Reworking old locations

PSA: this was already added on the previous dev server so you can check out the changes if you want in the editor.


This is so unecesary. The game isn’t supposed to be “easier and safer” it’s supposed to be realistic. So what if it was hard to get across the beach? Isn’t that the point? So what if there were too many bunkers. Kinda seems like the enemy was real and had prepared itself. I started playing this game because I wanted a realistic experience (no game is perfect, of course) but this just ruins that.


Would like to see some Berlin cleanup, especially regarding barbed wire piles on capture point. Out of all campaigns, Berlin really has many almost invisible barbed wire spots that you can’t destroy which really damage the overall fighting experience.


In the meantime there’s style people on this thread who ask to remove the MG because it’s not enough ultra easy mod for them with 300 tickets per capped point, you can thanks those assisted cryers


This actually looks amazing. Gives more life to the map

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You know what could be improved when it comes to environment? These two indestructible abominations:

I get that the steel base for the 88mm cannon is sturdy enough to survive the tank’s weight, but the problem is any tank keeps getting stuck on these, even IS-2, instead of rolling over it - even if my track barely reaches one of the legs, it grabs it and my vehicle turns around instead of advancing. This thing is so infuriating. And even after the cannon is blown off, the part in the center sill sticks up like a nail - it could be made possible to break it off also - it should be torn off from the “+” base where the bolts are holding it. But making the legs passable for a tank is the most needed. Even the steel hedgehogs are much less notorious - if you bump into them, you can just back off without getting one of your tracks caught on them or your vehicle rocking on them back and forth.

These carts - AA power generators if I am correct, (and also the AA searchlights), for goodness sake, they are so frustrating. Again, they are immovable, they block tank shots and even an IS-2 cannot squash them. They should be destructible in the same way the trucks are - ride over them and they flatten. They are the most notorious tank-blocking objects since thery are sometimes too low to see them. I’m not suggesting to remove them - they are an essential feature in the German maps showing the scale of defensive war - but this anti-aircraft equipment should be “nerfed” (into being destructible or more passable at least).


I thought the D-Day and Stalingrad maps were fine and had no problem with them. I think they shouldn’t be changed

Also it would be cool if one day we got maps modeled after all the different landings

At the moment the Brits and Americans are under the same umbrella but perhaps in the future they’ll be separated, so they’ll have their own specific battles like during the Normandy invasion. For example, I believe some of the maps are supposed to be from the British zones

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And the anti-aircraft gun in the photo has a barbed wire mesh that no one benefits from.


yes you found biggest issue as always. Not that the bots cant find direction of enemy fire, not that one could survive grenade explosion at his legs, not that soldier stand up like retard after self healing in enemy fire, not that one bullet scratch to airplane gives the kill credits to lucky shooter. Biggest issue is to rework map, especially at stalingrad is not building with acces to upper floors only from one side, givin big advantage to one team, but the entrance of building mostly taken by first storm. AND ALMOST IMMORTAL KV TANK KILLING THROUGH 4 WALLS FROM ZONE WHERE GERMANS CANT GO IS APPARENTLY NO PROBLEM. i suggest allow russians to have 3, 5 OR 1000 KVs at once cause 2 are still beatable


Balance is more important than historical accuracy.

Imbalance destroys gameplay,
historical inaccuracy destroys immersion.

You can have the most historical accurate game ever, but if the gameplay sucks, then you might be better off simply watching a WW2 documentary.

Imagine storming the beaches on Normandy - without cover, under extreme heavy fire, WITHOUT TANK SUPPORT since they all drowned in the ocean due to technical failure and still needing to win. It would be completely the most unfair map ever.

Both sides need an equal chance at winning, and the fact that 80% of the matches Germany either holds the beach or gets completely destroyed shows how weirdly imbalanced that particular map really is.


I don´t like the removal of the hedgehogs from the D-Day map. That means even less cover and totally kills the aestethic. The Stalingrad removal of the vast vegetation looks also quite ugly.

The rest of the reworks looks pretty good so.


I can understand when they remove those for the sake of better vehicle manoeuvrability, like… removing axis ability to camp on them hills and shoot into allied spawn points - but as a trade you have direct vehicle fights closer to the action.

Still, the same can be achieved by removing " some " from the beaches.

A couple should stay for a better looking d day map.


Another thing to rework is the ground on trenches that immobilizes tanks. I have just took this screenshot. My tank was stuck like this for the last few minutes of battle. I was hoping I would finally un-glitch from there but no. Look, the front tracks are already on the other side, I haven’t really fallen into the trench, I should be able to roll over it. Tanks were made to pass the trenches, but in the game they lose friction and freeze on top of them.


Considering how old that bug is, I would guess it can be considered to be a “feature” by now.


Yeah, it’s like tanks weren’t concepted to traverse trenches in the first place.


I hope these changes are historically correct and
not something that came out of your imagination, since that would totally ruin the only realistic thing left in the game: the maps. I agree with removing obstacles from the path since there are indestructible things that tanks get stuck on, but changing the mapping is something that has to be done carefully, Enlisted is famous for its real-life maps, update the maps to make them more similar to real life, not the other way around.

You’re killing all the personality of Enlisted, the campaigns were understandable but this was going to end the little immersion that the game had left, I mean, wasn’t the objective of the Normandy obstacles in real life to serve as obstacles? that prevent the advance of Allied ships and infantry?


I mean, isn’t that how it happened in real life? Normandy is known for the bloody welcome that the Germans gave the Allied troops to Europe, the Normandy of Hell Let Loose is wild and nobody cries about it, they can’t get enough of the merge and they want to ruin the immersion even more, they want everything easy as If it were a game for 5-year-olds, ruining historically correct maps because of some crying is sacrilege.


porque la necesidad de quitar contenido en vez de agregarle

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I’d say that’s the whole point of playing on this map.
If I launch D-Day, I expect heavy fortifications and rivers of blood on the beach. If I’d like to play more “fair” map I’d choose a different one.

(Of course it can’t be too hard either.)


I don’t think it matters, since the d day map we have is completely, utterly fictional