What do you think about the squad limit?

Restrictions should be placed just on global vehicle Respawn time, once a vehicle is destroyed his slot should stay locked for 30s before another one can use it


I disagree.

Why should vehicles enjoyers suffer such nonsensical punishment?
I would probably quite the game, since vehicles are the main reason I play enlisted.

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Interesting, moderator is posting spam post.

Same here. Sadly i dont own premium so i can only bring 2 vehicles (apc, plane/tank)

Just wen someone refuse to articulate why a small global cool down should be bad on vehicles, outside saying he like spam them and treat to quite the game to a simpler opinion

Your word

I don’t know how reply to almost nothing for debate outside “stay cool and good day” :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

Idk why this limitations should be aimed only against vehicles.
Especially since for example destroying tanks is nothing hard as long as you have panzerfaust.
Yes, Japs and Allies do not have equivalent to PFaust atm. But they definitely should be getting one.

If such nonsensical limitation is implemented, it should include all squads equally.

It just another agenda that’s pushing infantry gameplay to be something even more prominent. Which is just unfair.
It is going against specific group of players in favor for other group of players.

There’s nothing fair about it.

It’s not about how easy is kill them, I know is easy, I’m more oriented toward trying to reduce the spam of them in invasion/assault mode, for attacker who waste ticket by spam them and for defender who have unlimited ticket for spam them

Vehicle spamming is almost insignificant in other game mode, but in invasion and assault, it clearly make the difference in both ways

And I know mostly is based on the players smartness, but still is a hole in the net who need be fixed

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Hilarious statement, since infantry is spammed in way higher numbers.

Thus we should limit them as well.

Infantry cant wipe out squad with a click… Or bomb the point endlessly, I talk for experience I saw situation in this game that would make you uninstall it instantly, so I’m for a small 30s vehicle lock from my personal experience and I believe can be good for the game balance

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Yeah, you will just hold a button for a little longer. What a difference…

But whatever, this discussion is going nowhere.

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Indeed lest close it, agree for disagree :handshake:

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it would be good to cancel this limit.
The slot limit is the same as the squad limit.
I don’t understand why many people don’t see the problem here. But they see problems in limiting squads.

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You know it would be cool if once you research the 90% of a faction you get rewarded with a free slot for thath faction


I wrote a suggestion about this. But it’s too complicated. So I’m wondering what the people here will say. for inspiration on a new suggestion is possible.
however, contrary to your words, it double the number of squads that you can take. but at the same time it limits the types of squads.

I feel like a spawn point system would also work, Enlisted is an infantry focused game and vehicles should not be spawned without doing something with an infantry squad first.

So if you want to spawn a tank and camp in the greyzone, first you need to earn enough spawn points by playing infantry squads.

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or buy it for silver.

Im more oriented toward soft limitations by letting everyone keep Freedom but keeping just some restrictions, obliviously respawn point can work to just I’m not a fan of them

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Either way would work, vehicle spam is too much, especially during events.

People dont even fly properly, they just dump their rockets and crash to cycle more vehicles.

Tankers dont even go after other tanks they just spam HE on the objective from the safety of the greyzone.

It looks stupid and feels really bad to play with and against these types of people.

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The game is too fast. There is no time for a flight.