(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

do not touch my research point reserves


You only need to add at least one 0 to your experience reserve to reduce these complaints to a certain extent.
If you want respect and not verbal violence
In the future, each of your proposers should at least obtain all level 3 equipment through their own efforts to be eligible to make proposals.
So you can know how much of a waste of time and high blood pressure this game is
Then you wouldn’t come up with content that is so stupid that it will be criticized by all players.

I never said that I infact made a post about why it should be optional not force

Cause 25k xp is ridiculously low for a cap it shouldnt be cap at all

ok nvm i seen some people that actually agree with the cap now (and i dont understand them tbh)

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Gaijin fucking over their playerbase as always. The only 2 things needed in terms of Silver were:

1-Increase the BASE Silver gain (that is, how much Silver you get per Exp) by at least 50%. 100% would’ve been the best, but I never expected a Gaijin game to not be stingy with their economy.

2-Give chonky Silver bonuses to newbies. It would be better if they were dosed bit by bit over their first days playing, as to not make them buy 100 Ross Rifles or whatever. Maybe even give 2 weeks of Premium to newbies to entice them and give extra resources early on.

The “Join any Side” button needed rewards BOTH FOR RESEARCH POINTS AND SILVER, not just Silver. The grind for RP is still slow, I’m a dolphin that just has Premium and BP, and still takes me 10-15 games just to unlock a single level on Tier 4-5 (the RP curve is also awful, gets to the 150k-ish way too quickly). Also the benefits should be on par with the winning bonus, otherwise you’d still be better off manually siding with the stacked faction of the week.

Everything else was uncalled for an things like capping Free RP and trading it for a garbage conversion rate is actually a NERF to the economy, not a buff.

I just hope that when Darkflow comes around with their “improved Silver economy 2.0” people don’t do like they always do and jump into Gaijin’s lap like “aww, you increased the Free RP cap from 25k to 50k, now I love the update, thank you Snail”. If their second proposal is also shit, I want people to react like they did with this and call Darkflow/Gaijin for the stingy pricks they are. It’s that, or letting the game die.

Edit: forgot to mention, it is funny how they will be “revising the cost of Tier 3+ equipment” when I’ve said ever since the merge happened that there were too many 3-star weapons, thus artificially inflating the economy. Before the merge we had an almost perfect 1-2-3* split, nowadays it is pretty much a 25-25-50 split of 1-2-3* equipment, respectively (and if we ignore foldered equipment, it is pretty much a 20-20-60 split). Also having to buy vehicles when they were free adds to the economy inflation I mentioned.


Look, here is my perspective as a “veteran” - I’ve been playing for about 15 months on and off:

I fully unlocked Stalingrad and was about midway through the other campaigns on most nations before the merge. I still need about 9 mil more exp total to unlock ALL tech trees, missing mid-high tanks and planes on every nation.

I got funked over by Darkflow’s shitty practices by dumping the merge before a hard date announcement, lose hundreds of thousands of potential silver. OK, fair enough, I was lazy to do most optimal changes beforehand.

I spent hundreds of euros on the game, pretty much from day one, playing most of the time with premium squads and all time with premium time.

Silver gain is too fuck!ng low period. Even for premium gold players which says a lot.

I hope that the powers that be took note of my humble previous posts with ideas.

This game has tough competition in the shooter market, what makes it unique is the Battlefield experience with squads & bots. And of course with no neo liberal hippidy dippidy exoticosexual multikulti disabled female exotic main protagonists and ridiculous skins camos and weapon attachments. YET. Thank God for that.



Bots are still doing dumb sh!t and if it’s planned for them being just a life reserve and capping mob, I think it’s not ideal as a goal, the potential is there for more.

I don’t think people can easily get hooked on this game with anywhere near this kind of silver gain, for the tech tree progression rate overall.

I personally struggle with being motivated to play more, beyond events and daily missions. Deffinately not motivated to buy upgrade and play with most of the items in the tech tree.

My overall impression is that more personal goals are needed to keep me engaged, playing more, playing with all weapons. There is no way someone is able to do that even with premium, right now, unless they get tier 1 soldiers, don’t bother with minmaxing and upgrading weapons. Even if I had 10 mil silver there is no particular reason to play most weapons in a BR that are not meta. Why would anyone even try when they can barely scrape up money to buy the naked unupgraded gun?

You put exp reserve on, I don’t see why it would be a problem for a minority of players to have a infinite pool of exp to insta buy new additions to the tech tree. Silver exchange for that is a good idea but needs to be at lease 50 to 1.

200-300 silver for battle medal and no cap should help good players, but what about average players? by definition, there are few very good players, most will be casual, will they be locked in the bent over position barely progressing even to BR II ? because with free to play limits as they are set now it sure seems like it.

Choose any nation should be 50% to counteract a loss and give something spicy for a win.

Lets be real now, you can be effective without minmaxing, without having tier 3 soldiers, without pistols and binos, but you need a good and upgraded main weapon, grenade, TNT/mine, axe and flask only for engineer, you will get some of the basic equipment free, but with all that it’s a struggle to get good equipment for every BR and no reason whatsoever to explore and fool around with weapons that are not the best in their tier.

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Check out this dude writing 5000 word essay on why economy should be worse :rofl:

Ain’t reading a word of that

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these weirdos you refer to are nothing new. some dudes here are just dysfunctional and post 95% anti-logical nonsense 24/7.


for them grind=good game. if you still have grind then game is still worth playing and if you dont have anything to grind game sucks.


For those of us with shorter attention spans, my points were:

Silver gain is very low at the moment EVEN WITH premium account and squads.

I disagree with the proposed changes:
-for battle medal gain should be 200-300 silver NOT 100 and no cap on 5 medals.
-20% bonus for “choose any nation” is not enough, should be 50%
-free exp to silver should be at least 50 to 1 NOT 100 to 1 and players should choose if they want to convert or stack it

The game has it’s niche, it’s overall very good, main things setting it apart is that it keeps itself solidly historically based, frequent updates and continous work done on it and in particular the squad / bots system, which can still be improved.

There needs to be something done to incentivise people to play with all weapons, right now I fail to see most players being able to afford to buy and play with all unlocks let alone upgrade them and max them out, and no good reason to play 3 out of 4 weapons when one is the overall better choice per tier.


And maybe something that addresses the silver gain and deserter issue is adding 500 silver for a completed game, deduct 500 silver for a desertion, if a system to kick afk players can be implemented to stop people clowning around for the 500 free silver.

I think they should work harder if they want more rewards
Instead of lying on the ground begging for food

There are many types of medals
They have every chance of winning some of the medals that are not very competitive.

It’s a good point, of course people could try and wing less popular medals. At the same time, it keeps the gameplay going and makes it more diverse?

No one wants to be forced to deduct money just to stay away from casual players or play annoying maps and modes.
They can’t even figure out the classification and they still want players to eat shit called escape punishment?


Reality is most rewards go to the top five or so, especially winners.


Then no punishment for desertion just bonus for finishing the game, enforcing behaviour that is healthy for the game, players playing, having games populated; bonus could be added to top 50% or players, to players who have over 500 points, different ways to incentivise gameplay and help especially low level players to progress, and not skipping games until you get your fav map and gamemode so you can spawncamp from your fav spot; plenty of ways it can be thought through and tweaked, desertion penalty is not a must, encouraging players to stick to playing is good for the game overall.

Wouldn’t a fairly new player stick with +50% bonus for choosing any nation and 500 silver extra for playing through the game? while doing that they are learning the maps?


I think 100:1 for gold, 20:1 for silver would be good, and the exchange is both ways and players can decide when and how much to exchange.

fat chance darkflow is ever going to give out free gold


yea true it really rare but i have only seen it one time maybe other have seen more i guess but i wouldnt remember

Unless you win, then you get 70%.

buy the battle pass for 900, and then earn 1000 gold.