(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

Internal discussion, yes… We wait for said result.

Depending on how vet boxes are implemented, i def wouldn’t mind being able to pick them up with RP.

90% chance of getting red tt pistol for 100k silver

zombie medkit flashbacks will occur

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I’m looking forward to it.:+1: You’re doing great. I really appreciate DF taking the feeback from the community so seriously.

And I hope we’ll some news about customization for APCs soon as well hehe :PP I am already waiting over six months.


consider adding recurring awards like every 500 kills with a weapon you get 1000 silver, every 100 kills with a grenade 1000 silver, 500 kills with a vehicle 1000 silver and so on, maybe every 3 sets of 500 kills you get an extra 1000 silver or booster or upgrade orders, incentivises players to keep playing and thye can use their favourite squads and slowly rack up silver.

also as I said before, a big reward for something like the first 1000 kills with a particular weapon one time, like 10000 silver or gold order or set of upgrades or … something spicy, to incentivise players to get and play all weapons and vehicles and not just beeline to the meta weapons


Commanders! We heard you: we collected a lot of opinions and feedback on these upcoming changes. We have a lot to think about. This dev blog is undergoing revision and will be re-released along with a description of the extra changes for casual players and newcomers.


I’ve never done the math myself, but I just made a new USSR BR2 lineup last month and it costs 400k silver to be fully kitted out 2 infantry, 1 APC, 1 tank and 2 plane squads, and that’s me not rerolling every single soldier. The costs also grow exponentially for higher tiers. My top tier squads for USSR, Germany, and US must have cost me a million each.

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on top of that, recurring personal rewards would keep me and likely many more playing more to work towards rewards even when fomo big events are not ongoing ( i appreciate the big and small events, great sources of bonus everything from squads to decals, but i’d tweak them to have the phases divided with wider windows and not having to click for rewards when finishing a stage)

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Yeah, BR3’s research and purcahse costs are way closer to BR5 than it is to BR1.
It should be linear, not whatever this is.


Good but…

What about veterans?

That 25k maximum xp surplus and forced conversion, is a proposition that is UNANIMOUSLY hated by your community…


Very good point. What’s the benefit of a 20% silver boost for “join any team” if you give up your 90% win rate and earn way less to begin with since you kept losing?

“Join any team” should also grant you the winning bonus even when you lose, otherwise there’s zero point in playing the losing side constantly, even with the supposedly good bonus that we still have no idea how “dynamic” it is.


one fully equipped soldier: 3000 - 9000 (11500 if Assaulter IV)

3 Star Weapon: 3000

  • Upgrades: 9811 = 12811

3 Star Secondary: 3000 (AT Launcher)
3 Star Pistol: 3000
Axe: 500
Large Bag: 1000
Mine: 500 - 1000
Grenade: 500-1500 (Depending on Bag Chosen)
Kits: 200
Flask: 400
Binos: 200

If I did the math right, this means that depending on what bag or secondary weapon: 1 3 star equipped soldier costs between 22,111 - 43,922 Silver and that is before rerolling soldiers to get max perks (if you do that).


OR… keep RNG stats but have every soldier be able to get 1 random perk point every 5000 exp up to the class maximum of perk points. win win - they get people to play the game and players get to choose - either grind more for exp and spend less silver, or try to get perfectly rolled soldier now but spend more silver

A terrible idea,you can’t set a limit to stop people to accumulate research points.This is not good for both novice and veteran players.(for new players when they complete research they can get some free research points it will help them to skip some weapon).25000xp limit is too low that only skip br1 weapon.
And 100:1 is insane too.people fight tens of minutes only get this?For me i have premium account.I can get 10000xp average a geme.
So if you guys really implement this.I can only get 100 silver?sounds like a joke.



thanks <3

Something needs to be done, having millions of spare exps just isn’t good for the game. And it shouldn’t never be a thing im the first place.

They could just copy WT system. Making spare exps usable only in combination with premium currency.


How about you just add the “option” to convert xp stored to silver.

Dont do it automatically, and no cap.

That xp is more valuable for future content than measly silver gain (that Vets dont really need)


Why?I can’t give someone else my xp.so why I can’t have millions xp?did i stop someone play the game or I broke the game environment?
Not good for game? I really don’t understand that.

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