(Sent Back For Revision) Almost ready: Silver economy improvements

100:1? Are you kidding me? Has yen inflation affected DF? We play hard for half an hour, plus premium accounts to get 3000 silver coins, and I still have to achieve at least 100 kills. You easily decided that 100 research points can only be exchanged for 1 silver coin? That’s even more outrageous than Japanese inflation, and those of us who preordered messengers have already suffered the problem of having all 4 countries give away free event squads after preordering, and I won’t be purchasing any more premium squads in the future.


Oh for God sake can you at least not mess up the conversion rate? It should be AT LEAST 1 Silver per 50 Exp. Then again thats just me, there are people who might disagree but 1 Silver per 100 Exp is just insulting.

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bruh what the point of placing a cap the research tree? just to give a reason for player to no play while there are no event running?


What exactly do you dev want to say is improvements?

If player get a medal then get 100 silver for each medal? - This is NOT what player want

random matching 1.2x? - random match benefit is for making better team balance for enlisted, not for player

also, To be honest, I don’t think I would pick a team that is inferior because I want to get 1.2x of reward.

Excluding these aspects, the remaining options are a cap on research points and a 100:1 silver exchange ratio.

First of all, old users like me do not welcome the cap on research points. Then there is no reason to keep playing. Especially if it’s 100:1. You should be given options to choose from. Should I change it or not? I have almost 8 million silver. So this part is not an improvement.

And 100:1 is a bit harsh. When you said silver economy improvement, I expected 5:1 or up to 10:1. I don’t think 10:1 is actually that good of a ratio.

So, most of the things mentioned are actually things that can hardly be considered improvements.

Frankly I don’t think I can introduce this game to anyone in its current state.


@James_Grove @MajorMcDonalds
In my previous suggestion, I suggested that for “RESEARCH POINT CONVERSION” a formula similar to the following should be used:
Soviet camp α point R&D point + British and American camp β point R&D point + German and Italian camp γ point R&D point + Japanese camp δ point R&D point = ε point silver coin
for example:
1.Soviet camp 5 point R&D point + British and American camp 5 point R&D point + German and Italian camp 5 point R&D point + Japanese camp 5 point R&D point = 1 point silver coin
2.Soviet camp 0 point R&D point + British and American camp 0 point R&D point + German and Italian camp 10 point R&D point + Japanese camp 10 point R&D point = 1 point silver coin
3.Or dynamically assign variables to Roman numerals based on a database.

The simple 100:1 exchange rate:
1.This will encourage new and old players to pay more attention to farming in the superior camp/superior BR in each version of the game.
This leads to a lack of enough combat-capable players in the inferior camp during matching.
For example, in the current version, more players will choose to settle in the British and American camps BR3~5 to farm money. This results in the Japanese camp BR3~5 only having recruits and robots with poor combat effectiveness.
This will also lead to fewer players choosing to turn on the “Random Camp Increase Silver Coins” function, because this will cause them to be assigned to Japanese BR3~5 more frequently.
2.As I said in my complaint in January 2024, the game update process at that time confiscated my scopes & bayonets & grenade launchers worth about 40k silver coins (calculated at the selling price), and the forum management asked me to fill out a report in “Support”, and “Support Services” told me that “they can’t guarantee that everyone will be satisfied, and then asked me to go to the forum to make suggestions.” They didn’t consider the US dollar amount corresponding to the silver coins at the selling price of the silver coins. I hope this situation will change after Fox Head leaves. Revise the exchange rate between silver coins and technology points. Or change the exchange rate between silver coins and gold coins, and compensate players according to their existing assets.

25k??not 25000k?!
I thought my eyesight was failing.
I understand why the developers want to limit the size of the pool.
But the pool is too small.
The developers didn’t even consider the feelings of the giant players.
Giants don’t lack silver coins. It makes no sense to force a large amount of technology points to be converted into hundreds of thousands of silver coins.
I support increasing silver coin income, but please don’t use “Wall Street methods” to deprive me of my property (technology points) with a few pieces of waste paper/a few copper coins.
Excess technology points = extra effort players put into this game ≈ overtime.

In addition, the increased silver coin income is mainly for senior soldiers.
Retired soldiers will even be punished with a 100:1 exchange rate and a 25k*4 deposit limit.
What can new recruits get?

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Even banks have an interest rate of 2%


As veteran players, we do not lack silver coins. If you feel that the silver coin yield is low, you should adjust the match yield instead of plundering our research and development experience to exchange for that worthless silver coin. Our R&D experience is also hard-earned. Otherwise, you can add freedom of choice to give players a chance to choose.

At least 1 Silver per 10 Research points.

Good. This is good. Definitely one of the best ways to discourage lobby surfing


The R&D experience and silver coins were set by your official team, but now you believe that the overflowing R&D points are useless to some players and are trying to force them to exchange for those meager silver coins. You must add the option of freely allocating research and development points to give players better choices.


If this is the case then dont bring up this improvement. Its so little that hardly many any differences. I mean I desert games even if I have +50% card and you only give 20% for play as the losing side to become the entertainment for others? Its simply not worth the suffering.
And the research point thing… currently every new stuff cost something like 173000 and now you tell me you guys only going to allow us to keep 25000? Whats fucking wrong with you guys.
And another question. Where is the news about currecting pre-merger and post-merger squad xp imbalancing? silver tier II AT squad before the merger take 20k squad xp for its first level but a silver tier IV assault squad only take 1k for its first level. And this is just a change with a change of number. Yet still we did not hear anything about it after merger. What are you guys been working on for all these time? Is this the first time you guys look anything about economy and gain?

A: you don’t need to perfectly min/max and fully deck out every single squad
B: you can cut costs by not upgrading things or getting “lesser” soldiers and guns you may prefer over the big bad end of the line stuff
C: good, it SHOULD take you some 30 games to full kit out your squads. You’re not supposed to be handed everything on a silver platter after 5 matches. This gives you something to work for. Honestly research should be slowed down as well so newbs can stay sub BR III for longer and learn the game better before going into III-V matchmaking. I maxed out the Normandy campaign Pre Merge and I still had unleveled guns, soldiers, and odd Springfield’s scattered throughout several squads.


I think I might just leave the game if this desert punishment is in the game. Just look at the current matchmaking system and see how fucked up it is.

Stop leaving so much and maybe the matches won’t be complete rofl stomps. A team of 10 players can compete a whole lot better than a team of 3 players and 7 dead weight who decided they weren’t good enough to fight till the end


Firstly, what do you consider us to be? Everything is mandatory. We are players, we play your free games and consume on you. However, everything is made and enforced by you. So, aren’t we like dogs pulled by your ropes?
Just keeping a little fixed experience, such obvious coercion, should we force the launch of the technology tree for future updates?
100:1 is very cerebral palsy. I never thought of such an outrageous price. You are like opportunistic businessmen. If you want to recover the valuable time and experience we have invested, we have also invested a considerable amount of time. The biggest impact of this economic change is on us old players. What do you think of us? We used to have a lot of fun here, but now that we’re online, we’re all anxious about the silver coins and have completely lost the joy of playing. In our opinion, at least a score of 10-1 is required. You have eliminated the opportunity to use drones, and we are no longer able to play easy rounds like before. Now, every time we play, our brains are exhausted. With a meager salary, did you learn these methods of exploiting labor from China? This is so despicable. Do you want to use this to increase our online rate and force us to fight there for newly developed things? Since the game was originally changed from silver cards to silver coins, everyone’s economy has been very poor. I didn’t expect that you haven’t changed this aspect yet, so you brought it out to further squeeze our value. We are not oxen and horses, we are people who play your game. If you put this in any factory, the workers will strike, right? I really miss the time when I used to have silver cards. I didn’t know anything, only that I watched as my money increased and I became happier. I really wanted to keep saving more and more, because I watched more and more, so I wanted to save more and more. So I just kept typing more and more. Now? Sometimes when I put in a lot of effort to win a game, it’s not as good as the silver coins I get from a small event. This is a case of putting the cart before the horse, and it’s really sad.
Just launched on Steam, you started targeting us old players. Do you think there will be a lot of new players?
Clearly, there are no more drones available now, and they will immediately face experienced users who come down from the fifth level room to experience using drones. Some beginners told me that the severity of encountering experienced users is no less painful than the Soviet Union’s battle against the Berlin SS in the past. Oh my god, I’ve been playing this game for so long, but you guys are getting worse and worse here. I’m sweating for this game. Let’s see if one day you get rid of old players

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This kind of stuff is just straight up unacceptable in my book. What’s so hard about sticking it till the end and seeing if you can hold off the enemy team at some point? Or stay out of spite and take as many of them down with you as possible? Sweat your rear off and make the enemy team suffer or something for that small amount of satisfaction there at the end knowing you made at least one of them seething mad. Who knows! Your team may actually win! But you’ll never know cause you’re a deserter. Deserters in the US get thrown in jail. Deserters in the USSR get shot. Removing your gains sounds perfectly acceptable to me. Motivates you to stay and try to win instead of accepting defeat and leaving with your tail between your legs



So why should I sacrifice my game experience for others? I also paid for this fucking game and at least it should not put me in a suffering game where I have to lead 7 fucking controllers noobs or 7 bots

Why? Because Staying to the end is far less efficient then just quit and find another game where you can get that +50% victory bonus

We play this game to store R&D point experience and silver coins, but your official wants to exchange the excess R&D point experience for silver coins. Ask your heart, do you think that silver coins are more valuable with R&D point experience? How many people are starting a match for silver coins?