(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

the other day i went squad by squad on reserve i m sure wont use again, removed all level 5 soldiers and sold them

made a nice quick buck just to demolish on japan side x)

its a nice tip i think if you havent done it. it just takes like 1 gazilion hours to do xD

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I only buy class 1s for the most part because they’re the cheapest and I don’t minmax
And my reserve really wasn’t that big post merge since I did that beforehand lmao


fair fair.

i havent bough a new soldier yet tbh didnt want to waste silver on it

I’ve literally wasted all my millions in first few days of merge. And I am constantly at basically zero.

That’s exactly how healthy economic should look like.

And obv, spare exps in their current state are huge issue

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I think you have a very delusional view of a healthy economy
What the fuck


This Doesn’t change the issue of get base 1000 silver for 10k of RP, I to think the conversion 1:100 is to much low and should be boosted to at least 3000 silver every 10K of RP


For who excatly?


Why is my reply to this hidden? I haven’t said anything off topic or insulting.

I just said that I can’t invest into anything in enlisted. And hoarding resources in your wallet just like that is prime example of unhealthy economy.

No. That just shows indulgence and lack of self-control.


I never even saw it so it must have gotten NKVD’d

Its a separate resource that you’re not forced to pull on
And paywalling it will just force it to accumulate faster and most people won’t ever use it since fuck spending money to convert to useable XP
I know me and all my friends in WT have tens and tens of millions of stocked “”“free”“” RP
Now if they were to let me convert it as close to 1:1 to silver whenever I bank a lot? I’d be okay with that
I finished the game so now I can just fund myself with XP that otherwise goes to the ether

Also this

And I bitch about being broke despite having 750k because I know that’s not enough for a new faction or some new big gamechanger/higher BR than V
I’ll slowly bleed it away as I progress because income is just so poor you can’t do it, even with premium time and premiums. I’m averaging ~2000s per decent match with it going up a bit with boosters but nowhere near an actual healthy amount that can actually refill my coffers

i mean why are we force to exchange rp to silver in the first place it should just be optional not force like what they propose

Okay, maybe issue was on my side… Weird.

Agree, this should be optional and completely for free. But using spare exps should be only allowed in combination with premium currency.

Then it won’t ever get used
So you’re gimping veterans and people who reach veteran status for no reason


oh i didnt see this so i made a new suggestion anyway

research point to silver should be optional in this way people can keep it for new release and it wouldnt hurt anyone

I am certain that many people hold completely opposite views to yours.
Do you remember the veteran’s box that Devs mentioned? It was obviously prepared for people with savings.


Well, i seen some personal takes here. Please be respectful to each other, ahem, back at topic.
As i told before, devs are seen your feedback and now thinking about some options.

If Devs decides to act unilaterally, they should at least distinguish between the exp exchange rate that will be forcibly exchange in the next update and the exp exchange rate that will be exchange under the new rules.

Forcibly exchange: 1:3
Exchange under the new rules: 1:10

well i just hope research point to silver won’t be force tbh