Our feedback is useless

in my opinion the biggest problem of DF is that they are incapable of communicating with the community about what they do
in the sense that they waste a lot of time and resources on something without first evaluating if it actually works and it happens often (for example the economy and the new guerrilla class)
the moderators can be present as much as they want and send feedback as much as they want but the problem is the development team

let’s take the guerrilla class for example
i can’t believe that after all the discussions made by the community on similar classes or mechanics after all the complaints about how problematic tanks in the gray zone are they decided that the best solution is a class that fights in the F****NG GRAY ZONE literally doubling the problem and not solving the previous one !
Besides the fact that it is practically a burden for the team (trying to cross the front line with only 4 soldiers where entire teams are massacred in seconds will most likely be a waste of tickets) and does not encourage teamwork (because from what I understand it does not even have an engineer)

And absolutely no one among all the developers thought to raise a hand and ask if it would not be a good idea to present the concept of this new class to the community before starting to use the few and precious resources available to understand where to correct before making mistakes

And the result is that they presented a class that clearly required heavy changes or literally throw it in the trash with little time before release but having also added premiums making serious changes without altering the product that the user has bought will be difficult if not impossible without creating a Stalingrad 2.0 disaster

A constant shoot first and ask later that only wastes resources and time for them and trust that they know what they are doing to us

i love enlisted and seeing it treated like this hurts and i appreciate when developers fix something or improve the game (like after fixing the disastrous first version of the economy) but until they start talking to us more and opening up to us about what they are doing and their ideas before starting to work seriously we will continue this constant marathon of failures like this 2024 has been!

There are so many suggestions that i would like to make (including a reworking of the guerrilla class) but all these disasters have made me lose a lot of confidence and desire to write because i have the feeling that what i try to suggest is simply ignored

sorry for this wall of text/emotional outburst


I am one of the people who complains the most about things on the forum, and many times I even look for a solution for it and suggest it.

And it’s not that I expect that by making my post, they will have it solved the next day, but it is true that they don’t come to the forum or they are not interested.

For example, more than a year ago I complained about the red letters above (which, although they do not bother the game, should not be seen.) and yet it continues to happen, and what is worse, the content creators of this game show it to the public.

When they did the merger, the game suffered from constant crashes and freezing that lasted for like 6 months.(I have made the complaints to the technical service if you want photos, they have been there for a year now and I was complaining for about 4 months and it kept happening.)

The funniest thing is that it may not even be the developers’ fault, but the staff’s.

(For example, I was banned for up to a year for saying on the forum that the technical staff was a group of useless people xD)

I don’t know, I would clean up and reorganize the staff and hire or put the existing members of the forum to recruit ideas.

(Today’s mods are much more patient and present than they were 2 years ago, for example.)

I think DF should fix their company so they can do the same with the game.

this one if DF fix the company and the disasters they made among all their workers, they" could" finally fix this game

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I completely agree with you all. It feels like DF ignores a lot of feedback and just goes ahead with their own decisions without considering what the community actually wants. For example, instead of adding a 100-round belt for the MG 39 like we’ve been asking, they just changed the reload time to 4.1 seconds, which does almost nothing. Come on, that’s not even a proper fix

And don’t even get me started on the customization of soldiers’ clothes. I bought some customization items when I was new, thinking they’d apply everywhere, only to find out they’re restricted to certain maps. I got a cap and coat, only to realize it’s for the Moscow map and not for Rzhev, Normandy, or Berlin.(btw they look same) What’s the point when I can’t even use them because that squad is BR V,


weren’t guerrillas an idea of the community? i remember reading on the forum a long time ago people suggesting a partizan class that could move on the gray zone

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if you search forum for long enough you will find every kind of idea. there might have been topic about it, but i wouldnt call it particularly popular idea nor imagined to go into grey zone.

here are some threads about it.

closest thing to current partisan implementation is this

or some people suggesting paratrooper be allowed in grey zone.

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but in some way was a very bad idea, other posts suggested add more cover in those places where you can spawn kill players, or penaltize them for being there so long

Well, how many people wanted grey-zones class compared to fixing maps/ new map-design policy?
Yey, they can listen, but I guess it depends on time, effort and money.

No they are not.

Certainly they are close - DF originated in Gaijin’s incubator project, but he company is registered in Latvia:
PMPC SIA does games development as Darkflow, but also has a number of other activities it is happy to take your money for - see:

Hey guys.

I’ve been following this thread closely, and I hear some of your conerns. I’m writing this post to hopefully alleviate some of them, and perhaps clear up some of the discord. So let’s get started.

First up, the devs absolutely do monitor the forums, and although on the surface it seems like they might not, remember they have a community staff that interacts with you all. Namely, the great work that our Community Managers, Major McDonalds and James Groves, does here. You have to think of them as kind of a conduit between the developers and the playerbase.

The devs have a massive laundry list of things that they, and you, all want to see help the game evolve, and make the world of Enlisted a much better place. Suggestions and discussions to help imrpove the game are always welcome, and rarely go unnoticed. Just because a suggestion doesn’t get implemented straight away (or in some cases for some time), doesn’t mean it’s falling on deaf ears.

The forum staff, moderators and community managers, but especially the Helpers, do pass on the many suggestions and reports of potential bugs onto the devs. Your feedback is incredibly important to helping the game evolve. Please don’t think it isn’t. If it wasn’t for your feedback, nothing would change.

And that’s the thing. With a live-service game in constant development, there are going to be lots of changes. We’ve seen that with the merge, with the introduction of new game mechanics (guerilla squads, for example), and with the recent economy changes. Sure, they might not be to everyone’s liking, but remember that the devs have the bigger picture, and their own path which they want to take the game down, as shown in their recent roadmap. It absolutely doesn’t mean your opinions don’t count, because they really do.

Finally, please remember that the forum staff, the moderators especially, are volunteers. We do this job for the love of the game. We want to see the game succeed as much as you do. So try to refrain from calling out the devs and the moderation staff in the forums, as it’s against the rules, and could land you with a penalty. If you have questions or issues with how somthing is being dealt with, PM one of us instead, we’re always happy to help. We don’t bite, honestly!

Anyway, I hope this helps in some way. Peace :slight_smile:


Debatible, in some way… Specially the monetization or probably the old one… But since “the Fox” is not longer the head of Game monetization i think that the things started to go in to a better way i guess…

So in a less serious way

1 0 0
M G ! ?

Besides that i think that is a good way to show that our feedback matters, in some important way : )

Terrible, TERRIBLE gun design. Whoever made this should be ashamed. Lol


I don’t know man. I had several people arguing with me telling they were one in the same. Hence, “apparently.” I like to cover my bases via careful wording in the obvious possibility I’m wrong or was given incorrect information. Lol

Dang, I didn’t realize how many people actually tried to argue with me about how they’re “the same thing”

First of all, the players themselves ignore good suggestions.


Here’s an example. Topic on an English forum, 10 likes. Topic on a Russian forum, 43 likes.
Who is to blame for YOU being ignored? You are to blame.

2 different forums and different users with different opinions each one, You cannot force us to like things that You and other users consider “good suggestions”

You liked the topic good, your decision but You can’t change other opinions :person_shrugging:

I reconize that good ideas are sometimes ignored by users but we cannot do anything after all, this forum is for showing your arguments and opinions and things like that
: )


43 likes is the Magic number??

Be careful with that Adlai, Leela. He's a doctor. They're very poor. Actually, most doctors are rich. What? - GIF - Imgur

I feel robbed!!! wheres my airfields!!!


Damm Even silent users like the parrot liked your post

And moderators Even!!! Damm crazy stuff to see


that’s why I find it so funny to read how you cry because your suggestions are ignored.

even now, you already want to fight me. Argue with me. And for what? You have no unity. YOU do not want to do good for everyone, only for yourself.
But only developers are bad.

-_- did i Even mentioned My suggestions ?
No, i mentioned japanese posts and in a funny way the belt fed MG which at this point i consider it another meme

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and I’m always ready to support a good suggestion. Even on an English forum.

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