convert RP into silver, but this is actually abysmal.


You’d get about 10000000000 silver rubles.

Which when converted to silver at the latest exchange rate would be 1000 silver, lmao.


excess experience will be converted into Silver at a rate of 1 Silver per 100 Research points.

You should make it a slider, let people trade in their stored exp for silver whenever they want or keep their exp if they want.

You’ll still be able to accumulate up to 25,000 points on your account per country

I am sure this change is being done because of “engagement” but it ignores that the only reason people have so much exp stored up is because they already play the game after they have already unlocked everything. I have 9.5m silver, I don’t need more. I would much rather be able to instantly unlock and play with new toys. Clearly I still play even when I am maxed, otherwise I wouldn’t have millions of stored exp per nation.


It’s good and all… but us active and experienced players don’t really need much income anymore…

I’m trying to look for newcomers here :thinking: