(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

Weird because that is still different than what Ronald showed us, especially with the five battle awards. Maybe I just get the silver conversion wrong.

That just apply to above average player because for getting 1000 silver per normal game we have to get atleast 100 kill or over with vehicule kills so not very achieable for new comer

yeah i didnt see his calculations…

btw can anyone explain to me how do i get 80% extra income with these numbers?



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The vets being shafted every economy update is customary at this point.

If it’s not soldiers, weapon parts, orders, bayonets, the conversion rate or legacy squads, it’s literally the free exp everyone has accrued simply by playing the game.

Heaven forbid anyone gets a head start in the already shitty economy. Let alone prepare.



Hmm Maybe he includes the win bonus and/ or the vet bonus.
Which is cleary something the majority of players has duh…

i dont even care about vets, they will survive it. bigger problem is that nothing is done with terrible silver economy at bottom.

personally i hated my beginnings when i unlocked new gun, but i didnt even buy it cause it simply wasnt worth to spend my hard earned orders cause i wouldnt have enough orders for buying/upgrading mid game meta gun that would serve me till end game weapons (which i would need to save orders again)


Just calculating for this game
10 percent bonus would grant you 205 more

20 percent for matchmaking(if you did) would mean 410 more
and getting 5 medals mean 500
and 80 percent of your total would be 1640
and the total of extra silver you get would be 1105
which is less than 80 percent but is more than 50 percent but again they fail to see that new player wouldnt have that bonus would most likely wont want to join any team and would not get those medals so essentially nothing has changed for them


It’s only a 80% bonus if you get exactly 1000 silver + excess RP conversion (requires you to fully research everything) + 5 medals + join any random team

If we do MajorMcDonald’s calculations with 2000 silver, it’s only a 45% increase as most of the increase in his 80% calculation is made up by the medals which is a fixed amount

with 3000 silver, it’s only a 36% and so on

And if you don’t hit join random team or haven’t unlocked everything in research tree, it’s only a 16% increase with 3000 silver if you get 5 medals


Skill issue for not joining shorter game

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We understand this, that is why this possible 80% bonus is “up to”.

We know most won’t actually reach the 80% bonus, as these changes now are essentially for veterans. We also know that most veterans won’t consistently reach this exact 80% bonus to silver, but it is still possible to reach.

This is why there are more changes to the Silver economy on the way, aimed at casual players and new players. And remember, there are matchmaking changes on the way (on the roadmap) to make the “join any team” bonus more appealing relative to the “win” bonus. :slight_smile:


More silver is always good

Please change the join any team to a multi-nation select; then make it so for each additional faction you gain X%. There are plenty that DO NOT wish to play a certain faction. This will make the usage of this feature far more useful and player friendly. It should also help a bit with player matchmaking I would imagine.


Please up this to 180,000 per country (1 new thing) Better yet, please make this customizable in settings. Allow us to choose how much we want to convert to silver after X amount of points (ie allow us to choose what amount we keep in reserve but convert anything over).

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I receive:

  • The ability to research new equipment in advance

You receive:

  • 10% silver boost for maxing a tech tree

I would have been more amenable to the forced 25k free exp cap if the rate wasn’t as insultingly low as 100:1. Make it 10:1 or close to 47:5. Even if it’s for the first time the changes are implemented.

Millions of free exp playing a single faction, and a paltry 10k per million. Just like the legacy squads.


I am excited to hear this. Without blanket economy changes that help out players of all skill levels we are just asking for the game to go on an eventual downward trajectory.

New Player Experience is quite literally the most important experience a game can have. And right now Enlisted fails in that area.

Excited to see what you guys have cooking.

Trully the best ww2 shooter ever made. Can’t wait for the update to see all those exciting changes!
And don’t worry about this whole drama in the comments. It’s just ppl overreacring, everybody will laugh at this in a month.



Estimations for experienced and average skilled/experience players


Oh goodie, the average player takes 3.5 games to buy a backpack!


So as was told it’s quite the good boost in a long term for vets and some casuals.


What now? Does it affect everyone or just vets now?


This is still ridiculous because the base of 1000 credits is already not applicable even to vets because they mostly need the vet member bonus or the win bonus to get the base of 1000 credits since you only get 1000 credits if you received at least 10k xp (IIRC)
So what is the point of this math if it is already not applicable for a lot of vets if you also know that is not really feasible?

Nice and all but I think we would like to know them too, especially since the past economic adjustments were a joke, and after the Steam Re-Release, which technically should aim to get more new players.

Which were presented pretty vague while the desertion part was detailed enough to make it a horrible idea.
I also do not know how this will fix the economy since, even in equal matches, you will not suddenly earn enough as a newbie. normie and non-premium and/or win-bonus vet to get this up-to-80% increase, not counting whatever else the economy is supposed to receive as fix.


“Quite the good boost”

Did you even READ the replies to this thread?

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