(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

We play this game to store R&D point experience and silver coins, but your official wants to exchange the excess R&D point experience for silver coins. Ask your heart, do you think that silver coins are more valuable with R&D point experience? How many people are starting a match for silver coins?

Are you auditioning for a job at darkflow?? What a bad take.


Wow. You don’t get it. You’re the 7. I’m always a part of the 3 who stick it through to the end. No matter what, I finish my matches. And I make darn sure I do what I can to win. Unfortunately, people like you see some dude with 20 kills in the first 3 minutes of a match, an 88mm getting a feed, or the first objective falling in under 3 minutes and immediately quit with 0 recourse. Why? Pfft as if I could ever understand this mindset of “forget all of you, I’m abandoning you all and finding a match where my team can carry me to victory/I can curb stomp a bunch of AI.” Yeah you have fun lobby surfing for a “fun match.” While you spend some 20 minutes finding the perfect match, I’ll be having fun in almost ever match I load into where my team doesn’t all desert me and leave me to solo the entire enemy team. This goes for the enemy team too. Steamrolls aren’t fun either way they go. I want a challenge and a 40+ minute match so I can stack as many bodies as possible. Can’t do that when half the enemy team deserts in 5 minutes


ou should first accept your coercive attitude
Do you dare to forcibly take away our hard-earned experience today? If we don’t speak today, what about tomorrow?
Do you want to take over the extra teams we had before we merged and exchange them for silver coins. Your attitude makes people feel very bold

Staying till the end and turning the tides later in the match and getting your win with your oh so important 50% bonus and your ever so priceless booster is more worth it for all involved. Not just yourself

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This pretty much sums up my opinions on you people




Then keep it that way youself. There are a lot others who think otherwise

What does that even mean? “Keep it that way yourself.” Keep WHAT that way myself? I can’t keep you from queuing into a match you have absolutely no intention of playing. Only you can keep yourself from pressing the queue button. All I can do is support DF’s decision to try and dissuade you from leaving the match you choose to queue into. As that tirade says, either play or don’t. I don’t care which. I just need less of you people clogging up my lobbies with bots and more valuable teammates who can help me achieve victory


In addition to (massive) economy improvements for new players, the presets really need to function correctly. I won’t waste words on how as many of us have done it before, also in official tickets.

It’s an economic nightmare to play each faction in many BR’s with reasonably equipped armies. There’s no reason it has to be this way. A simple fix to presets would make things dramatically better already.

I fear that’s why they aren’t fixed.

You know what? Your action reminds me of Surplus grain collection system

Oohhh nooo the matchmaking boogeyman! I thrived in Pre Merge Enlisted. I’m doing fine in Post Merge Enlisted. MM isn’t the problem here
As for “the bad gamemodes,” sure Train isn’t the definition of fun and I genuinely don’t like any Domination style gamemodes in any game (Conquest)
Do I leave these matches? No. I take my quick 6 minute match and then continue on with the next one. Whatever. Literally takes 6-10 minutes. Every so often there’s an almost enjoyable Conquest match that goes on for a while and I can get a decent kill count
This doesn’t include all the Assault matches you leave because it’s “too hard” or “unfair.” Nor the Invasion matches you leave just because first objective fell in 3 minutes. Nor the Confrontation matches because “we lose while winning.” To be fair, Confrontation has its kinks to work out, but it’s still an incredibly interesting concept and often leads to some really fun games so long as you, and your team, give it your all

If your gains is all you’re worried about, then stay in those “lost cause matches” and see them suddenly turn into victories. I’ve had it happen several times, as I’ve had my steamroll stopped in its tracks. You’ll have more fun if you simply decide to sit down and play the game. Stop worrying so much about the grind. Just stack bodies and play objective. Enlisted is a fun game, you should try playing it sometime

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Forced money reform? It’s a completely nightmare day.

Those people don’t care about veterans.
10% of the total number of players? Hum, sounds sacrificable.


If taking suffering like slave labours is the way you can have fun then stay that way. But don’t force other to take it as I don’t think suffering in a game I paid is very fun.

You really don’t understand anything I’ve said. We ALL suffer LESS when we have a TEAM that STAYS IN THE MATCH and FIGHTS to WIN
If no one deserted, you’d see more victories for every faction. Those steamrolls that get stopped dead in their tracks occur more often. The couple of players fighting an entire team no longer have to try and solo the entire match while the bots that replaced their “teammates” get farmed. Your win rates go up. Your gains per match increase. Your enjoyment of the game goes up because you don’t fight an entire team by yourself for 2 minutes before quitting and spending the next 20 minutes lobby surfing to try and find a team to carry you. But for whatever reason, I can’t seem to get this through your thick skull

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Ah, no, what are you up to? First, make a terrible decision. And then seeing our collective opposition, come up with a decision that is not as bad as before, but still bad, and shift our attention. Isn’t it about forcibly taking away our experience?

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With the current matchmaking system 90% of the game’s result is decided and you can just see the result by watching the name list. Yea there are those you called ‘hard fighting and rewarded nicely’ games but how much of them are there? At least for me I know when to leave to avoid suffering and DF is saying I have to keep suffering or they will reduce the gain next game

The 10% who likely play more than 75% of the remainder.

Thanks for the numbers. I just did some napkin excel math for ONE top tier assault squad and it costs 210k PER SQUAD:

Soldier Personnel Primary Secondary Pistol Backpack Axe/Shovel Mine Grenade Medkits Flask Subtotal
Assault1 11500 12811 0 3000 1000 500 1000 500 800 400 31511
Assault2 11500 12811 0 3000 1000 500 1000 500 800 400 31511
Assault3 11500 12811 0 3000 1000 500 1000 500 800 400 31511
Assault4 11500 12811 0 3000 1000 500 1000 500 800 400 31511
Engineer 6000 12811 0 3000 1000 500 1000 500 800 400 26011
MG/sniper 9000 12811 0 3000 1000 500 1000 500 800 400 29011
AT 6000 12811 3000 3000 1000 500 1000 1500 200 400 29411
Total 210477

Now imagine having 2-3 assault squads, 1 APC squad, and 2-3 vehicle squads. Not to mention other specialty squads you use like flamethrower. So yeah my top tier lineups indeed costs me 1 million per nation. And that’s just top tier, so if you want a BR2 lineup you need to spend more.

Note: I didn’t even include binoculars.