(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

I think you are missing this point:


It doesn’t matter. Free spare exps is an extremely weird feature I’ve never seen in any f2p game.
And I think it’s more unhealthy for the game than you actually think.
I don’t see any problem if it was monetized. After all, those exps don’t magically cease to exist. You’ll just have to pay if you want to use them for getting newly added content immediately once it’s released. Or you will have to grind normally like everyone else. That seems very reasonable to me.

And you are definitely wrong about not buying levels for golds. Time exclusivity is for some people more important that it seems. Some would definitely pay.

I hadn’t even seen your separate suggestion earlier. I was talking exclusively about the post here about forced timegating.

again like i said it was to see what Adam think not suggesting it to be a thing

end of story (of course i know it bad who tf wouldnt)

Except that’s exactly the current plan.

Your idea (paywalling them) would de facto make them unaccessible as well, unless paying a vastly disproportionate amount of gold to get back XP I already earned.


I wouldn’t be so fast saying players don’t need xp. Again. THREE YEARS ON PREMIUM for players with a life, but playing regularly.

You also contradict yourself heavily.

On one part, you say veterans should pay more gold to unlock things faster. To be a veteran you need to have finished the grind.

Yet you also say:

So, it would mean less veterans who reached the point surplus xp gets accumulated.

Adam. Stop simping DF/Snail. It doesn’t help anyone (it doesn’t even help df/snail, alienating it’s players)



76 Million “fee xp” I grinded I will never use

bascially have to pay them for my time lol


You could still convert them completely for free to silvers, if you are not willing to pay. Meaning, you would still get some additional resources from it.
So you are wrong.

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Unlike what some appear to think, the fact that us veterans don’t mind buying premium content doesn’t mean that we like paying. We don’t get our dopamine shots straight by opening our wallet.

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Crumbles of silver that I don’t even need.


again 5k rp for 50 silver is rediculous if it 500 silver then idk maybe it still not good for some people

personally if 5k = 500 silver i consider that to be “quite good” but i know some people still wont like it

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These are two completely separate suggestions. I’m just giving out several ideas for improving the current apparently dysfunctional economy. I have never said they should implement all my suggestions at once.
Rather, I’m just pointing out some directions that developers could take.

And next time, please quote the whole justification and not just a fragment taken out of context.

Well, you don’t need tens of millions spare exps either.

This is from your POV. From us others’ POV, your idea does NOT improve the core of the economy in the slightest, since it punishes those who reached the end of the grind (most likely by paying, incidentally) without affecting those who are still facing it in any way.


Tens of millions? No.

A few hundreds thousands, which I earned by playing (with premium I paid for), and I plan to use to unlock newly added content when it comes? YES.

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That’s your point of view. But unlike you, I don’t want to live in some pseudo-socialist world. Where everyone gets anything without any effort.

I believe my suggestions are completely reasonable. And I think it’s up to developers to decide what’s best for their product.
It’s neither up to you or me.
You are always welcome to make your own suggestions.

Now you’re just not making any sense.

By your reasoning, player paying for premium and playing regularly to earn XP = free player asking for free stuff now without effort.


Lol adam is secretly snails biggest enemy.

He is like enabler for a drug addict, bro even brings new drugs for them to test out


Enlisted Meme - You Do Not Play Videogames For Fün!


You wanna enter the bet he justs wanna join the snail as a mod, alpha or whatever… for free gold?

Because you can’t make that up… all he says is aimed at “snail should get more income, and players, pay more”

Now there’s boot licking, and there’s boot licking…


Let’s see if DF will turn that mostly positive Steam rating into a mixed or mostly negative one.