Our Roadmap

Well, perhaps doesn’t help my case


I rather if it is like this.

So at least people can choose.

It… might sound boring, and sort of is, bad for devs, but…

I did accumulated those points when I had free time.

I don’t wanna be forced to spend further of my own time to grind said toys when I’d much rather be playing those rather than having to redo the whole thing.

Between grinding, and the editor, I honestly can’t be bothered further.

Not my question for the DEV Q&A as I already posted one on Discord … but if possible, could we get a bit more information of what is included here?


It doesn’t sound like you want to play, it sounds like you want to quit games and cause your teammates to suffer

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Fantastic! Can’t wait! :saluting_face:

These are all great things coming to the game! A few questions:

  • Are these the only proposed changes to boost silver gain?

  • Will the new class be infantry or vehicle based?

  • Are the many bugs within the game being worked on as a priority? Such as these:

  • Will the tech tree for each nation start seeing equipment in more than one tier launched at the same time in further updates?

  • Will the veterans box just contain weapons and items? Or will it also contain squads?

  • When can we expect the new front? This year or next?

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Penalties for deserters? Are you kidding me?


Do not add penalty for deserters without introducing some kind of incentive to keep playing a losing match. The amount of silver and experience recieved for having a 5,000 points in-game battle score while losing is hilarious as it is. This without premium. I would rather benifit by playing a winning match where I manage to get 3,000 points in-game battle score.

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Yes, and actually have a true jungle map for the first time, not a bunch of scattered trees and bushes

It is necessary for the health of the game.

You think its fun to play after half of your team leaves after 2 minutes because they see more gold ranks on the enemy team?

I hope its like a 3-5 minute cooldown for the nation you left with, the only time you should not get it is after you get disconnected and after the 25 minute mark has passed.


You know what’s necessary for the health of this game? Putting 30-second timers for premium players’ vehicles after they die in one so they can’t immediately cycle to another. I’m sick and tired of you people trying to force a curb stomp festival on people who want to relax and play the game casually.


You really shouldnt fabricate other peoples opinions. I also want the vehicle cycling to stop.


Old veterans leaving since the merge there is no SHOOTERGAMEPLAY anymore.
AP mine spam and a mess of explosiv spam bringing this game on Twitch to 20-100 people.
Payday 3 "insolvency " and Skull and bones the joke AAAA game got more viewers!? any questions?!
the german community in this game is dead after the merge! thats a fact.
" worls war bumbum " but not even a shooter anymore

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Next steam release 40$ for a free game :smiley: AI generated cat to say sry …
next time its a dog for there own soul :smiley:

This is all awesome stuff!!

100% add chat and expand the contact list functions to make teaming up easier/realistically possible in game. I would also REALLY like to see pre match and post match team chat and make chat possible while in squad selection.

Also really need improvement to how presets work - but I guess that comes under QOL. Allow empty squads, let me see all my equipment in some kind of hangar/warehouse, group weapons regardless of upgrade status, expand sort and filter options in all menus, have some kind of combined squad/soldier preset option. Essentially I need to be able to switch squad lineups and soldier presets between BRs in a couple of clicks. Then we can expand the play any side, so play any side AND any BR.

Love how much of this road map has come from frequent suggestions and requests.

I’m a multi-year veteran of this game.
I play Germany (Axis) all the time.

I don’t agree with anything you are saying.

I question the validity of a website that says there was a monthly player base of 2.5million for this game at any point in time.

shrug you do you. All I can point to is all the expensive positive changes they’ve made to the game since the merger.

I also vastly prefer the post merger game to the pre merger game.

I guess we’ll see. nobody actually knows what their profitability looks like.

I want to shut down vehicle cycling abuse committed by premium accounts. You want to potentially deny one of the main parts of the Enlisted experience for players playing Enlisted for the first time. These two are not the same.

Yet the road map has no plans for this, but you are A-OK with punishing deserters who don’t want to receive a curb stomp because it’s “for the health of the game.” Do you see the issue with that?

I’d assume that’s an ongoing thing. As we provide feedback, QOL

It’d be much less of a curb stomp if you people would grow a pair and fight it out. A full team stands a significantly better chance than 3 people and a load of bots after the “teammates” those poor saps got stuck with decided “nah, f all of you I don’t wanna” and left the match. I have no respect for anyone who willingly abandons their teammates on the regular. You’re all a waste of a valuable slot and should have just never queued in the first place so someone who’s actually worth something to the team can join instead. Because guess what? 10-12 players can beat a squad if everyone does what they’re supposed to, but no one in this entire game can solo win against any proper team. You can carry, sure as crap you can HARD carry, but you NEED A TEAM to win. It’s a TEAM GAME. And I can’t WIN or even have a bit of FUN if I HAVE NO TEAM BECAUSE THEY ALL DESERT AFTER CHOOSING TO QUEUE INTO A MATCH IN THE FIRST PLACE
Either play, or don’t. I genuinely don’t care which


Mans didn’t play US 2 weeks after Merge. Nor for the past how many months?