Armored Radioman Squad

I’m crazy, I know, but it’s an idea that occurred to me thinking about some kind of event in which all the Enlisted nations converge, something big, the concept would be a type of radio squadron but instead of being the characteristic infantry squad, be it instead a motorized version, like a “jeep” to give context…I attach some photos for a concept idea, I am not expert about this, so if anyone can aid me to give proper context, it would be nice!






Good idea !

as long as speed/armor/mobility are balanced with the rate at which they can call in strikes
that is having more speed and protection than an infantry squad their ability should be slower to call in a strike

that is a good idea too my friend

plane mains love this idea

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no flying radiomen that would be too strong

no flying, only ground friend

The problem is that the current map is too small to support the operation of so many “logistic units”.

I could be wrong

But i think he referring to planes will have a field day, blowing this all up, with so many targets

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this is a future concept, thinking about when they open map enough… but ey…I just was trying shre some ideas…

for Italy the Dovunque-Viberti Radio Center (I love the aesthetics of this truck it’s so smooth XD )



Gran idea compañero

they cant get the tanks to work they are appalling to drive use and cant out run a man with a stick of dynamite tanks are worthless - and the balance makes them pointless - br 2 v br 4 tanks
the balance again allows br 4 to dominate every game in assault in defense also
games where players get 150 kills as their clans ruin the game I see clans I quit I’m prob dump this game for squad - soon 39 bucks for a squad or a tank eh your just ripping off people not impressed with it the ideas fun its far better I custom matches then reg also seems fewer cheats as its as a reg games are filled with em - tanks are not as spec as war thunder that’s for sure -

This is why i like the Japanese premium apc. I drive around spawning squads while raining down artillery in between mg sprays. Fun times

they said it would cost 20€,and look actual price…