Parachutes and other new mechanics

At the moment, this is considered a bug :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:

But on the other hand, it really looks like in an Indian movie xD
So both are bad.
The pilot must have a maximum of a pistol, a grenade and medpack,knife\axe.

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i mean, yeah, it is kinda a bug that you can reach high speed and land like nothing happened.

but that doesn’t prevent you from fly higer than you can, aim it to a marker and leave before the plane crashes at much higher attitude.

that’s what i’m saying.

on the other side of the medal, pilots that got shutted down deserves a second chance with parachute and try to continue on foot.

it’s a never ending headache.


Nice improvement, cant wait till, i bail from a plane, loaded with large grenade pouch/pack, and be able to mark(V), and to lob three det packs, and a mine, as i spiral towards the earth, will it be steerable/be able to change direction etc?

Consider that you
a) have to be out of the plane but also drop the bomb at the right time/ spot
b) have to be sure that the chute will work (which imo is the most important part as we dont know yet how chutes actually work).
c) have to be out of the blast area of your bombs so you dont get killed by them
d) do not get shot in the air
e) do not get insta shot after your landing

Plus possible AA and fighter counter and that your target location deverses to get bombed.

If people manages to master this many times, they should consider to be the next 007.

well… you can do just that on moscow when there are rivers and stuff like that.

that’s… why i’m here saying that it can, and most likely will happen.

you don’t have to trust my words, just keep them in mind and watch what will happen :frowning:
as usual, i hope to be wrong :slight_smile:


You arent wrong. It happens in every game its allowed just like battlefield and is sure to happen here to some extent

Well. I mostly argue for the Normandy situation since (imo) its the most plagued place in terms of suicide bombers.
But yeah. For now we have to wait.

mebbe remove the backpack/secondary weapon branch of the pilot upgrade trees?


At least this gives dedicated fighters with minimal/no ordinance a better purpose for the team once they dispatch enemy aircraft (Mig-3-15, Bf109 F-2, etc), and they’ll be able to level up faster now.

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it can go both ways, on the one hand, i found my self inside a plane with way too much damage and i didnt want to waste my life just to spawn another soldier, so parachutes will be a viable option to bail out since most, if not all maps dont have a solid place to land and repair the plane on a somehow safest way. and with damage, on a wing/engine what ever its prety much impossible to land, so parachutes will be a viable way to keep my soldier alive.
on the other hand, i ill for sure bomb/rocket run, and bail after, since most times i would just bomb run - press esc - suicide and move on.

most times isnt the move of suiciding, if we dont take all the player POV of why in consideration its a cheap move. . but i rather do it in a way to waste alot of enemy tickets around the point and be able to spawn right away to have a chance to either capture it or defend it untill reinforcements strike the point back. having a choute avaiable to fall from the sky close to the point if possible, will be a strong option to take into consideration in a last effort to capture or defend a point. and since i know the timings and penalties if i die too fast, i time my bombing runs / suicides to spawn an infantry squad right away without wasting time on the squad selection.

its only a cheap move, imo, if we dont take everything in consideration why.

imo, its a nice addiction to the game, how ill be implemented only time will see. how the players use it, ill always have room to be changed to the intended usage,

many times, i suicided my last tank crew members just to get another squad inside the tank at full capacity. to a point i m seriously considering a inf squad with 5 members only with a radio man with everyone having a toolbox to keep my tanks running more and more. might be a cheap move if we consider “but you are wasting a slot another soldier could tank” , but imo, my fun first…

Personally, i think all these are a great addition. However, a few ideas for all of these additions. I assume parachutes will take a backpack space but a pilot doesnt come with the parachute and can only be bought from the logistics, costing 1 weapon order just like backpacks.

Another idea for parachutes is that it takes time to apply the parachute. Just like how it takes 2.5s for a medkit to apply, a similar function applies to parachutes which would prevent potential abuse of an instantly applying parachute.

The addition of anti-tank guns penetrating more than 1 person doesnt have a lot to talk about, its a cool adition

The jumping over a grenade addition is a good idea, but i think that it should make a difference between a frag grenade and also an explosion pack, as one shoots shrapnel and the other creates an overpressure which cannot realistically be contained by a dead dropping person.

Overall im quite excited for the new update, thank you for your time


Parachutes ? Really ? Which thread have you read where parachutes are highly requested ?

I really hope you can only open the parachute high enough. Please no BF/COD bullshit opening the parachute 0.5 second above the ground.

A machine gun ? For real ? Yeah pilots are well known for bringing their own MG with them in the cockpit. Maybe they should be able to open the cockpit when flying and shoot it like a gangsta once the plane is out of ammo. Tatatatata, you came to the wrong neighborhood comrade !
Or maybe they have the time to detach one of the plane’s MG before jumping ?

You havent met me as an enemy yet I guess, I stand behind door cooking granade, open the door, throw bomb, close the door, hodor.

WHEN will you release this update and how much of the announced plans will be in the next patch? IS IT STILL THIS YEAR I CANT WAIT!

Nice reply, just one question do you use nades next to packs?
(Don’t get me wrong, I’m only using packs nothing else and if there are more peep like me it would be “unbalanced” hero movement :smiley:

in alot of times they were requested by us:

just do a small search.

Just see the following link and judge by yourself:
Search results for 'parachutes' - Enlisted

or :

etc etc , the list goes on and i m not even considering Discord / reddit feedback into it…

yes,. no one asked for it and wasnt requested multiple times over the course of this game. /s

if i recall correcly, besides the plane controls, the parachutes were someting asked when we first saw the planes in action coz many of us bailed and spammed all keys trying to deploy one…

its an expression and you should take it as such.


I’ve never said no one asked for it. Keyword is “highly”. You shared a thread with someone simply asking if there’s one, nothing more. Another thread there’s no reply at all.
But ok, ok. Parachutes are coming, it’s done.

Curious expression to explain how parachutes will affect the game. Alright, so no MG, no nade and no mine.

Even a bullet from an AK47 which is a 7.62x39 can go through more than 1 person and thats smaller than most WW2 era rifle bullets

The game also encourages you “to rush at enemy machine guns” and throw dozens of grenades.
This is bad, it needs to be changed.
But for some reason you use it, and don’t say anything negative about it, it’s even worse.

Remember you can get pilot a smg and a tnt