Research point to silver should be optional

We all probably seen the post yea? I know it said “sent back for revision” so yea it should be optional not force like what they said reason is simple really.

  1. I can keep my rp for new release stuff
  2. It wouldnt hurt anyone since it optional

and this way even if the exchange rate is extremely bad at least it won’t affect people who want to keep rp for future stuff.

seem like most people is in agreement here cause there arent anyone who argue against this that cool


Bad idea :-1:

Without the grind there will be no incentive to play :point_up:

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and with 25k cap I have no reason to continue playing japan when i unlock everything since the exchange rate is abysmally bad (5k rp = 50 silver ridiculous)

again, this literally doesnt hurt anyone and you can still exchange rp on your favorite faction for silver so i dont understand why this is consider “bad”

People are accumulating research points and then - spend them all when the new update is ready.

They get everything new (weapons / vehicles / squads) for free just in one second !!!

It is not the way that the game should look like :-1:

If you play a game for work and not for fun, you “play” a job.
Go and apply for a job instead.


If no grind means no incentive to play, ppl who unlocked everything don’t have any spare exp because they stopped playing.
According to this, there is no point in making spare exp capped because ppl don’t have it.

Also I’d say that a game that ppl play for grind and not for enjoyment is a bad game. But enlisted is the best game ever so it’s clearly false.

According to your first message, such ppl don’t exist so there is no problem to solve.

They don’t get it for free, they had to grind for it. It doesn’t matter if they grind now or 2 weeks ago, they get the unlock when everybody else does and grind is grind.


If a game is not fun without a countless hours of grind then maybe you should look for a job you could grind your life away at the useless career. You would really hate old mp games like COD2 or Wolf ET that had very tiny grind.

Also according to him, if there is nothing to grind, there is basically no reason to play the game at all :thinking:


i mean once i finish grinding everything in enlisted (which would take maybe 2 year for me at the moment) i could just keep playing for fun and used niche thing like br2 or 3 lineup without caring and storing xp for future content

but with the cap on 25k there is no reason for me to do that beside it probably encourages me to play other game to wait for enlisted new content

and again, it optional so if i want to grind silver i would have to play anyway but instead of me playing to unlock thing, i would be playing for fun (my perspective at least)


False :-1:

You will be playing only to accumulate more and more points and lie to yourself “I play for fun”.

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more and more point that can be converted to silver and new content but i dont have to care about winning = bad thing? ok

So I guess it’s better that he doesn’t play the game at all.
Trully 200IQ game design.

Sounds like a mastefull game design.

“Enlisted is the BEST WW2 GAME EVER MADE!!!”

Also Gigolo:


Strange how “garbage” ww2 games still have playerbase, without anything to grind… like your beloved HLL. What does that make Enlisted? :laughing:


Grind in HLL is extremely tedious and ultimately bad. Prime example of how to not do grind.

also completely unecessary.

Since starter loadout is arguably better than later unlocks.

I mean, you START off with a stg44…

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Whatever, you will end up playing with BAs 90% anyway. It’s not like some stg matters lol.

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Still confirms my point…

BAs are also available at start. Which means, no grind.

Also. You unlocked everything, right Adam?


Why are you playing? :upside_down_face:

Because of progress and feeling of accomplishment. That’s why my most favorite genre is RPGs.

HLL is just game for people who likes too much talk.

4 classes in the squad get full auto weapon as the starter one.
So all you need to do is grind one soldier class to get a semi or something to not play with BA.