Give Motorcycle squads a 3rd trooper (and maybe some other improvements)

trivial situations the one those who finds their selves when suggesting something in the forum :joy:

but jokes aside,

the patronomel variant with 3 soldiers does sound somewhat better because it would provide something new without ripping someone off.

although, that’s how i see it.

we don’t know what devs we’ll see.

so, the thread at hand, and the options have been layed out.

( unlike someone else that ask to remove bikes entirely… audacity of some people these days… )

will be up to devs what to do next.

but, hey. the light of hope never fades away.

( your patience before actually getting those changes might though )

oh, and since we are talking of improvements, i would like to add one small of mine regarding bikes:

I know and i agree with that one. I mean, it’s incredibly cheeky to do something like this so close to releasing the premiums.

Doing something 2 (?) years after releasing the premium squad, which is off market, and as a move to increase the vehicle class viability is a different story.

I’m totally fine with that, so long as we see the main change at some point.

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I will forward this idea later tonight.

Let’s see if devs consider it :slight_smile:

It’s also something I would like to see, 3rd biker on free bike squads./ a bike for ussr

I m trying to find a bike model with side car for ussr that saw usage in ww2, do you know any? If yes, please share it here so I can dig a litle into it

I have Google some, but I need to dig a litle for usage. Theres Alot of 2 seats one used.


of veriafiable, with a gun, this one:


then, you have the other model, but it did not had guns ( or really highly rated )
IMZ Ural

additionally, for the japanese:
Japanese Sidecar RT 97


Dope. Thank you.

I will read it tonight and pass it to devs


those were in miss order, my mistake.

i fixed them now though. ( plus a japanese varient )


Much appreciated Erika.

Thank you.

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anyway, now that i think about it,

another improvement that i can think of,
would be cool if to use the submachinegun as a driver by pressing the button like tank commander.
perhaps when stationary:


and i know through mods can be done.

but generally, just to make bike drivers more responsive and quick for action
( especially when the gunner is dead )


imo they´re only really useful to quickly zoom around the flank to place rally points maybe catch someone off guard. Besides that I still only see them as a gimmick like the Amphibious tanks or turretless TDs+M10. Even with 3 Riders they´re not gonna last very long in actual combat so I´m not sure how you guys imagine using them. While on the bikes they´re free kills for any bot for example.

Good fixes but dedicated Bike sqauds still seem a bit out of place in this game. Halftrack squads wich act as rally points would´ve made way more sense in Tunisia (and be worth the money for the Premium versions too).

Yeah, it’s funny AI can shoot with primary weapons from neutral vehicles like :blue_car::trolleybus::canoe: but cannot while riding bike. At least if i remember correctly.


Great idea.

Code for ju_87d_3:

  transform:m=[[1, 0, 0] [0, 1, 0] [0, 0, 1] [464.706, 81.5203, 17.8792]]

      dProj0:p4=0.1910, 0.7140, 2.76, -1.657
      dProj1:p4=0, 0, 0, 0
      uProj0:p4=-0.968, 0.251, 0.002, 2.037
      uProj1:p4=0, 0, 0, 0
      vProj0:p4=-0.241, -0.935, 0.259, 1.048
      vProj1:p4=0, 0, 0, 0
      locNorm0:p3=0.067, 0.25, 0.966
      locNorm1:p3=0, 0, 0
      locPos0:p3=1.659, 0273, 0.415
      locPos1:p3=0, 0, 0

I can’t tell much. But it pain to work with it.
As I know…

  • dProj affect to rendering limits.

  • uProj and vProj affects to stretching and decal position?
Screenshots - uProj

Screenshots - vProj

  • textureName affect to decal texture.
  • I don’t know how scale, rotation, locPos and locNorm work.
  • Same for mirrored/oppositeMirrored/twoSided. Probably they turns on locNorm1, dProj1, vProj1 and uProj1.

Probably you can add decal to any object that contains animchar__res.
Maybe need to add it in entities.blk code:



(Don’t forgot to add also animcharDecalsData array).