Research point to silver should be optional

I still upgrading and playing squads I have previously completely skipped.
I still have things to progress. But TT progress is complete broken for me at this point. And I don’t think that’s how it should be.

Broken how? Only thing the playerbase agrees about, is that many things should be foldered…

To reduce the grind.

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No intelectual dishonesty. Just your lack of ability to read.

4/5 players in a squad can play with auto weapons with no grind. So it’s just your skill issue of not being able to pick a class and bithcing about it in a forum of another game. Same as Wieloglow.

Completely unrelated and off topic thing.

Broken? How? I can’t get any addition to tech tree in like one sec once it is released. :slight_smile: because of extremely weird spare exp system that I have never seen in any other game of this format.

Ppl did grind for it, thought.

That’s where all that free xp is coming from.

Should ppl STOP playing once they unlocked everything according to your idea of game format? :thinking:


Isn’t it exacrtly what we want?
Flood ppl with events and content so they play for grind and spend monney. And then we stop adding content, ppl sop playing and we shut down the servers so we don’t need to spend monney.

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Yeah, whatever. I have been saying this since day one of the merge. Experience gain is extremely fast in comparison to silver gain.

I literally managed to research 1/3 games on content in literally 2-3 months. I don’t know how that’s a healthy exp gain.

It’s truly bizarre that I have unlocked all vehicles, I have several tens of millions spare exps (in context where most expensive thing to research is around 200k), yet I still cannot even afford to upgrade all of them.

The economy just doesn’t make any sense. Exp gain should be significantly reduced and silver gain should be a little bit boosted.

Folders should be more common, like 2/3 of content should be only in folders. So even people who doesn’t have ambition to grind all things could still get to top tier in reasonable time period.

You’re right, it must be that.

There’s no other reason why someone would suggest removing grinded efforts from the playerbase…

Unless trying to say “yes, praise DF, praise the snail!” for any and all weird illogical decisions they come with for attention or something. There’s a term for that…

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yeah right.

I rest my case, everyone.


I appreciate your fair and very honest consensus :purple_heart:

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I am always very honest, and always speak directly my thoughts.

I do not try to simp to DF/Snail for some obscure motives…

(be careful who you sarcastically call dishonest, you won’t be taken seriously)

I am just as honest as you are. I have no clue what are you taking about.

It takes me like 1-2 months to unlock a new thing as fully f2p casual player.
If you think progression is too fast, go outside, touch grass, get a life or something.

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What’s the actual game here, the WWII shooter, or the progress bar simulator?


perhaps you and the other chap should ask for reset button ?
You could grind the same gear over and over again.

Could even have somekind of reward at the end of grind ? Grind mp40 ~20 times and you get banner
“special” forces or something.


Nah, In that case seasonal wipes similar to Tarkov should be introduced. It has to be same for everyone.

But I really don’t like the idea tbh.

So grinding is not “fun” if its just for you ?
But its fun if you can show that you can spend ~12h a day to enlisted unlike regular people that actually has a job ?


“Game is divided into two elements - 1. logistics and economics, 2. tactics (actual battle)”

My friend plays a game about fishing. He hates this game.

“Then why do you keep playing ?” I asked him.

“Because I have level 170 and I feel sorry to uninstall” :joy:

that’s low key sad

but yeah, just because you feel entitled to one thing ,doesn’t mean everyone should experience it or think like you do.

just saying.

funny that i mentioned it though.
there has yet to be actual valid and logical reasons on why stacked XP are an issue.