Give Motorcycle squads a 3rd trooper (and maybe some other improvements)

Motorcycles are at the moment the exclusive joy of the few despicable degenerates players who are active in Tunisia. However after the merge they will get more exposure to the crowd from other campaigns.

At the moment with 2 trooper per squad, they are the smallest ground combat squad. The premium version has 3 soldiers and I think it would be pretty great if the non-premium bikes would also be given an additional soldier slot to increase their use and survivability.

Here are couple of other suggestions:

1.) Swap the soldier immediately after being shot. The drivers are highly visible and vulnerable. The second soldier tends to die before you can swap control to him in the screen. It would therefore be nice if you switch the control between driver / gunner automatically on death so you can exit the bike asap.

2.) Particularly on the WLA, the driver model blocks around 25% of the screen off so quite often I end up switching to the driver view. However in this view, you have very little indication about the firing arc / position of your gun. So it would be great, for instance, to see the current MG field of fire left and right limit when doing the right click vision zoom in the driver view.

3.) Add motorcycles to Japan and USSR as well.

4.) As said before, but just to repeat. Add the 3rd trooper to the non-premium squads - this would make the squads much more useful instead of a gimmick-pick.


And add more bikes in general.


Also maybe last thing:

Currently the bikes are 6 star vehicles and therefore very expensive, where the last upgrade is ā€œgun and turret units modificationā€ with the following benefits:
Shots deviation -15%
Horizontal turret aim speed:+15%
Vertical gun aim speed: +20%

The last two in particular dont seem to make much sense for the mg mount. I would therefore propose those to be changed to:
Horizontal gun firing angle +20%
Vertical gun firing angle: +20%

Full disclosure, havenā€™t upgraded the bike so just go with what is written as the effect.


it should be 2 bikes, assuming AI is good enough to control one. then the squad becomes playable.


There are lots of civilian vehicles scattered arlund the maps that provide quick flanking options. Again an issue confounded by the fast pace (slow it down Darkflow!)


I donā€™t think itā€™s necessary

What if those bikes are simply ā€œearly unlocks and low BR vehiclesā€ and this type of squad later upgrades to ā€œJeeps, KĆ¼belwagen and other armed scout vehiclesā€?

That way you would get your bigger squad size.


Unless those vehicles will be considered as active rally points, those squads would stay gimmicky and completely unnecessary.
Thereā€™s just no place for them in current enlisted. Concept of biker squads feels so fkn unfinished.


you read my mind.

i was about to ask something similar.

beside, for the germans, in order to make it balanced,

they could use the non weaponized version of the premium bike ( that comes with 3 soldiers )

so, to still make premium worthed and original, but at the same time, give free to players 3 soldiers, they can do that at the cost of the machinegun for a soldier.

could be an idea.

but yeah, we need new type of bikes too for others factions.

for the rest, i agree


That could be a thing. Though generally Iā€™m not such a huge fan of limiting an entire class to 2 troopers in perpetuity or getting rid of the gun just to get the 3rd trooper.

I think you need to play at least something like 20 matches to have more or less fully unlocked the squad tree - premiums have it from the get go. We also have the precedent of premium squads being generally less versatile than the normal squads.

Iā€™d just say, fuck it - give my people their 3rd trooper.


but thatā€™s the point.

premium are supposed to be unique

you canā€™t just outright make them somewhat useless

as free to play counterparts still would have to go for the grind.

beside, as i said, the no gun varient itā€™s in the game. ( dunno why )

so that would be a sidegrede without pissig anyone off.

( P.s. sounds like i own the premium and trying to defend it. but in reality,i actually dont. and regret not having it )

Then make the new 3 men copy bike event vehicle. Since copy pasting premium vehicles and using them as event ones is new meta for Enlisted.

they have differences though.

not just a straight up ctrl + c & ctrl + v

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Digression, Is there a way to remove the coconut tree icon?

through decals. but i donā€™t really know much about them.

and iā€™m starting to believe decals do not work on non tank vehicles

( unless iā€™m using them wrong )

tried to follow @Devenddar advise, and thread, but most is lost in translation to me

and, to be fair, iā€™m working onto other things that presses me to release my police mod.

behind schedule as per usualā€¦

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Yeah, I know one them is like version ā€œaā€ and second one is version ā€œbā€.
But I personally donā€™t think itā€™s very significant, especially since even devs were too lazy to properly differentiate their names.

They are. Nothing changes for that squad. The unique visual and squad setup is there.

How far do we take the argument? Are we forever locking all bike squads to 2 troops and same or worse gun? Does a patronentrommel version of a free to unlock bike make the old one useless?

While i have some sympathy, just because the devs lazily implemented the exactly same bike for axis as free unlock, we cannot have nice things here? Seems kinda unreasonable tbh.

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now, thatā€™s actually genious.

patronell version of the bike for 3 troopers.

and voilĆ .

original, and doesnā€™t piss people off.

i suppose the soviets could get the one with Dt-29 and the other with a Dp27.



wellā€¦ yes.

premium bikes should be better compared to the free to play one.

the argument is in not ripping off the ones who payed for that.

not necessarely lazy ( althoughā€¦ yeah in many other aspects )

EDIT. iā€™m not particular against having free to play with 3 bikes. but wouldnā€™t be really fair for those who bought them for that particular reason.

granted, free to play one does not come with unique uniforms, nor fully upgraded soldiers, or xp bonuses.

but you saw the controversy on the previous event plane.

bad reputation is the least they need right now.

but if they can fit a 3rd trooper in the f2p one, i suppose why not.

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Tbh that was my original idea of how to resolve it. Iā€™m sadly just extremely cynical at this point.

I write these suggestions with thaƤe assumption that ā€œadd 3rd trooper to bike squadsā€ has somewhere between 5-2% chance of happening.

Going from that to ā€œandddd adjust an existing bike squad model as a prerequisite for the other adjustmentā€ and weā€™re probably looking at 1%-0.1% chance.