(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

Creative greedy guy that invented this:


With exchanging my:
i will receive 19 420 silver. That will be enough to buy a single tank
and a single pistol + a bottle of vodka :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: You are clowns DF, it’s obvious you don’t even ever play your own game and just use cheats (aka dev mode) to give yourself all premiums, unlimited gold/silver and finished research.
I would like you to play even for a single day as a f2p you would hate the game and complain constantly that silver gain is unplayable.


But I am pretty sure it was asked by the community many times (probably by TheUnlaidOne level of people) or their stats showed that research points have to reduced and have such a low level of conversion.

They really doing everything in their power to ruin the game even further and make me quit. Not only it should not be forced on you to convert, but it should be 10 silver per 100 xp instead 1 silver per 100 xp.


Maybe that’s their way of balancing the MM. Make most of the vets so annoyed they leave, and the new players then have a chance to farm awards. :joy:


I have seen the Devs are revisiting this, but from my own perspective I don’t want to be forced to convert, unless it it like 250k not 25k RP.

I think actually doing this won’t help, I have played since CBT and don’t need silver really, or RP and have multiple premiums, but forcing players new and old to limit their RP is not a good solution.

Hope @James_Grove takes all this on board when Devs make next decision on economy, it is going to be interesting how they incentivise Any games and having the win bonus being so low, there is no incentive based on the bonus to not play strongest meta faction.


After sleeping over it, I realized that the 25k XP store cap was most likely conceived as another way to discourage players from maining a single nation. “Hmmm, my progress goes nowhere now, might as well play some other army.”

Except A) they didn’t take into account that mains will be mains no matter what, and would rather lose both arms than playing the other filthy nations; B) “you actually DID play everything and have nothing more to possibly unlock? Too bad! No more XP for you, it doesn’t matter how much you’ve played and play, when the new stuff comes out, you will have to GRIND MORE!”


I would like to congratulate Darkflow and the community managers here. You have absolutely no understanding of the market economy. The game has blatant problems regarding the playerbase and you are making it worse with a post like this. Instead of sitting down and really thinking about the problem, you come up with something like this. Whoever came up with the idea I would fire him. Until you realize that it’s not going down well with the players, it’s more like a joke. It’s not the first time you’ve gone off the rails with something like this, but Gaijin has an absolute talent for doing it over and over again.

How long do you grind as a new player for 100k exp. How much silver do you make from that alone? And for 100k exp. that you can convert into 1000 silver.

20% more experience when I click on the join all button. I’d rather play the nation that is dominant in the playerbase. You make more on average because you get 50% just by winning. Calculating doesn’t seem to be your strength or is your greed for money just that big?

Keep up the good work! You’ll manage to completely dismantle the game so that nobody plays it anymore.


The mandatory XP conversion is a way to get rid of all the stockpiled free XP and the cap is there to make sure it’s not going to be accumulated in those numbers ever again. I’ll bet the next thing on the chopping block are the silver stockpiles and, again, I’ll bet lootboxes will be a way to sink silver rather than allow for new players to obtain past event equipment and squads.

They don’t feel people not being able to afford anything they grind is a problem. They can always swipe their credit card and avoid the pain. But people having near unlimited resources that can instantly bypass the grinds? Woah, boy, that’s a real problem in the current economy. And who cares if those people have those resources only because they already invested tons of money and time in your game.

And just to make sure, by they I’m not thinking of our CMs here or even the devs. The real problem was, is. And will be, the higherups with their profit margins. And I can only hope DF can find a way to compromise between our enjoyment and their unending greed.


Why 20% only, it needs to be more like 40-50%… “join any team” option is important bcoz many enllisted players focus on some factions and dont play other factions… 20% is nothing comeon

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At this point, how can we be serious about any promises the dev made? Always one step forward two steps backward.
I truly can’t wait to see how the penalty for desertion is like, oh, also the lootboxes. Must be 50k silver for a 30% booster and 0.5% chance for a random bp weapon.


lmao agree, also i was one step away from the tiger . merge came and ruin my game . I NEED TO RESEARCH 15 TANKS


We can only wait and see. But I wouldn’t be surprised if there are multiple tiers of lootboxes with the most accessible one having a minor chance for a single squad and or weapon per battlepass with most common reward being like 5-10-15% of the silver it cost to buy it or some booster, and better tiers that either require gold to open them, a’lla keys for crates in WT or straight up require gold/real money to purchase.

I’m also fairly certain that when they introduce them they’ll have a welfare event where you can earn 1-2 per two days for 20-40k points and they’ll call it fair and a massive improvement.

Those clowns want to lower our silver gain for deserting for x matches, so instead 1-2k you will get like 100-200 silver :rofl: knowing DF it will be like that with same values i just made up. And for lootboxes they will have no pity, they will cost 50k each and give you boosters and silver in 99% of them.


Yeah, 0% bonus and win = 50% xp, 20% bonus and lose = 20% xp. It’s obvious which side is better. It will not help anyone and Germany will still be a zombie nation full of bots and deserters, after they will penalize deserters it will become even more deserted it will turn into PVE bot grind zone just like ol’ good Tunisia Axis.

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They might as well delete my account if they think any penalty will force me to stay in games like this. The other side also happened to have a 3 player stack of all T20s.


I don’t believe there will be a pity system, just look at the rates in warthunder. It is so common to waste millions of silver for a crappy hat or tier 2 toy.

Another issue will the excessive amount of bp weapons. What if you can get more than 4 g43k, conders, and so on. It will just create more imbalance and unfair advantages for whales and the lucky few

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Well, if you already have 3 besals or 4 g43ks, or whatever, you obviously get a fair compensation of 100s :rofl:


DF looked at my JP banked XP and thought it should always look like that. I guess they want me to hate playing other nations as much as i hate Japan.


Now imagine American player with 3x MG squads and 9x M2 Stingers, plus bonus APC with yet another M2 Stinger.