(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

Thank you. Lol. Glad to know my enemies hate me

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lol who are you to predict the future? Lame-boi leaving matches because he’s not mommy’s special man getting exactly what he wants when he wants?

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Half of your enemies were console plebs, newbies, and most likely bots.
Really impressive

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The number of games I’ve seen swing favor hard recently is encouraging. Just yesterday we (Germany BR2) were steamrolling through 3 objectives on Quarry only to be halted by a hasty defense in the last 2 capture points. We lost that game but the THRILL of that slugfest, who cares??

These kids are too worried abt win/loss like it matters


you may enjoy grinding, but i think that majority of people dont. ffs i have been playing this game for 2.5+ years and i still dont have everything researched and i am in top 10% of people by time played. do you want people to still grind after 10 years with 4x grind increase. that is utterly stupid take.


You misunderstood. Killing me is less grievous than eating into my potential earnings as a “friendly” in this economy. :rofl:

Exactly. Poor saps aren’t even playing the game! They’re just going lobby to lobby until they find a team that can carry their 4 kill 20 death self to victory. Kinda sad really, the state of this playerbase. I really do recommend they try playing Enlisted one day. They might even enjoy it

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Ah so I topped you on the leaderboard? Lol. My condolences. I just really love this game and play it extensively. Stacking bodies (including tanks) and attacking point are the only things I know how to do in this game. Everything else is tertiary

“stop, stop, he’s already dead!” :rofl:

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Please stay on topic for this thread


Not nearly enough to fix fix the economy. Things are still to expensive and rewards too low.

:rofl: you tell 'em, man!

So for 25,000 RP I will get 250 silver? Barely enough for one medkit. How generous.

Whatever happens, DON’T do that. Seriously. That can’t be healthy for you in any way, which matters way more than any game economy issue.


they need to reduce the conversion rate, an exchange rate of 1/100 is too high even for those who use premium. it’s a game and it seems like there is real world inflation, they have to make sure it’s proportionate to what they put in to be able to buy. a single BR5 infantry weapon costs 3 thousand silver coins and to upgrade it to the maximum you need around 10 thousand. there must be a profit in which there is a balance between not too much and not even killing ourselves with work to get it.

yep! im pissed! this is one of the worst ideas darkflow had really. i have 2 572 105 silver, and yet, im staying around that ammount when researching and buying new vehicles, soldiers and weapons (not even upgrading them) only because i had plenty of soldiers bought before merge happened so i can sell worse tier soldiers. and i have premium. in what kind of game you dont earn money even with premium.

thats insane. i can only afford that because i played so much before merge. New players cant just sell anything to even try to get that money back.

And here comes the fix, a bowl of rice for veteran players and air for new players. Who’s idea was that?
a) 25k research point accumulated only? considering you could hoard as many as you wanted it sucks
b) 1 to 100 silver-xp conversion? im sorry? 1000 silver for 100 000xp so if you get same ammount of xp as if you were researching tier 5 weapon you would get great ammount of 1800 silver. boi i would just love to play for whole day to get best pistol extra thanks to that awesome ammount. and we get this in exchange for limiting research points to 25k? yeah thanks i would choose infinite xp hoarding over that uselessness of getting 1% silver from ammount of xp gained. AND EVEN, if you increase ammount of silver-xp conversion (NO. NOT TO 10) then just give us infinite hoarding and let to choose when and how much additional xp we want to convert.
c) 20% bonus for join any team? its a joke right? yeah let me tell you noone wants to join whatever for like 400-800 more silver. 50% is minimum where anyone would even think about clicking that.
d) 100 silver for battle awards up to 500… bro. not worth trying. make it 400 and no capping ammount you can get, if someone is amazing in a battle let him feel that, let the cash flow. give him his reward!

and do something for new players, really, because all those money boosts are mostly for veterans knowing how to play, new players wont join any team because grinding 4 nations at once is not fun, they wont get battle awards that often and they wont have excessive silver. we dont need that much money, they do.


You are forgetting each backpack can take up to 4 medpacks, so 36 medpacks in total


I get what they are trying to do with the xp cap.(and was an oversight in the first place)

But the the peanuts offered in exchange is…well, peanuts

Once something is already given its bit late (no taksies backsies)If you going to take something of value, probably best to trade something tangible in return…and silver probably isnt it. Certainly not at 100:1

Perhaps gold. Silver =/= Research xp…but gold is

I have seen other games put the cap on, but people with over keep it, just cant add to it till it dips below the cap.

Achieves what the Devs want once that pool runs dry, and vets dont lose value on what they have previously accumulated from suppprting the game by playing

You do realize having to cannibalize your own squads just to be able to play the game properly is the issue, right? Like, thats not a secret way to circumvent the silver issue, that IS the issue itself.