Rider class improvements

I like this, and if you could implement some of the concepts we spoke here, it could be even better!: Possible Biker Rework Concept

imo, it’s fine as it is.

because the german one has higher rate of fire.

although, an mg42 version ( like the one i made for a mod :smirk: )

it could be an interesting br III / IV improvement.


i would rather take 550rof with 250 ammo than 880rof with 50 ammo. MG34 should have at least 100 rounds. Or even better replaced with brand new MG42.


Woo it looks really nice!


dunno this bike is pretty good the reload not that long should we really get the belt ?

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Im gonna go with @Yuri_Enjoyer_ on this one.

-for historical sake I was unecessarily worried about 251/9 HE APC spam when it came out (its fine actually)
-I believed (i think correctly) that parisan class is not OP and end of the world like some here claimed; they seem perfectly fine, balanced at this point.

This is a good step, ups Riders prob 50% but from worst class to still probably still worst class? (but more playable?)

These changes are GOOD, dont get me wrong, but simply consider adding rider squad2 at some point with simple scout cars of 3-4 men and see where that goes. Id personally like to see more motor cavalry in the game, adds further mobility just like APCs have.




I’d say germans can’t have more than 50 rounds because that’s what the drum mag holds.

But then we have stinger with 200 rounds in 100 round box soo…
@MajorMcDonalds your opinion on this?


Reload is definitely too long you will get killed often while reloading you are completely defenseless, if you were playing with American bike you would still be shooting for ages before reload.

yeah but unlike rican wich have a slower rate of fire i’m afraid we could have overheat mechanic like apc …

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This sound good, it can be the first step to improve the tank tracks physics




maybe one day tanks could cross trench xD


like… not to be… always grumpy, and lamenting about everything.

but… we can expect things like this in the future in the base game… right?

even just being able to change the base color.

how come i can come up with these ideas, but… no one else can.
i’m not that special.

shouldn’t be that hard i’d reckon…


Would still love if they bikes were reduced to br 1, it would given them a br where they would be almost always viable due to the lack of apc


an mg34 / 30 cal / Te-4 machine gun / Dp 27 machineguns in br I ?

that’s not viability. that’s seal clubbing.


Americans are pretty much driving with a BR5 MG but upgraded with 250 rounds that never overheat so that at BR1 against unsuspecting low BR players it’s too much especially if you know how to abuse enemy ai aggro radius so you won’t get targeted.

I demand a vroom vroom button that can be activated by the third rider.

EDIT (for additional explanation): The new soldier slot can use any of the currently existing soldier class upgrades that the Rider class has. So this can be an engineer or AT gunner, but also an assaulter, sniper, radioman or MG gunner, as below (but the extra 3rd soldier slot is not on this image yet):

Also, the extra soldier sits behind the driver.


no medics?


You could also increase the turning arc of the mg as a part of the vehicle upgrades, since those dont make so much difference otherwise

Overall happy for the change and i asked for it. If you are in the mood for tweaking the motorbikes, here are the previous suggestions:

  1. WLA rider blocks the view
  2. Automatic fast soldier change on death
  3. Change the mg firing arc as upgrade
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