Our Roadmap

I believe that the tech trees should have a rework.
Separating certain countries from tech trees would definitely save way more time and possibly even silver. Because I clearly see no reason to add weapons or guns from a different country for example Italy, when I am not planning or interested in the Italian weaponry.

I think making a separate tab would be a good idea. However, I think that making a sub tree inside a tech tree just like in War Thunder, would be more better.

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@ParaDivision your days are numbered lol



Meaning HA events with HA presets (each month being a certain timeperiod and front) hopefully?


Catch deserters?
You should deal with room allocation first
I’m fed up with the fact that 90% of the competition has extreme disparity in ability between players.
I’m okay with playing a game with guys who steal tanks I’ve marked
At least they know who to attack
What if it is a monkey that can only become an enemy reward and cannot even support friendly forces?
I’d rather be punished than go to jail with these useless things
Before you want to punish deserters, you’d better first remove the biggest factor that seriously affects players’ escape.
Because not many people want to go to jail while eating shit

Oh, right
And those damn maps or modes
I don’t want to be forced to eat this shit either.

They are bringing them at price of $30-50 every single time :thinking: If only BP would let us to unlock old premiums like in WT. Do x challenges, spend some of new BP currency and get a free premium from rotation of 10 per season.

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Official question:

  • Now that we have modernization of classes such as radiomen, is there any plan to modernize obsolete classes like Rider that were asked for by the community?



Seems nice so far, but I don’t think there should be a deserter penalty at all as sometimes it is just unfair to play some matchs and it is just an unfunny tedious match.

Also a new class? If it is another vehicle class then it would be better if it is completelly reworked for the infantry squads, removing the vehicle squads themselves and making a new selection tab like the squads, but for vehicles to use in battle, once you can spawn with any infantry group you could chose along side it one of these vehicles that can have several advantages, like a motorcicle, a 4x4 or a light armored truck. It would be more dynamic and it would cripple the possibilty to pick a tank or a plane.


I forgot to add my two cents about what is considered to be worked on, etc.

( if… it’s of any use anyway )

So, the list is mostly good.
But from what I’m gathering, and getting tipped of, there are a few that kinda threw me off and getting slightly nervous.

Clans are something that are being considered, but not actual custom games nor editor related updates?

Tin foil hat theory alert,
But Sounds like someone bias here and I can sense McDonald being behind it.
Because quite frankly, I saw more support and many posts for better tools and improvement for customs rather than clans.

Because that’s where most clans go in the first place. But I’m not here to start wars with clans since they do that everywhere.
Which, to specify, I’m not against clans, it’s just that… again, I find that weird to be considered opposed to having basic and functional custom games.

Other things that tipped me off were,

xp tt points in excess getting converted to silvers.
Did anyone actually asked that?
Because I don’t see how that is helpful to anyone but a very tiny minority that grinder tech trees and devs them selves to force players to play even more.

Here is the thing, I liked stacking xp before an update.
Because it’s one of those few games that rewards me with points that I can then spend for what I want, fastening an research and generally allows me to spend time with the new toys rather than have to waste further time in trying to get which I previously had points but are theoretically converted to silver.

Can we at least make it an option?
So that players can decide whether to keep them, or transform them into silvers.
It’s a win win situation.

And lastly, about this whole thing, no mention of clothings either? Or rather, customization system quality of life, rework, anything.
Like. Not gonna define it “ essential” but it’s somewhat really important giving that it’s an actual major core of the game of where most transactions are coming for given the scarcity and grind required to even dress factions and squads.
No major rework? No planned fixes? Not even a single aknowledgement ?

So yeah, in my own tiny eyes, the left page sound mildly interesting. But that alone didn’t really… hyped me too much.

Gambling is definitely not something I was wishing for in enlisted.
And as a somewhat veteran with little to do, propsects are wearing thin.
Especially since, I was and technically, still am planning on sticking through making mods etc.
But the support has been lackluster and the constant “lies “ of “ we will be in touch “ AND no mention through plans kinds concerns me deeply.


The solution’s easy for me. I have literally, not a single time in my entire Enlisted career, given a flying flip about some booster. I don’t know what matches they’re active on. I don’t know how much I benefit from them. All I know is I’m disappointed I didn’t get some ES out of the daily box

Haven’t you made an official suggestion list for that?
Or have they shoved it in Keo’s fired behind?

Stop, I was already excited for it you don’t have to sell it to me more. As much as I have a disdain for the n word and those that use it, being able to say whatever the frick you want without a mod coming down on you with the hammer is always a plus in my book



Well yes


It’s not official.
And I’m pretending that didn’t happen.
(… sort of )

I was hoping for a set in stone type of answer.
Even just a no.

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Well we can see Silver bonuses for Join Any Faction is still in the works. That is everyone’s saving grace for the vet and win leeches

I would assume it IS a choice

preferred map system

Please no!
Since introduced to war thunder I have been playing the same 4 maps out of 30 something maps again and again in that game.
This will halve the map pool in enlisted too!
I will never see tunisia or rzhev only normandy again and again


Oh good luck with that buddy. I’ve been trying to get a straight answer for the test server on console and no one’s given me the time of day when I ask about that. They refuse to answer anything they don’t want to, or care to, or whatever it is that causes them to ignore people

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I’m… not an English native speaker, ( crazy i know )

But “ the vibes “ don’t tell me it’s an option that players can choose.
Or rather, doesn’t sounds to me based on pure words that I or anyone really, get to choose.

Sounds like just what WT does. Where the points it gets automatically transformed into silver lions
Which I don’t like.

Unless they have changed that.

I’ll admit. Haven’t touched that dumpster fire in a while.


It’s tied to the weapons you use. Or was at least. We’ll see how they turn it out this time

On one side, I doubt that ‘Research point to silver’ conversion will be free - they need monetization, after all.

On other side, getting all content in an update unlocked from millions of free EXP and maxed in 2-3 games with +1000% exp booster saved from BP feels kinda boring.
Getting some silver from Research points would be nice I guess.

Well, perhaps doesn’t help my case


I rather if it is like this.

So at least people can choose.

It… might sound boring, and sort of is, bad for devs, but…

I did accumulated those points when I had free time.

I don’t wanna be forced to spend further of my own time to grind said toys when I’d much rather be playing those rather than having to redo the whole thing.

Between grinding, and the editor, I honestly can’t be bothered further.