Reworking old locations

In recent months Enlisted is doing a speedrun of making bad decisions, the merge is correct but done in a bad way, sacrificing several historical squads such as the Volkssturm, historically correct uniforms and squads, not happy with that they decide to ruin the maps to “balance” as if we were talking about Call Of Duty or Fortnite


I would rather rework the high ground (more) and the open spawns on D-Day and Ver-Sur.


Maybe Enlisted’s Normandy is not so realistic, but if one day they plan to completely change Berlin or Stalingrad that would be a shame, since they are one of the best representations of that places in any game or movie, just remove all those obstacles that there are in the streets since in historical photos of Berlin they are not seen, and they only slow down the tanks, it has happened to me many times that my tank gets stuck on a sidewalk or on a small stone as if it had no traction at all.


Maybe one day we’ll get a more accurate beach landing map, as well as all the different beach landings


We need Juno beach. Then Caen.

I’m ofc not biased at all.


I’m pretty sure 99% of people complaining about removing the hedgehogs and stuff is “unrealistic” have never actually seen any photos of the D-Day beaches.

Most of the beaches had barely anything on it; only a couple of hedgehogs and some anti-tank obstacles, mainly in the actual water. A few metres of the beach might’ve had a few extra defences on them, but not much.

Here’s some for you if you can’t be bothered to google it for yourself: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

It’s amazing how people are fiercely defending something they’ve just made up, as being “historically accurate”. People really will complain about anything.

PS. The idea of the beaches having huge numbers of anti-tank obstacles, massive bunkers towering over the beaches… yeah that’s all made up from movies, particularly Saving Private Ryan. In fact, Omaha Beach in particular is extremely flat, and the surrounding hills are nowhere near as huge as the movies or this game would have you believe. See for yourself, you can literally drop a man on it on Google Maps.


nice changes. I wonder if there is any chance of changing the river crossing? It often turns into a detente and everyone do the sniping and spaminh at guns/ planes and tanks.

Splendid! Please continue doing this on maps without no-brainer areas for Rally Points and a little more cover for wide-open maps. I do think some of the sand terrain needs to be raised a little more on Ver-Sur and D-Day if hedgehogs are being removed. It would give infantry a better chance to take some firing positions.

I want this guy designing the maps instead!


yeah that’s just dumb

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Can the level designers put some effort in to Tunisia as well?

Particularly Kahif Cave Village or whatever it’s called. That entire area is just awful.

I don’t know who originally thought having giant holes in the ground be the objectives was a good idea, but clearly they were smoking crack.

Kahif has two huge flaws:

  1. The attackers Artillery the hole, killing basically everyone because the AI are stupid and just sit out in the open of it.

  2. One team gets a tunnel to enter the objective in a more safe manner, and the other team doesn’t, creating a very obvious imbalance for that particular objective. Every single one of these holes as a tunnel for one team but not the other. It’s stupid.

Couple of other points:
-Tanks can’t even see the actual objective lol.
-For some reason you can capture some of the hole objectives from halfway up the adjoining tunnels, but again only one team gets these tunnels, plus it’s not for every tunnel, just a few of them… why?

Please completely redesign the Kahif Cave Village, it’s urgently needed - it’s just so bad.


nice to update old maps, but you made Normandy WAYY worse.
Add back all obstacles and hedgehogs to beach, it’s supposed to be filled with anti-tank and mines and all manner of obstacles, and they help when as infantry making your way up, providing cover AND limiting movement as it should be.
I’m sorry but Normandy you did shit job at, go back to drawing table, redo and do right


yeah that’s THE worst map in-game, the worst is when you get confrontation and two retarded teams that don’t build spawns and just bot zerges and you just go back and forth mid point, OR if both teams actually build spawns and it’s even worse and you just end up running back and forth. it’s stupid
It can be very much boring and infuriating sometimes

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Glad to see Stalingrad receive some love

Please add the one or two missing iconic buildings and monuments to that map



but thanks :slight_smile:

i have others designs too :=

like, battle of the bulge:

some screenshots

or… some custom smaller designs:

custom tower:

custom soviet Town hall:

( looks a bit weird as it’s currently flying because i made some underground tunnels and what not )

japanese artillery small outpost:

japanese small hospital:

Small Allied HQ

was planning to recreate spartanovka, but the size is too much to be lunched and reached a point where my pc couldn’t even open it lmao. so i halted for the moment.

but perhaps… i’m " showing off " too much.

don’t want to come out as a jerk or being better than devs.

after all, they are the ones to thank for for most maps.

even though, sometimes they fall short.


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Asking a favor, can you make an Iwo Jima map?
Would be awesome if you could.




You will make them jealous, you should work for them because your maps look pretty nice