Our Roadmap

Plugging my suggestion in:

There’d be no more unbalanced bot filled teams. Really. Even after some deserted.


@EngelbertzTV_UwU - "AP mine spam and a mess of explosiv spam "

True. AP mine spammers and Artillery spammers are a massive problem. I think that there needs to be a limit or a longer cooldown on artillery attacks. I don’t know about the Anti Personnel mine problem though.

I just put my response in to it. Might be a bit aggressive sounding. Just tired of people with no sense of loyalty and duty to their team to stick out a bad match. Ain’t that hard to just finish it and move on

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I have yet to hear a solution I think will be good. (Remembered some I kinda liked after typing this)
Limiting them to a single class, eehh don’t like it but might be an option

Limiting how many you can place, absolutely not. I’m not gonna place down 3 that somehow never get tripped and then never get to place down any more for the entirety of the rest of the match

Giving Engies the ability, or a perk, to see and maybe disable them, this I’m for. Although you’d have to unbuff the German ones since they are underground for whatever unholy reason

Some basic ideas to balance them would probably be to increase deployment time. No near instant dropping. Needs an arming animation and whatnot. That and increase the radius that they destroy each other with. That way placing 20 of them in the same room isn’t viable because one goes off and sets off a chain reaction cleaning the entire room

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Yes I am OK with it, both of those things help the game, one will just come sooner than the other. Punishing deserters is a must for this game, no matter how small the punishment is it should be there.

Hopefully the vehicle spam is solved before the end of this year, either by time limits or spawn points.

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Punish the preemie abusers!

130421 Savoia Cavalleria_0


Add Asia server.


Okay…im awake now and read again.

AT guns:

New AT guns are cool, but what about scaling by BR?

37mm, 46mm, 47mm, 50mm, 57mm, 75mm, etc etc

75mm guns shouldnt really be BR 1

New class has me interested. Im Hoping an Officer with some kind of strategic shaping of the battle, commanding strong AI

New Frontline? What do you mean? New theatre? Heres hoping Early War France or the Defence of Italy

The rest I personally didnt find interesting. Loot boxes in warthunder are horrid because the chance is near 0.

What about:

  • Improving customisation? Vehicles (dynamic) and infantry?

This is a really big part of growing attached to your squads and vehicles. People love this stuff

  • Expanding Sub factions as sub trees for existing Nations.

  • Airfields

This addresses many of the current issues that remain untouched since merge. Pacific airspawn imbalance, suicide bomb cycling etc etc. The answer isnt making AA op, its the introduction of a delay mechanic.

And many others


Should’ve changed the silver earning ratio
Would’ve been much much better.


Yes! sounds good boys!

Hahaha we can only hope

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Global chat would be wild though, like old mw2 style wild.

I agree that low BR should have their own AT guns too (Higher armor tanks like the Matilda are kinda pointless). Officer would be interesting, I really really hope its not some sort of dumb “saboteur” or “commando” class that can get into the grayzone, it exists for a reason. There’s a discord Q&A, I would ask your most pressing question there.

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:face_with_monocle: :flushed: :flushed: :flushed: Cavalry! Yes! Gib

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I would love to work as an animator on this video game, I would really love to see reloading animations on the AT cannons, or even maybe animations for getting in and out of a vehicle, and above all good recoil animations


New Frontline?
Soviets vs Japs is likely, but I think Italy would be pretty cool too (ex. Battle for Monte Cassino)

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Can we get enlisted in Gaijin Market?

Which frontlines will be added first? And second? And third?

If we gonna have keyboard & mouse support, Will we have an input-based mm too?
Abusing console aim assists with kb&m will be too op to counter.