(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

Completely broken economy is huge problem for the health of game. No incentives to buy premium currency and so > inevitable shut down of servers.

›RP you aren’t forced to use = broken economy
The broken economy is the utter lack of actual silver income

That’s such an insane reach that I don’t think I can take you seriously and I hope the devs don’t either
And imagine being worried about the servers being shut down when dead games like Crossout or Star Conflict are still running

Enlisted is at real risk of the playerbase dying and you’re fucking worried about a small percentage of people who’ve finished the grind having something that you want to wring them and anyone else who finishes the grind even further?


What I m reading :thinking:

someone being more jewish than me :joy:

Spoiled F2P players


Actually aha

Genuine mental illness or a paid shill
This dumbshit mentality has killed games before
WW2OL for example

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This is sufficient arguing people, the discussion is becoming to personal, with personal attack, I will act and enforce forum rules with punishment if this continue

How we say in Italy, man advised is half saved


Gastano defending the Gaijin plant once again
I see how it is now that you got made, Capo

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Well, I’ve just said my opinion. I am not saying I am always right or something. I’ve just shared my perspective on this issue, that’s it.
I definitely do not wish some harm or something to someone. I just believe it would be better for the game as whole.

Last time I checked, we had problems with not enough playerbase.
I don’t think complining about filthy f2p players (you know, those players who probably are the majority of the playerbase) and punishing vets will help that.


Unrelated, economy would be still in extremely good shape. If my suggestion would he implemented.

My suggestions were only focusing to fix core broken elements of current economics.

Economy without players is not a real economy. Probably closer to some government-founded zombie-industry.


Core issue is new ppl being piss poor.




If we hadn’t played pre-merge we’d also be fucking broke
Something I think Adam forgets
If he wants to see a real broken economy he should make a new account and try the F2P life


unrelated but i kinda imagine or think to start again. fully f2p on ussr side.
donno just atleast to reach tier 2 there.

My 2-3y of playing casually were gone in 10min after the merge.

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Did you just change pfp mid conversation?

ofc :smiley: (maybe it wasnt loaded for you yet)


I still have a nest egg, but making a 2 and 5 lineup on top of the stuff I had beforehand
And selling all weapons I don’t like
I still blew through MILLIONS of silver and haven’t even started to recover
With premium
With playing pretty regularly
2k a match is piss
And that’s with premium and premiums
A good f2p player will average 500-700s
That’s an absolute JOKE

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To quote a US general