What do you think about the squad limit?

Yeah, you will just hold a button for a little longer. What a difference…

But whatever, this discussion is going nowhere.

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Indeed lest close it, agree for disagree :handshake:

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it would be good to cancel this limit.
The slot limit is the same as the squad limit.
I don’t understand why many people don’t see the problem here. But they see problems in limiting squads.

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You know it would be cool if once you research the 90% of a faction you get rewarded with a free slot for thath faction


I wrote a suggestion about this. But it’s too complicated. So I’m wondering what the people here will say. for inspiration on a new suggestion is possible.
however, contrary to your words, it double the number of squads that you can take. but at the same time it limits the types of squads.

I feel like a spawn point system would also work, Enlisted is an infantry focused game and vehicles should not be spawned without doing something with an infantry squad first.

So if you want to spawn a tank and camp in the greyzone, first you need to earn enough spawn points by playing infantry squads.

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or buy it for silver.

Im more oriented toward soft limitations by letting everyone keep Freedom but keeping just some restrictions, obliviously respawn point can work to just I’m not a fan of them

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Either way would work, vehicle spam is too much, especially during events.

People dont even fly properly, they just dump their rockets and crash to cycle more vehicles.

Tankers dont even go after other tanks they just spam HE on the objective from the safety of the greyzone.

It looks stupid and feels really bad to play with and against these types of people.

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The game is too fast. There is no time for a flight.

This has nothing to do with vehicle spam.
Like spamming planes, a person who spam tank are those who rush with tank quickly and die and spawn another tank.

This is very bad. There are premium tanks, premium planes. Will you forbid playing on this? What should an attacking team do without tanks at the beginning of the battle? The losing team won’t even be able to use tanks or planes.

Yes it does, you can spawn tanks at the start of a match and spam HE shells instantly, with SP system there would be none of that.

While the values can definitely be adjusted and debated, its about time different squad class values be accounted for in their spawn costs.

I think this would go a long way at solving quite a few different issues, plane cycling being one since you would either need a crazy initial strafe or to do at least 1 - 2 more passes before you break even on the spawn cost

But the elephant in the room has to be addressed, which is the lack of limitations when it comes to defensive teams, unlimited lives and vehicle spawns currently. Im surprised this doesnt get discussed more tbh.


Build rallies and drive APCs towards the objective? Tanks dont really help your team to capture the zones…

I dont think getting like 400 score with an infantry squad would be forbiding you to play a vehicle, spawning a vehicle should be a reward for playing good with infantry not something that every player can spawn into for free.

Lol how is spawning a tank at the start consider spamming?
I can spawn infantry at the start so I am infantry spamming?

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My sentiments aswell.

Something i have posted topics about in the past, and still believe in

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I paid 60 bucks to play. But still have to pay 400 score?

or they can help. Kill the enemies. Destroy the machine guns. make smoke.
Who else remembers that there is smoke in the game?

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Spamming or not tanks should not be free to spawn at the very start and just farm infantry with 0 effort when there is no resistance from other tanks.

A cooldown like with planes would also somewhat fix this and give infantry some breathing time to both prepare defences and attack routes.

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Both side can spawn tank from the very start, so your no resistance from other tanks is not true.