Our Roadmap

Question for devs:
Are there any plans to give players more ways to command our AI squads? (For example formations, overwatch, order to throw a grenade etc.)
So player can either focus on shooting by himself (like now), or command his AI to fight.


No no no
I love gambling :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


i have some idea for officer but as always my idea are way too OP

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Everyone is talking about the loot boxes.

I look forward to getting a crack at old event stuff.

What about discontinued Battlepass stuff? There are a few weapons I didn’t buy enough of. And I’d like another shot at some of the soldiers and vehicles.

What about retired Premium Squads? Is there a plan to bring the back? With the inclusion of an engineer in them they are all actually really good.

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1.Do the event boxes include event squads aswell of weapons or just weapon rewards?

2.Is the RP to silver conversion voluntary or will be be forced to give up our already stored up RP for the silver once conversion is added?
3. Is the prefered map system on the chart tied to equipment or player choice?
4. How long is almost completed? Next major? this year or is it SoonTM?
5. Might some of the features still be canned, futher down the road, especialy in the "in development bracket or are those all certain to appear ingame at some point?

Gambling only works if there is a soft and hard pity.

depend if the veteran box does have old premium and bp stuff then the price might be worth it

I for sure love wasting my silver to get T-70 winter camo gold order skin.

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yea and not to mention all those Ha-Go’s (altho i bought my country one for patriotism)

Penalities for deserter

Really bad idea.


Convering excess research into silver is fantastic personally - many veteran players have 2-20mill XP saved up on their nations and new researchable content isint added fast enough

Veterans Box is also fantastic way to use up silver if newer players lack old event squads from way back!

VERY happy about road map balance, even console players finally have Mouse support so they can stop being bullied by keyboard warriors!

Q: - What is a new frontline and combat events, this is ceritanly a new feature that needs more teasing.

  • Any chance for high BR AA along with high BR AT??

Great work, hope to see all this ASAP :ok_hand: :pray: :100:

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they did mention this in the post but i am also curious about the high br aa if they have any plan for it


If you are steamrolling the other squad and have the time to build two and sit here the whole match maybe.
But in the action my FG 42 2 is better

After the last buff we don’t really need a stronger AA, all they need it is more spare ammo.

Will the rider ever be relevant again?
Will there ever be more female soldiers?
Can we add decals/camo/accessories to APCs sometime?
Will there ever be a sound overhaul for guns?
Can I have a special exclusive nickname decorator?


I don’t need a stronger AA to shoot you down Para.
You are your worst enemy.


Think bigger!
gold order HA-GOs!

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take pettiness elsewhere maybe?

Id like Question about suicide plane cycling being addressed; this is not conducive to Q&A


i did i mention it