What do you think about the squad limit?

That’s the question. Can you answer it in detail? Are you categorically against any option? Or, if implemented correctly, can you agree with this?

I see it as a pointless limitation that only exists to restrict me, and I can get around it easily with premium squads. It could be viewed as making the game more pay to win, as paying players can bring more assault squads than FTP players. I am against its implementation in all forms I have seen.

Squad limitations would be disastrous if they were added. Not only does it piss off the dedicated veteran players who have multiple copies of the squads from pre merge. It would also piss off new players who could eventually achieve multiple squads of the same type, only to not be able to use them after all of their work to unlock.

It’s also irrelevant unless they restricted to only one type of each squad. With a max of 10 possible squads to bring in, you’d be bringing squads that you would never end up using during the match.

I think they can do it “without” doing it.

as in “not” putting in the restriction, but instead having different ticket costs instead of the flat 12.

Squad Ticket cost highest to lowest:

Tanks/Planes > APC > Paras/Machineguns/Assaulters/Flamers > Other Infantry > motorbike for example

36 tickets > 24 Tickets > 12 tickets > 6 tickets > 3 tickets???


TBH, such limitation have little effect for F2P players like me.
Since we only have 3 infantry squad slot, bringing 3 same squad type will greatly reduce our flexibility anyway.
The one that will get effected are those premium players that bought slot but didn’t bought premium squad.

I think it should apply only to certain specialist squads like flametroopers and paratroopers. Also the premium rule shouldnt be a thing as it breaks the entire point.

do you even really see these anymore? Funnily enough they seem super rare

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They might be more common in high br. I dont see them that often

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Nah even at high BR I don’t see Flamethrowers much.

Assaulters with Assault rifle are way more common.


Squad limit is a toxic answer to the toxic practices of some of the community.
Personally I have never used more than two squads of the same type, so I actually would have supported the feature as in my book, at the very least it would have reduced aircraft spam.

New players can’t unlock them at all or need a long time to do so, flamethrowers are just in an inconvenient place since most people will first grind rifles and smgs while mortars and slightly better AT weapons are less important especially since detpacks are enough for the job.

I guess they shouldnt be limited then.

I would advocate for vehicle limits, but given that you have to pay to get multiple vehicle in the same line up, it would probably anger some of the most lucrative source of income of the game. I don’t think the devs would dare doing so

Well now that I think about it, they did not really cared about the people who bought Stalingrad. So who knows?

Totally stupid idea that was passed on a long time ago. It’s really pointless to continue bringing up this idea over and over again. It’s just going to cause toxic and very pointless discussions.

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I would just use 2 premium vehicles, thus making lineups like Tiger 2, premium Jagdpanther, premium Panther.

Or tech tree FW, premium FW, Premium BF.

For sovs T-34-100, Premium T-34-85, premium Sherman.

For allies pershing, premium firefly, premium calliope, premium Achilles.

Or p47, premium tempest and corsair.

It wouldn’t change anything about so called spam, it would be just even more pay2win.

This limitation just isn’t a proper way to go. And I thought majority of people already knew that at this point.


that and some of the coolest tanks are premium anyway. If I looked, I probably have more premium tanks than infantry squads. Would be close anyway

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If there’s ever going to be something like “competitive game mode”, then that’s where I would limit squads for the sake of balance.

But limiting them for classic public matches just doesn’t make any sense. Those matches are never going to balanced for so many reasons.
Some players are f2p, some players are not. Some players are in middle of grind/exping, some players are not. Some players are going to enter match with BR3 lineups, some players are going to enter match with BR5 lineups.
And don’t even let me start about stacks…

Crying constantly about so called “spam” is just trying to push your agenda of not letting other players play the way I just don’t want them to play.
Which is a totally bizarre mentality, Enlisted should remain a ww2 sandbox in the first place.

I really disagree with this idea, all it does increase frustration. I don’t think anyone cares enough about their team and playing super efficiently to take off fun squads like tanks and assaulters in favor of other stuff, especially if you are still at the basic 4 slots. Hypothetically, I get frustrated when I see my team throw high ticket squads away in stupid pushes. Basically, nothing is achieved here.


Thats fair

I dont know that it increases it, just shifts the ticket cost around a little (people already waste tickets).

I just think its a little silly that Hugely powerful and expensive assets (that easily trade their worth many times over) are worth the same as a 2 man motorbike squad (that will nearly never trade their worth) :slight_smile:. (So in effect, that makes the reverse true and a motorbike squad a waste of tickets)

theres no tradeoff or Trade Efficiency

Also you will note that I didnt change the cost of assaulter squads, I just lowered “lower impact” squads, and raised “high impact” vehicles. Tanks and planes should have no trouble trading for their increased value…(right now they can trade their worth by spawning and firing one HE round…heck they can still do that even with a 36 ticket cost :stuck_out_tongue: )

Doing it this way, people can still play what they want, and probably wont notice the difference. It justs moves the point at which a squad trades well, or not.

*note: Invasion fucks this up with its unlimited tickets

doesnt really matter, was just throwing it out there.

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in any form?

Yes, public matches shouldn’t have such artificial limitations which would benefit only specific group of people meanwhile the other would be penalized.

It’s basically just hard forcing of specific playstyle.

As I have already stated above.