Our Roadmap

Absolutely no to the penalties for deserters. You should never be forced to play something you don’t want to play. Hard no.
Especially now that you don’t even get to pick (accurately) what maps you want to play.
At the VERY least, no penalty should be given for quitting right at the start, only after 5 minutes or so.

Everything else looks amazing and I’m glad you seem to have read the open letter the community were going to submit to ya’ll. Of course right now it’s all very vague, but finally, is Enlisted going to be improving?


You see, it depends on the format.

What’s the % chances to get your squad? How much a single chance cost? Can you have duplicates, or if a squad is owned it’s not in the pool?

Good luck, really. Lottery is never good news in games. Any other system to obtain old rewards is better than rng.

But what’s funny is:

“Lol, I’ve got 2000k silver! Bring it on lol rofl lmao!”
(One chance costs 100k. Every box, you have 1% chance to obtain a RANDOM old event thing, weapons, pistols and decals included.)

Eh. Thought you’d see it coming with the usual prices… :neutral_face:


Please tell me the preferred maps system will allow us to filter out an entire set of maps from one campaign, not just one map. For example, when playing tier V Germany I want to play mostly in Normandy and Bulge, and not in Rzhev or Stalingrad. I would be so happy if this could work like that.
Don’t follow the War Thunder where only a couple out of a few dozen maps can be eliminated, that would change nothing.


I strongly disagree with mnk support unless it’s only for console players with crossplay on. But if its across the board viable, then ill actually uninstall this game ina heartbeat


tbh i was gonna say that maybe they could do helldiver bp style but that might not work here (altho it pretty good tbh maybe one day it will happen)

anyway we can only wait and speculate

If the penality will be that you can’t play the faction for the duration of the game you deserted i will simply unistall Enlisted lol

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Didn’t even see the mnk support listed on there tbh.

as a PC player I guess it doesn’t impact me that much for Enlisted, but as someone who has played console games on console where they allow mnk… yeah fk that. I’m against this 100% too.

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For Germany I would add the Schwerer Gustav, japanese could get 10 of their low tier AT rifles tied together to make the ultimate type 97 AT rifle. The americans of course get the Black Dragon which I think is perfectly balanced just like the Gustav. Finally, the Soviets get some stationary Kv-2 and a Yak 9k lying on it’s belly with 45mm Armored Targets belt :wink:. I know, I am a genius, but that is out of question :slight_smile:

Do you have plans of introducing a selectable rate of fire for fully upgraded guns? Sometimes the upgraded fire rate is excessive and an option to have the lower one without using non upgraded guns would be very useful.


I think something soft like a 5 minute timer for that particular faction would be okay, but not anything more severe than that

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If i want to play i want to play now.

I am sooo thankful that you decided to introduce a way to get old event rewards. Just please, don’t block it with a paywall, like “buying the reward for silver is only available with a premium account” or something. The events were for free, so the past rewards should be realtively easily accessible too.

The preferred maps system brings hopes for repairing the damage that the merge has done (not allowing to chose the campaign anymore). But we have to see how it will be executed, hopefully in a satisfying way. Ideally, I would love to be able to chose only one campaign for consistent experience and more immersion in the battle’s reality.

And the option to postpone the booster activation really is something we didn’t even hope for, yet everybody needed it. It was always so frustrating when a 300% booster was lost on a hopeless 5 minute battle (especially on conquests that don’t even allow to gain half the points that we can get in invasion or confrontation).


oh man imagine if the penalty for desertion is losing some amount of silver that would be crazy

let hope that wont happen

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Or that in the next game you will earn half of the xp and silver :skull_and_crossbones: :scream:
That would be suicide choices

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i know which is why it is kinda scary

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Question, for the Q+A:
Any intention to improve Custom Matches in the near future?

It’s still missing a lot of customisation and features.
It’s UI has somehow been made worse with each update that actually does anything to CM’s.
It’s XP-gain punishments are horrific, especially with regards to mods but also for normal matches with low real-player counts.
It’s lack of ability to complete events is just as bad.

It needs drastically improving. Any realistic chance of this happening?


2 questions:

  1. Is any kind of customization rework being considered? current system is full of problems, at least the 80% of them are because of the menu itself, like lack of options (for example German incomplete set of uniforms that are actually complete in the editor), specific torsos being stuck with the wrong pouches, you can’t set vehicle camo for specific campaigns, lack of Italian uniforms outside Tunisia unlike the British, etc.

  2. Will we ever have an option for choosing the nationality of a new soldiers? the games have a lot of Italian and British equipment, but we are pretty limited in terms of the soldiers. Also, i already reported it a few times but some pre merge soldier had they medal/nationality changed during the merge, that was never fixed.


Global chat in menu
I don’t think it’s a good idea because of the excessive toxicity that can occur.
It would be better if it was for the group only and then on DM.

Do you also plan to be able to switch chat in battle between modes?

  1. group only
  2. teammates only
  3. all players in battle

A new battlefields
Are you planning to finally add the Reichstag after all these years since Berlin was added?
Are you planning to add a battlefield in the Berlin U Bahn? I would like to fight there.

Penalties for deserters
I don’t think it’s a good idea. You probably don’t know what a pain it is when you try your best, but your team is completely incompetent. Then also when you get a map or gamemode that you literally hate.

Revised earnings in Conquest mode
Can you add more details how?


Global Menu Chat is just going to be filled with a certain N-word, and other slurs and insults, and will get shut off in like 2 days of it’s release.
Why even bother adding it at that rate? Better yet, why is it even being considered? Should’ve been an instant NO the second it popped up in the meeting. Doesn’t exactly take a genius to figure out how online gamers act.


yea if it get convert into lobby chat (for squadding up) it would be better

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