Our Roadmap

A true Ork Wartrukk, held together by hopes and dreams of its crew.

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Event or premium me 262 could work


It will probably also contain crappy fillers like avatars, name decorators, decals, engineer hammer skin, event pistols.


Itā€™s my personal guess, and also why Iā€™m not thrilled in the slightest.

Crappy loot box system is:

  • random rewards
  • might not yield any event stuff
  • will likely cost like 100k silver a box (think about it. A tech tree weapon cost 15k to simply unlock)
  • might necessitate 100s of tries before getting what you desire, because rng lottery.

Iā€™ll wait. But It just means: never miss events.


We will see. Iā€™m optimistic.


Oh yeah i forget random crappy boosters and silver rewards.


Personally, I would like to see an option minor nation selection to be moved to the appearance customization screen. For example, choosing between the UK or US and it would switch the appearance, uniform options and voice of the soldier.

Iā€™d also lock these customization options only for campaigns that the particular countries participated in. For example, Italy would only be playable in Tunisia and Stalingrad. The UK would only be in D-Day and Tunisia.

You could also add more sub-factions this way without it getting too out-of-hand. Hungarian or Finnish troops could be added to the Axis faction for Eastern Front. Manchukuo could be added to Japan if the Manchurian Front is added. China could be added to the Allies or Siam to Japan if the Burma Campaign was added.

If you wanted to get a little crazy, then you could even add the Sino-Japanese War this way without adding an entirely new faction this way.


They will be really trash

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This here, will be the bulk of what is found in those boxes, Iā€™d bet 500k silver on it.

Just like normal events random rewards.
Just like daily lootbox.

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Here are my questions.

  • the customization has been in a poor state since itā€™s introduction back in Stalingrad. Any plan to fix it, change it, or anything?

  • will any sort of pve ever be considered to be included in enlisted?

For example, tower defences type of missions, counter attacks type of missions, or even take on larger quantities of made by artificial intelligence.

Given the success of the breaking dead event.

  • what can players expect regarding custom games improvements?

What happened to the equipment selector that was requested by the community, hinted several times coming along the merge, and to this day, we donā€™t know where has gone. Or. For example, when can players / hosters of customs expect the ability to close teams for those zombie type of missions, or trainings against bots preventing other players from joining the wrong teams and unable to do anything further because of the constant bugs and fixes required?

  • what happened to the xp / rewards promised towards custom games?

  • what modders can expect? What features will be available for creators through the editor or any quality of life ? And will we expect more guides for make the editor more bigineer - user friendly ?

Like, generally, Where are all the suggestion and introductions have been?
Any quality of life improvements for modders them selves? and create more guides available to facilitate more players getting into modding?

Itā€™s a nightmare to even do simple things such as attaching a working gun to a truck. Or to even place a decal on a tank itā€™s impossible.
Or how tremendly tedious it is to try custom profiles since to this day do not work offline in the editor. And so on and on.



I also like this idea. Most factions only have one or three campaigns. But Germany has a SIX. It would be nice to break it down so we only have to buy three sets of uniforms instead of six.


New soldier class?
Tbh Iā€™m not sure what it can be. I assume itā€™s infantry becasue of no ā€œnew vehicle classā€. Logistics? Nonsense. AA squad? Imo pointless. Partisians? Paratroopers 2.0. Officer? Not sure what he would even do. The last 2 classes had new ways of spawning so maybe yet another class with different spawn mechanic?
I have no clue. But Iā€™m 80% sure it will have acces to SMGs and/or ARs.


V2 pilot.




It will be this guy :joy:


Good to see more communication from the devs

My questions and feedback are as follows:

  1. Is there any plan to address vehicle cycling? It has been a serious issue since the beginning of this game. Another more immediate question concerns the plane spawn in the Pacific. Something needs to be done asap if the dev want to retain a healthy playerbase for Japan. It is not fun to have half of your team wiped out at the beginning of every match and the aircraft carrier spawn needs to be reconsidered.

  2. By global chat in the menu, does it include squad chat in the menu also? This should be a feature on day one.

  3. What are the planned penalties for deserters? I hope it is similar to the lineup lock in warthunder. Anything beyond that wouldnā€™t be a good change without first addressing more pressing issues like team imbalance (stack vs pub) and terrible game modes like conquest, train escort and assault.

  4. It is a great change to introduce higher br at guns, but something needs to be done to prevent players from abusing at gun he (I certainly donā€™t want to be bombarded by pak43/bs3 camper in the future). I suggest removing the ammo type from buildable at guns completely. Also pak40 is a bit overkill for low br. Maybe it is better to have three stages of buildable at guns on br1-2, 3-4, and 5.

  5. Any planned changes to the current event format? The current marathon format is understandable to retain an active player base, but to do it every single month non-stops is just tedious and tiresome. Can we have a rotation of event formats and more freedom to grind the event? Or at least, allow us to save the excess points for the next stage.

  6. Will we get tech-tree paratrooper squads with customizable gun options for each nation?

  7. Germany truly needs some attention from the dev. Not saying Germany is weak but more qol updates and event squad are necessary to keep people interested. There are just too many legacy problems in this faction, which are made worse by the merge and the lack of attention since. The priority should be to simplify and tech tree and folding excess weapons and vehicles to make it easier for new players to grind. Then, when can we expect belt-fed mg42 and the classic Opel Blitz truck? When can we have default full-auto on fg42-2 and decent ordnance on bf109g6 (250kg) and k4 (500kg) like fighters in other factions? When will the flight model for fw190d be fixed and tactical reload be added for stg44?


Kamikaze pilotā€¦ oh wait we already have them for every nation


nah iā€™ll win (literally i only need the ppk42 and i will have all event squad)

beside if it can drop past event weapon wont that mean i can get more breda pg?

It has been 3 years since the community suggested an independent PVE mode, you people have never directly responded to this issue, pretending to never see those suggestions.
So, again.
Do you have any plan about a independent PVE mode?