(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

You’re right
If they do take all my stocked XP it should be 1:1

This or higher. If we consider max stat soldiers, that is. I often get a maxed out soldier after 20 re-rolls or so, which burns more credits that a cost of a single soldier

well if it is truly rng you have 1 in 9 chance to get maxed out soldier and you can sell non maxed out soldiers for ~90% of original price. so you get maxed out soldier for ~2 times the soldier price if you want to min max.

They shouldn’t take it away. They just needs to be usable only in combination with premium currency. Just like in other games, WT, Wot and so.

Now I’m affraid by the idea of lootbox for vet’.

I think: gold / réal money ////// REWARDS :little chance for old event squads / twich drop / event gun / BP gun AND A LOT OFF BAD AND POORS REWARDS ( bonus 50 %, silver 5k, and other things like this).

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Why? It would solve literally the whole issue. And you would keep everything.

There is no issue to begin with
Your “”“solution”“” is purely more money grubbing in a realm that’s already trying to nickel and dime for every single red cent possible


it’s only gaijin games that does that, wargaming game has free to use xp

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Also, the game is constantly trying to sell you stuff the second you boot it up. Great way to get players by practically begging them to pay money.


Wait he suggested we reduce XP gain to match the less than abysmal silver income?

No, you have to convert spare exps to free exps via premium currency.

Is completely normal for games like this. And it’s obviously broken in enlisted

i watched my friend play the game as a new player without premium
he got 700 silver a match if he was doing really good

i cant wait to get my next squad in 300 matches!


??? no what you are talking about is converting vehicle xp to free xp, since you got free xp by just playing the game and other games

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I’ve done nothing but fucking BLEED money since the merge making lineups or upgrading sets of like 5-6 guns here and there
I’ve actually started to recover very slowly since there’s nothing else I need to buy at the moment
But for new players this is near impossible since they didn’t get to benefit from the pre-merge economy and then start with a further lump sum of several million silver

A good thing? WE NEED TO RUIN IT
Its not broken
You’re just not used to seeing something actually generous

That’s because I am talking about spare exps, not free exps. Smh

it’s only really WoWs (and WoWP but dead game lol) that has that, WoT gives you the ability to use vehicle xp to grind out field mods and WoTB lets you use vehicle xp to increase skill levels; it’s always why i referred to it as vehicle xp

Having several tens of millions spare exps in game is broken.

Enlisted will not survive the properly saturated WWII market by being extremely greedy and nickel and dimey combined with insane grind
Further money grubbing in a market that’s already well tapped would be idiotic

Its a sign you play too much


I’ve played only 3066 battles to this very moment. I am pretty sure I am not some tryhard or no lifer.

There’s estimated 10% of playerbase for which exp system is completely broken atm.
Which just isn’t healthy for the game. And obviously something needs to done.

That’s why I think spare exps should be behind paywell. Easiest and pretty reasonable solution.

And what exactly is broken?
That you can ignore the grind provided you finished the tree in its entirety?
That’s a great option
You’re not even forced to use it