(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

It’s clear you don’t even play your own game like i have a premium account and even then the silver grind can be a pain I can’t even get some of my friends to play because as a free to play player the struggle just puts them off and It’s not much better as a premium player on top of that I have over 5 mill research points for Germany I had wanted to keep at least a mill each time for new updates and i don’t even get a say and the silver conversion rate that is being added is just god awful I’d rather keep my research points and not be able to use them till new updates then what is being proposed

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Yeah but the boost isn’t much of a boost let’s be honest :joy:

Some silver for battle hero sounds nice, but the amount is so low it won’t matter.

Increased earnings for ‘join any team’ will be nice, hopefully that checkbox won’t effectively be “play germany” any more.

25k saved research points is laughably low, when most things after BR3 cost nearly 200k to research. This change mostly stands to benefit people with millions of RP saved up, like I do in USA, so I’ll get ~60k silver out of this (which ain’t loads, let’s be honest), but then the next time you add something to that tech tree, I won’t have the RP lying around to just get it, forcing a grind where I’ve completed it already.

it only counts battles you actually finished. how many battles did you desert mid match? i would guess a lot considering your WR. your real number is probably closer to 5-7k battles.

you are a whale with premium +BP+multiple premium squads+you play a lot+good player which all affect xp gain. that is why you have loads of xp, while majority of playebase still grinds hard.


That type of conversion (research points + premium currency —> basic currency) is present in other games (Armored Warfare), but in that game players are awarded with premium currency just for daily logins.

100 gold for a player once a week, while a premium vehicle has cost about 3000- 5000 gold.

My opinion on the subject.
I don’t think the money for the medals is much, it should be at least 1k per medal and unlimited. But all better than now.
The Join any faction button should give at least 40%, because of the win bonus. If the player difference is huge the percentage should scale up.
Because of the research points. The fact that you can collect them was a mistake from the beginning in view of the company and should have been fixed immediately with the next update,not felt six months later. Taking the points away now feels like robbery. Where the robber was so generous and left the crowbar (Silver) there. The conversion should be much higher and above all voluntary, if it is higher more people will do it. You can then siphon off all the silver from the players with the veteran boxes. This would solve the problem of research points and silver for both parties.
Thanks for reading.

I don’t know how any of this is related for spare exps completely breaking up economy for 10% of playerbase (according to CM who shared this information on Russian forum, link was posted somewhere in this discussion).

The majority which you have mention will never get to point, where they can hoard spare exps to complete broke economy.

Well, still nothing impressive. I’ve been playing the game for just two years. And I’ve seen people who invested way more time into to the game than me.

And you really don’t be some extreme huge whale to have significant boost to exp. All you need is wait for sales, buy year of premium account for 20 bucks and some another decent premium squad for 30 bucks.
If this game is main interest to you, you’ll be easily able whole German faction in one year.
And other faction even in more significant pace.

Of course, it’s also a matter of how well you play and how much you focus on grinding effectively.

I was incredibly serious about grind before merge came along. I had all the German campaigns done, about half the content for the Soviets, 3/4 content for the US done, and the Japanese were 100% completed.

I had only been playing the game for about 1 and a half years at that point.

And yes, I don’t see why casual players, who contribute about as much to the interest and flow of the game as the bots, should somehow be rewarded more.

If they play badly, they don’t want to commit to the game. So in that casw, like I said, either they with their time (a lot of it) or they pay with their money. And I don’t see any problem with that.

The biggest problem with the current economy, and so far I stand by it, is that players are just getting incredibly disproportional ammout of xperience compared to silvers.

Which leads to an incredible number of spending opportunities for players. But they clearly have nothing to pay with.

That creates incredible frustration. And the feeling that they’re just getting an incredibly small amount of silver.
This is something I was saying six months ago.

And personally, I don’t think it would hurt the game at all if getting exps and grind were longer. But when one finally gets something, like a new squad. Then he should be able to just fully equip it, buy equipment, etc. To his liking.

Plus, nowadays, I think a lot of people don’t even play most of the stuff they researched, they treat them as such useless expensive fillers. And he’d rather wait, since he’s about to unlock that better weapon/squad soon anyway, which he’s yet to equip/max upgrade etc too.

That’s why I think it would be absolutely best if the silver gain was increased but at the expense of the experience gain.

This game shouldn’t be a race to get to those strong meta weapons as fast as possible. And then terrorize others with them.

I still see this game as a casual f2p ww2 sandbox where the player can play anything at any time. And the fact that he’s just going to chase after that powerful equipment is completely unnecessary. And because of the lack of silver he won’t even think about other stuff is wrong in my opinion.

It would be better if the player has enough silver, but also time where he won’t yet be able to play with those meta weapons which he’s focusing and are basically his enn goals.
It would be nice if everyone could just go through the entire content of the game first. After all, in this game, with any squad it is possible to destroy, kill, etc absolutely everything. With the fact those better and more specialized stuff just makes it a way easier. But you can play with absolutely everything.

i dont see how it breaks economy just cause you grinded everything in one faction. ffs grind is worst part that is keeping many players away from this game, with other being p2w. 10% is probably not people who have everything grinded, but just people with at least 1 faction grinded and have spare xp. btw that 10% are players that play 4+ games daily.

cause majority of playerbase are casuals that play 1-7 battles a week and probably suck even worse than bots. even if you gave them premium+full premium lineup+BP, they would only manage to grind one faction after 3-4 years with current grind.

you are probably in top 5% of players by the time played(probably maybe even in top 1-2%). key part is that you also invested lot of money into premium+BP+squads.

more premium squads=more xp. you are earning xp per squad, so if you have 4+ squads that double your xp alongside premium you are basically having constant 4x xp multiplier.

and you spent lot of money for premium+BP+premium squads+stalingrad+pacific+you are skilled(with extremely high WR)+you spent lot of time ingame.

for every match you earn about 10-15 times more xp than average f2p player, not to mention you complete at least 4 battles per day which is higher than 90% of playerbase (probably 95+ cause data i have includes people deserting)

economy cant be balanced around you.

play CS2 and you will see how game can be enjoyable without grind and how many people show interest in the game.

why dont i have same problem? have played for 2 and half years and i outperform 95% of playerbase and just recently i finished soviets and US (with germany being close to finish with ~mil xp left). only managed to finish 3 factions in 3 campaigns premerge.
even with premium it is tedious to grind xp, not to mention silver.

what do you think new player will feel when he finds out that he will need to grind 10+ years for everything in game as f2p? if he spends 20-40$ (depending on discount) every year that grind will be only 5+ years. to halve this he will need to spend additional 40-200$ per faction for just 4 squads that he will need to use in every game to be most efficient. yeah i see how this will not hurt the game…

yeah casual game with lifetime commitment to grind. perfectly casual.

end goal for when? 2050?

After 400+ posts, I still fail to see how exactly I, who have legitimately grinded my way to the end of all tech trees by playing almost daily since about three years (most of which with premium account), buying BP and numerous premium squads, and who STILL play the game almost daily because I genuinely like it, would “break the economy” by stockpiling a reserve of excess XP, that I will use later to unlock new additions on day one.

Am I subtracting that XP to anyone else?

Am I creating inflation?

Am I abusing some glitch or bug to amass XP illicitly?

Am I some kind of cheap freebooter because I plan to unlock future stuff with the XP I legitimately stockpiled by playing, because that’s how it worked so far, instead of forking out MORE gold?


I prefer classic Hans/Shiivex :thinking:


Tell the devs, James.

Tell them: “Devs, be nice!”

Basically my thinking. This measure is supposed to keep people playing constantly? (I think)

But by slapping the guys(10%) that already do play consistently??? That “is” the healthy part of the player base. Its the 90% thats unhealthy, and this doesnt help them one bit. Why? Because they wont see any silver gain from extra RP because they still need it to unlock. And it makes no difference to them how much RP another player has, especially now with BRs

Honestly i think it will have the opposite efftect.
Hell divers 2, a game i love has caps on all currency. When theres nothing to unlock…we stop playing until the next content drop because our currency are maxed.

By all means put a cap on. But offer a better trade (even if it is 1 time)

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I agree with your take and actually think that limited RP banking is probably a good idea. I just think it needs to be a couple hundred thousand AND - importantly - I think the conversion rate for a one time conversion should be like 1:10 or 1:15.

Taking it all away for what we can earn in one match is annoying.

They should have not made the mistake of giving it to us in the first place and they need to find a more reasonable way to take it away.


1:3.3? I think that’s just what I want

You have that backwards it’s the other way around, 1 million research points equals 100,000 silver.

well ingame every 10,000 Research costs 100 Golden eagles

Ill take golden eagles for my excess over the new cap :slight_smile:


I’d just keep my xp.

I grinded for it. Which means I played even when there wasn’t new things to unlock.

Note: Those weirdos saying a cap limit is a good idea because so much surplus break the game, are completely unable to explain why a xp surplus is a bad thing according to them. To a point I truly wonder if some don’t just try simping up to DF…


Do you realize you can learn and adapt to people placing AP mines? I used to blast every one of my squad members till I realized I can make changes to how I play. :rofl: Sure, I still lose people to AP mines, but I lose at least the same amount to artillery strikes and more then my share to tanks sitting in mostly protected grey zones who found that sweet spot where they just blast the objective. When it comes to AP mines, I lose about a third of what I used to lose. At least you can make changes to try and avoid AP mines, you can’t when it comes to artillery or gray zone tanks.

What have I done to cut down on being AP cannon fodder? First, I avoid doors if all possible since most AP mines are dropped in door ways. Second, people drop mines on stairways, so if I am going to go upstairs, I try and follow someone else up the stairs, or if alone, I will use my most expendable soldier. When I am trying to take objectives, I will try and avoid the most common route, or choke points on the way to the new objective as people (including myself) will drop an occasional AP mine as they are retreating. So, by doing this I have probably cut my AP mine deaths down to 1/3 of what it was originally. Like I previously had said, there is no way to cut down on artillery deaths, which to some people is just as annoying.

I hope you don’t include me in that statement.

I can see how it (limiting research points) can be considered a good idea and, properly implemented, could live with it.

That said, I have no motivation to make life easier for DF by posting such opinions. I’d prefer it stay the way it is now.

I include just everyone saying an xp surplus is bad… who are unable to explain why.

No reason to cap it. No real benefits. Since it would ONLY affect veterans, and veterans who grinded 100% of a faction, play a lot anyway.

So… completely pointless, other than alienate their most spending customers, which is admittedly, beyond stupid.