(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

How about this:
Don’t try to bandaid the silver problem, just rework the whole silver economy. There is a lot of problems with how much you earn silver through the battlepass, achievements, daily login?, every single match; how much the weapons cost; what unlocking the research weapon cost; the experience xp and the grinding, etc…And the fact you tried to limit the RP so the veterans have to grind again to gain new toys, it will only just fuel the fire.


Yep, here from the beginning, we forwarded a lot of feedback based on that devblog already.

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Well then forward that nobody wants the XP conversion

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To put it bluntly.

Whatever is proposed right now- Isn’t good enough.

Give it more time to cook.

And that’s an absolute lie when you are throwing hundreds of hours of exp down the stairs. You gonna tell me the 10-15mil exp on some of my friends getting destroyed in the short term will allow them to recover in the long term within a year for profit? No, you’ve basically crippled them in a way that will take ages to recover. You ruined their grind and gave them pennies for their accomplishments and efforts to win games and hold certain less played factions up. Me and them all are ready to basically quit when you do this. Revert now.

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not only i get some miserable 100k for the time i LOST playing with my 3 maxed factions but free exp as a whole becomes useless? FUN. If you are going to kill free exp like that at least give us a very generous conversion rate since it is going to be a 1 time thing.


The conversion rate will always be in place for any earned XP, it’s not a one-time thing. But, the rate of conversion may change before it’s implemented, based on feedback we’re receiving.

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Or seriously just make the 1 time compensation at the beginning of this change way better. Give it a 10:1 rate or gives a bunch of veteran boxes to people above a certain threshold. Do literally anything rather than nothing to appease the people who’ve loyally grinding and supported factions for thousands of hours even if they have nothing left to research.

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Much rather would keep my earned free XP, F this bullshit change

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10:1. Or whatever 47:5 is close to.

Not this 100:1 bullshit.

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“May” 100% should be a “will”.

I will also say this conversion rate seems pretty bad considering Research Points are just unallocated XP essentially. We normally get 5 silver every 47 xp … so, that is what, about 10% bonus to silver gain if you have everything trained? I really hope we get more than 25k that we can reserve if we are essentially losing the ability to save for the next TT release for only 10% gain in silver.

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47 xp = 5 silver
47*2 = 94
100 becomes 1 silver
94 xp = 10 silver
where is our 9 and a bit silver going?!?!!? XD


Another option that may be better is to just make it so I can buy stuff with extra Research Points

Silver, Extra Squads (ie a second and third Japan Assaulter II squad for example).

10,000 Silver: 50,000 Research Points
100,000 Silver: 500,000 RP
Additional Tier I Squad (Max 2 Extra Purchases, per squad type): 100,000 RP
Additional Tier II Squad (Max 2 Extra Purchases, per squad type): 150,000 RP
Additional Tier III Squad (Max 2 Extra Purchases, per squad type): 200,000 RP
Additional Tier IV Squad (Max 2 Extra Purchases, per squad type): 250,000 RP

That would be amazing. I’m sure you could think of plenty of things to add into there

it’s not even half enough for economy, it’s a blatant insult to the players, specially for people who dedicated time to a faction like me with japan
Captura de pantalla 2024-07-20 001331
that means only 42 k of silver for all that time?, it’s not even worth, and you know what?, I know why is, you all want we press this

and honestly, this is anti consumer stuff, it’s not even worth, and I hope really they work better because this will be a huge problem


yeah the silver shop needs a price rework / amount of silver you get overall so bad. its value is horrible.


This a logical and fair solution that can be seen at the first glance, it should be like that, without some arbitrary 25k threshold

could you forward this bit of feedback aswell

are you able to suggest a player consultation group? This would help avoid situations like these in the future, coming up with viable solutions that represent the player base as a whole, sure changes are needed to be made but coming up with more fairer solutions/compromises have to be higher priority than continuously burning bridges after having just rebuilt them and doing more damage to the product


ooh like Eve’s CSM. we all vote on a representative body. I like it.

pay close attention that “up to” is thoroughly misleading, average gains will be far from the maximum possible, drop in the bucket

a) how many people actually have at least 1 nation fully researched to benefit from silver exchange in the proposed form

b) even if you are decent at the game, will you always get the 5 badges and thus full bonus?

c) 20% bonus for “choose any nation” - if it ends up neting you more losses overall because it won’t get balanced right - is not enough to make a difference — this should be a big juicy bonus at least 50% - to incentivise people to use the function, to incentivise people to play more and tech up all nations, to give players a truly tangible reward

repeating myself from previous posts, consider adding juicy exp bonuses for building rallies / apcs and let players have 2 rallies on at the same time, people often don’t build them and it’s a good way to incentivise truly positive gameplay