(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

Ah, yes, the other most likely solution. So predictable.


Research points exceeding the 25,000 limit be converted to Silver

Please don’t. Just let us convert it when we want to

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I just want to make one thing crystal clear:

I have been playing this game now for 3 weeks, 8-10 hours every. single. day.

Two days ago I bought the LTV-4 and 2800g and I bought these using your website so that Steam wouldn’t take such a big cut.

I plan on continuing playing this game for 8-10 hours everyday and maybe buy more stuff at least Premium account, but all this being said you mark my words:

The DAY this gets implemented, if it does, is the day I log-off, uninstall and NEVER play this game again and in that order too.

You will never, EVER, see another penny from me and I have talked to others who feel the same.

You released two-three updates now that were pretty good, you are back on the Steam scene, and now this.

So to sum up: do this and I will change my review to a negative one on Steam so will many others and you will lose the few players you have left.

It is simple, choose.

For the first and last time I’m here at the forums.



well well well would you look at that welp i hope this isnt the final version of the economy improvement cause this is pretty small

and again 20% for join any team wow that not enough to make me use it (literally thinking about it on that bad topic of mine yesterday and it should be boost to 90% idc or more than 50%)

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oh and uh a limit at 25k rp? that bad like new stuff take 180k and you limit everyone at 25k that is really bad imo well if this go through i might as well spend all my rp right now cause at least i would still put it to something more useful than 50 silver from my excess 5k xp (cause i have 30k and this will force me to lose those 5k for nothing)

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About Research Points:

DF (pushed by Gaijin)

  • we realize we fcked up giving players excessive research points in the first place.

  • Too generous and totally unnecessary

  • An incentive to not grinding (when content drops)

  • Problem will keep increasing as of more players reach this stage

  • We want to make this a stable and reasonable feature in the long run.

  • The idea is: don’t make veterans fat and happy but reward them for who keep playing and give em a steady income. Every time they get additional RP (just by playing) they can trade for silver.


  • we fought for this RP you can’t just take it away from us
  • The conversion rate is horrible: 1:100.
  • The choice should be individual if you want to trade RP for Silver

My take

I’m 100 % with the players in this topic.

BUT I understand this dilemma from the DF/GJ’s perspective.
Something needs to be done to make the situation more healthy.

I’ve been trying to figure out an reasonable solution but keep failing.
I always ends up in these ends:

Old veterans getting a big advantage compared to mid-veterans and newer players (if you compensate or making an exception for this group regarding their earned RP)

Old veterans being unfairly treated by robbing them of their stacked RP and they worked hard for and planned to use ahed when content drops.

It’s funny:
if they would’ve been more conservative about releasing the excess RP feature and presented it today - no one would complain and everyone would’ve been so happy for getting extra RP (and silver).


I find the GJ excuse since WT is not as painfull as Enlisted outside certain events.
Either DF has more autonomy or GJ is more greedy here

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I’ve been saying that since day one, the rate of gaining experiences is disproportionately fast to the rate of gaining silver.
The speed of getting experiences should have been reduced by at least 4x, while the silver speed should have been maintained.

And it was their incredible mistake to allow such a spare exp system in the first place.
Spare exps should only be allowed to be used with a combination with premium currency. That’s the way it is in WT and WOT.

They’ve made several huge mistakes. And now spoiled players do not want be robbed of their stuff. Very difficult situation.

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Did you suffer from a heatstroke recently?
Forcing ppl to grind 4 times as long because of your imaginary issues is a super dick move.

If you think you have too much exp, don’t buy premium or something. Don’t punish others.



The game should encourage people to buy premium.
And the economic side of things is a better approach than OP squads and or squad slots locked behing paywall.

You either pay with your time or your money, that’s how it should be.

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Where was this ridiculous answer from mov?

In that 10% IS ALSO THEIR WHALES, or those making the game live…

If they’re retarded enough that they think they can just throw us away…

Then they just deserve to fail.

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Yeah, except with your briliant idea of 4x longer grind, the price in time is simply stupidly big.
Many f2p players will simply leave the game. Great idea if you suffer from overpopulation.


Then make it 2x slow and 2x faster silver income.

why dont we do 4x silver instead of 4x less rp?

wow didnt know that buffing silver is consider bad nowadays wow dont we all need silver for “veteran box” later anyway? idk how this is considered bad tbh


I have a better idea, lets make grind for you 10 times longer. You will suffer for the greater good, jesus of our time.

You have clearly no idea how long it takes for a casual f2p player to unlock a single gun. Not to mention upgrades.


As long as they don’t increase stock squad grind and make bikes require 5.000.000XP for one level that’s actually reasonable.

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Another point devs stupidly overlooked, and is also very, very obvious…

If ppl have a LOT of research point… it’s because…

They played a lot. So the attendance IS ALREADY HERE.

Veterans WON’T PLAY MORE if they remove our surplus, it won’t change…

Therefore, DF’s reasoning is absolutely flawed, and their “decision”, completely worthless.


Do I look like the entertainment for the other side to you?

No, having played against you more than once I can confirm that you’re a certified, grade A pain in the ass. :slightly_smiling_face: