Possible Biker Rework Concept

I know that some will be upset by the idea, but it could give a bit of quality to the class that has been relegated to the background due to a series of circumstances:

  1. First of all I want to give a change in the cost of tickets for the squad, since the base version only has two members in the team and in the premium 3, deploying them should cost a little less than it currently costs…

  2. Secondly, I suggest adding the reticle that is applied to anti-aircraft weapons as I suggested in this post and in which I explain the reasons, but basically it is because the machine guns were used as an emergency anti-aircraft and as seen in the other attached post of how they were used for that purpose despite NOT being their main task…ALSO I attach example in game

  3. In the third option I want to give the option that this class could behave like the AI ​​of the APC but improved, that is, that the machine gunner can use his machine gun and if the motorcycle is stopped, the pilot can use his personal weapon in the case of the premium version, in the case of the premium motorcycle in the case of its third crew member (since I do not remember if he did it or not), work like any passenger of an APC, adding example of how it could be a motorbike driver and personal weapon

  4. Add more motorcycle variants or if you feel brave jeeps for a hypothetical squad upgrade, as far I know something is cooking because they said it in the answering users posts…

  5. Allow them move in the grey zone like guerrillas for assaults, concept idea: guerrillas and bikers can spawn on infantry (guerrilla) different spot as usual infantry and bikers in vehicle area but close to guerrilla one,however if they go in gray zone and bring anything else than biker unit will die in grey zone

  6. Reduce XP costs, it shouldn´t cost like it do right now (thanks to suggestion comments for the idea)

  7. If we have a jeep version, one with truck or civilian bus could be fun for have passengers

  8. For implement all above we need fix driving physics, weight who make you stay glued forever at minor issue and terrain because drive in general is horrible, thanks for the idea shrimp

THANKS for read it and I would love know your opinion


I’d like to start off with a much more humble change. Lower the squad to BR1. It’s ridiculous that this two man squad is still stuck in BR2. I can already take a machinegun squad with no machinegunners into BR1 and use them to build a HMG.


this is a nice start, br1. i’d add reworking xp requirements.
concerning the op, i think that being able to bring that mg to the grayzone might be too annoying. jeeps might be interesting. independent AI is not necessary i think since it’s easy to ride and fire. using personal weapon is cool. AA reticle i think is unnecessary, it’s supposed to be an emergency thing only. lower tickets depends, in br1 i don’t think it’s good.

nic3 idea

Some solid ideas. The Biker class has a lot of room for more expansion. But it needs some serious XP rework. With a two-man crew, it takes forever to gain any XP. Either doubling the XP earned, or reducing the XP requirements for levelling up, would work.

But I can see the Biker class as potentially becoming its own new research sub-tree . Maybe rebadged as a reconaissance-type squad. Motorbikes, obviously, but also jeeps, kubelwagens, armoured cars, specialised radio/sniper, and even bicycle squads. That could work.


you know, I love exp reduce idea, also the radio concept I think in something like that time ago